Chapter 552 Trillion-dollar company

If the Hermes store is the site of Chen Yi, then Chanel’s store is the site of Nanjiyue.

Even if Chen Yi and Nan Jiyue go out to buy things, they will not make big bags. No matter what they buy, they will let the store deliver them to their home in OCT.

Just walked into Chanel’s shop, the tellers here also greeted him, but unlike the previous welcome to Chen Yi at Hermes, everyone’s goal this time was aimed at Nan Jiyue.

After all, this is a paradise for women.

“Nan, welcome, how did you come to our shop today.”

The cabinet sisters bowed and bowed just as they saw the leader when they saw Nan Jiyue.

“Coming often?”

Chen Yi asked casually. In his impression, Nan Jiyue should be the one who does not go out of the door most of the time.

“When there are new styles every month, I will ask them to send me home to choose.”

Nan Jiyue also replied casually.

Chen Yi nodded when he heard the words, just like he had sent the Hermès store in Monaco to the hotel where he was staying for selection.

This is what the real top wealthy people can do for these luxury brands. You can even let all luxury brands bring the latest products to your home to open a fashion show for you.

“How much pocket money does your parents give you in January?”

25 Chen Yi asked curiously.

Chanel’s clothes are cheap for more than 10,000, and forty to 50,000 or even hundreds of thousands are everywhere, and this brand also produces new products very quickly.

Don’t even think that Nan Jiyue is a little rich woman with tens of millions of savings in her hand, but if she buys this clothes in this way, she may be able to spend it in one or two years.

Nan Jiyue knew what Chen Yi wanted to ask, and smiled and said: “…My mother reimbursed me for the money for buying clothes. She said that only well-dressed, can boys pursue and like it.”

Mothers, especially ladies, can better understand the importance of these ladies’ external things.

After speaking, Nan Jiyue just looked at Chen Yi with a proud and provocative expression, as if to say to him, ‘Did I seduce you?’.

Chen Yi blurted out: “…Actually, Yueyue, you don’t have to change new clothes every day. It’s more attractive to me if you don’t wear clothes or wear half of your clothes.”

Nan Jiyue flushed immediately, kicked Chen Yi lightly, and quickly looked around with a guilty conscience.

The cabinet sisters around pretended not to hear, but they looked at Nan Jiyue with envy.

Someone even flattered and said: “… Nan has a boyfriend like Mr. Chen, I don’t know how many women have to be jealous.”

This is true, because many women who are shopping in the Chanel store are looking here.

There are also some pretty girls with boyfriends who just cast their eyes on Chen Yi, just to make her boyfriend feel unbearable.

Of course, Chen Yi’s picky on women’s appearance can give Nanda a perfect beautiful face, plus her dress today, it also attracts the attention of many men.

Nan Jiyue was said to be happy. She didn’t plan to buy anything, so she bought two bags and two clothes directly in the store, which made the cabinet sister smile.

However, Chen Yi looked at the cabinet sister who was familiar here with some guilty conscience.

Although he is not like Nan Jiyue, Chanel will be sent to his home whenever new clothes are on the market.(Read more @

But Chen Yi also often brought Ruan Zhuyi, Yu Jinyu and even Chu Qiang to buy things here, and he and the cabinet sister here are actually very familiar.

Fortunately, these cabinet sisters have enough EQ and IQ, and they didn’t say anything like “Mr. Chen changed girlfriend again today.”

After visiting the shop, Chen Yi took Nan Jiyue and left here quickly.

The two continued to wander around, looking at shops one after another, and finally walked to an optical shop.

Rotes glasses can be described as the most luxurious eyewear brand in the world, without any bargains at all.

Different from the dazzling spectacle counters in general spectacle shops, there are not many spectacles here, and they are roughly divided into several series. As for the price, it is even more astronomical.

Not to mention six-digit numbers, even seven-digit glasses are quite a lot.

However, in Chen Yi’s opinion, some glasses are simply too exaggerated. The reason why they are so expensive is completely caused by the diamonds inlaid on the glasses.

As soon as the waiter saw Chen Yi and Nan Jiyue’s dressing temperament, he knew that this was the real benefactor, and he also knew Chen Yi.

