Chapter 541 Powerful self-confidence

The Prince’s Palace of Monaco is located on the north side of the square. It was once a military fortress. It was built in the 13th century and has a long history.

The entire Prince’s Palace is not big, it looks like a rich man’s residence or a government office building. The main reason is that Monaco is too small to build a large palace.

The entire palace is divided into two parts, half of which are private residences and government offices, and the other half is a museum.

It is only open to the public when the Prince of Monaco is out, and the Royal Apartments and Napoleon Memorial can be visited.

Today, the Prince of Monaco is in the palace, and tourists cannot enter it.


“come on! Come on!!”


“Overtake them!!”


On the streets of Monaco, pedestrians uttered deafening cheers, and in the narrow track of Monte Carlo, twenty of the world’s top drivers were galloping.

The roar of the running engine, the fast and passionate invigoration, inspire people’s adrenaline.

In an open-air stand of the Prince’s Palace of Monaco, Chen Yi is sitting in a real VIP seat, watching the f1 game.

Occasionally, the crowd will scream loudly. It is an extremely rare overtaking on the Monte Carlo circuit.

Although you can’t see the excitement of racing competition on this track, only those who know f1 know how many strategies have been used in these 76 laps of the track.

On the viewing platform, the Prince of Monaco in regular clothes beckoned and watched the event. His wife, son, and Grace’s brother were among them, with a subtle smile on their faces.

Chen Yi stood beside Grace and witnessed the f1 event with the Monaco royal family and some local officials in Monaco with the invitation of personal friends.

“Ryan, are you having fun in Monaco?”

After interacting with his subjects, the Prince of Monaco walked back to the rest area and came to Chen Yi with a gentle smile.

When the prince was about fifty years old, he was a little bit down. Well, his son, the next prince, was also a little bit down.

It can only be said that the royal family on this side of Europe seems to have the gene of flatness, and Britain is the most.

“This is a beautiful country. Although I have only been here for about two weeks, it makes people linger.”

“…Unfortunately, I still have a lot of work to do in country c, and I have to go back in two days.”

Chen Yi said regretfully.

Although he is among a bunch of royal families and local government officials, Chen Yi is still full of confidence. His strong aura makes him feel like a protagonist wherever he goes, attracting the admiration and attention of others.

This is the purest self-confidence of a great power. The Monaco royal family is a p, we are still descendants of the nobles of country c. In terms of real power, you can’t compare it at all.

“Haha, next time Ryan has a chance, please come to Monaco to play more. It is very small. If you are bored, you can also go to France and visit the European continent.”(Read more @

The Prince of Monaco is very easygoing, and he winked at Grace.

The beautiful Princess of Monaco was not shy and reserved. Instead, she nodded and smiled: “…Yes, Ryan! I am very happy to play with you. Next time we have a chance, we can make an appointment to go to other places.”

“…Of course, I am also longing for your homeland. When I have free time, I will definitely go there for shopping.”

Chen Yi also didn’t have a heartbeat, and smiled and said: “…When you arrive in country c, I will be the host, and I will be your tour guide for a time, Grace.”

“Will you go to country c? I really want to go there, but it seems that I can’t go with Grace you.”

The Crown Prince of Monaco spread his hands, made a joke, teasing his sister.

This family is very easy-going, and the topics are often drawn to Chen Yi, the guest. Well, it’s still a little bit ambiguous.

However, Grace has always been noble and elegant, and she just smiled when facing these topics, and there was no emotional change.

Of course, Chen Yi knows that this is not because someone wants to hire a son-in-law for the Monaco royal family, but he and Grace have indeed gotten closer during this period of time. This family will be a little skeptical and understandable.

After all, they are all modern people, and they are still very free to fall in love, even for princesses.

“Ryan, you may participate in next year’s Olympic equestrian competition?”

The current Princess of Monaco looked very graceful, and asked curiously.

“Well, this is one of the reasons why I came to Monaco, because I heard that Grace has a very good horse here.”

“… The princess won the silver medal in the Olympic equestrian competition that year, and my goal is also the same. Of course, it would be better if I could go further.”

Chen Yi shrugged and said, with both modesty and youthful self-confidence in his words.

The princess of Monaco was an Olympic equestrian before marrying, and her best performance was to win a silver medal in the Olympics.

Because this family likes equestrianism, and the princess is beautiful and has a good background, she is pursued by the current prince, and thus she becomes the princess-this is the housework of her family that Grace told Chen Yi.. .. …

“Then I look forward to your performance in the Olympics.”

Although I haven’t seen Chen Yi’s equestrianism with my own eyes, the Princess of Monaco has a good impression of Chen Yi, a handsome, handsome, and temperament Oriental boy.

She covered her mouth with her silk gloved hand and said with a smile.

“Oh, it’s a pity, Ryan, you are leaving…or I really want to go riding with you to our horse farm in France.”

“…Although my horsemanship is not as good as my sister, horse riding is also my biggest hobby.”

The crown prince said regretfully at this time, and he could tell from his words that this family really likes horses and likes equestrianism.

“Well, there will be a dance party tonight, so let’s not disturb the young people’s chat. As the host, we must first go and discuss the layout of the dance party.”

The Prince of Monaco said with a smile.

“what about me?”

The crown prince spread his hand, and he is also considered a young man.

“You come with us and leave this to Grace and Ryan.”

The princess rebuked her son, and the family of three left, leaving it to Chen Yi and Grace.

After the three of them were gone, Chen Yi said, “…you have a very happy family, Grace.”

Chen Yi looked at the princess of Monaco, who had been silent, wearing a long skirt, with noble and cold skin, with a smile on her mouth, like a touch of warm winter sunshine.

“Well, I am very lucky and very happy to be born in such a family.”

Grace glanced at Chen Yi’s profile. She slowly retracted her gaze, pursed her lips, and walked to the rest area with Chen Yi to sit 0.0, and asked the servant to deliver two glasses of juice.

“Ryan, you are a guest. It’s good to be at the dance party at night. When I’m done, I can introduce some friends to you.”

Grace was very euphemistic, but Chen Yi understood what she meant.

This is because Grace is afraid that Chen Yi, an oriental man, does not understand the prom etiquette of the West, and will not dance those ballroom dances.

That’s why I used this way to say hello to Chen Yi in advance, let him be casual when he dances, and don’t have to worry too much about etiquette.

“Then can I ask Ms. Grace to do a dance?”

Gentleman Chen Yi’s invitation.

“Ryan, can you dance?”

Grace’s eyes lit up, with a little surprise in her tone.

“Well, don’t worry, at least I won’t step on a lady’s foot.”

Chen Yi shrugged.

Grace’s eyes curled, she covered her mouth and laughed: “…that’s enough!”.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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