Immediately, he greeted him with a smile on his face, and gave a brief introduction to his own brand with simple and not annoying words.

Nan Jiyue looked at the glasses very seriously, then looked at Chen Yi, and said, “…I think these are quite suitable for you.”

“I have good eyesight and I don’t wear glasses.”

Chen Yi glanced at these glasses and said with no interest.

“Oh, you can wear flat glasses, come and try!”

Nan Jiyue greeted the clerk and asked him to fetch the glasses.

The clerk immediately took a pair of brand-new gloves and handed them to Nan Jiyue. He also took out the glasses from the counter wearing gloves.

Nanda asked Chen Yi to squat down a bit, and tried them one by one. Finally, two models were selected.

One is the classic carved style of 2018, and the other is the retro style of 1872.

Phnom Penh frames, each pair of glasses is polished by hand with the rarest materials.

One pair of glasses is very fashionable to wear, and the other pair of glasses is like returning to the beginning of the twentieth century, making people more intellectual.

After Nan Jiyue saw Chen Yi put on the gold-rimmed glasses, the gentle scum temperament came out, that is, her complexion was crimson, and her breathing was a little bit quicker.

She leaned her toes and put her wet lips to Chen Yi’s ear, and whispered: “…you are wearing these glasses tonight.”

Chen Yi glanced at her with a smile, and asked in a low voice, “…Then how do you cooperate?”

“There are so many lo skirts in my closet. Can you choose me to wear them?”

Nan Jiyue said with wintry eyes.

When Chen Yi heard this, he immediately clapped and said: “…just these two glasses!”

The waiter hurriedly went to the packaging with joy. One of Chen Yi was put on directly. Just when Chen Yi was about to pay, Nan Jiyue took out the card first:

“…I haven’t given you a gift, and these two glasses should be my gift to you.”

Chen Yi glanced at her with a faint smile and said, “…Why do I always feel that this gift actually makes you excited and happy.”

His face blushed and he didn’t say a word.

The two glasses totaled more than 800,000, which was simply scary, but Nan Jiyue paid without blushing and breathing.

This made Chen Yi sigh. As expected, only Nan Jiyue can be as big as Chen Yi’s current consumption outlook.

After buying glasses, Nan Jiyue felt tired. Chen Yi and him found a dessert shop in the mall.

This is a very high-end dessert shop, but it’s not too expensive to be unbearable, and ordinary people can eat it if they are cruel.

A cup of coffee, a cup of fruit tea, a few desserts, the two found a place where no one was sitting.

Nan Jiyue took a bite of the macaron, then 803 frowned and put it down, dissatisfied: “…This is too bad. Next time, let a special French pastry chef make it for me.”

Chen Yi directly picked up the piece of macaron that Nan Jiyue had just bitten and tasted it. It was too sweet, so he threw it aside.

Nanda has no concept of waste at all, saying that if you don’t eat it, you don’t eat it. As for the two macarons are worth hundreds of or something, she doesn’t care at all.

Chen Yi drank the black coffee in the cup, ate the dessert, and looked around. Then he was attracted by a beautiful girl sitting at the table next to him, or by the things on her mobile phone.

Nan Jiyue, who was eating, followed Chen Yi’s gaze, and saw that the girl sitting at the table next to the two was quite beautiful, but she said a little sourly: “…What are you looking at, Xiao Yizi.”

“Look at the app that the girl is using on her phone, Douyin, my company’s brand, and a similar short video Kuaishou is also in the final preparation stage.”

“…Do you believe Yueyue? The next period will be the rapid development of short videos. This is an absolute outlet. When the company goes public, I am confident that their market value will be more than one trillion soft sister coins.”

“Short video social networking will become the most important meaning of the Internet market, even comparable to social software such as qq and vx!”

“…Among the nearly one billion Internet users in my country, very few have a university degree or above. Text-based social networking has great limitations, and short videos are just a substitute for it.”

Chen Yi said confidently and talked freely there.

If it is just Douyin, it will naturally not be able to achieve such a market value, but Kuaishou is completely fine. The user base of this very ‘earth’ short video is really too large.

This is the wealth of the Internet! .

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