Chapter 556 You say i plagiarize? I will buy you!


Sitting in his president’s office, Chen Yi frowned.

Chen Yi’s corporate headquarters is not located in the CBD center in Shanghai.

Although locating the company’s headquarters in the cbd center seems to be bigger and more face, but too much care about face will only make yourself embarrassed.

Today, Chen Yi is not rich enough to rent an entire building in the CBD to use as an office.

Because Chen Yi knew that his company would have a lot of employees in the future, he had planned for a rainy day and rented a commercial building in advance.

And setting the company’s headquarters address in Changning District has many advantages.

Shanghai is very large, and each district is different, some districts are poor and others are rich.

The headquarters address is set here, first, the rent is cheap, saving upfront costs.

Second, the district government of Changning District will pay more attention to Chen Yi. In order to keep the great god Chen Yi, it will certainly give various preferential treatments and legal conveniences.

The name of Pizza Hut at the Goose Factory was also typed in this way.

Moreover, Chen Yi believes in a word, if the mountain is not high, the immortal is the name, and the water is not deep, but the dragon is the spirit.

When Chen Yi’s company became famous and became a well-known behemoth, even this seemingly ordinary area would become famous because of him.

Sitting behind the desk, Chen Yi took the coffee from the assistant, took a sip and looked at Han Yifan:

“……Be more specific.”

Plagiarism is big and big, and small is also small.

It’s like the goose factory has been plagiarizing for so long and still earning a lot of money, but now it is no better than a dozen years ago, which will always bring a bad reputation.

“Yes, President Chen!”

Han Yifan replied, feeling awe-inspiring.

In its place, majesty is born.

Chen Yi has been the boss for a long time, and his status has changed significantly.

Spending money lavishly also allowed him to see a wider world, and his grandfather’s relationship gave him a higher vision.

Today’s Chen Yi’s temperament has become more and more solemn, with a palpable Weihe.

Ordinary people who stand in front of him and look at him blankly for a few moments will feel shocked.

This is the aura.

“Yes, there is a short video app called from North America.”

“… An employee of the company found that someone on the Internet said that our Douyin is very similar to this app, and that it was the product of the company we copied.”

“After the employees put it forward, the company’s leadership also paid attention to it and tried the app as soon as possible.”

“…In some UI design and usage, our app is really similar to this”

“Especially this app was released before our Douyin, so…”

Chen Yi didn’t say anything when he heard it. Of course he understood what Han Yifan meant next.

Even if their own products are not plagiarized.

But it is very similar to the other party’s product, and the other party releases it before you, so you won’t have any reason to be recognized for plagiarism.(Read more @

Even if the other party has fallen in the end, and your product soars into the sky, this plagiarism hat cannot be taken off.

“Show me that app.”

Chen Yi reached out his hand.

Han Yifan quickly turned on his mobile phone, opened the North American app, and handed it to Chen Yi respectfully.

Chen Yi looked at this app called, sliding his fingers back and forth, let alone, it really looks like Douyin.

“How is the user traffic of this app? How famous is it in North America?”

Chen Yi pondered for a moment and asked.

“According to our survey, this app has about 6 million users in North America, which is very popular among local young people.”

Han Yifan said cautiously.

Now Douyin has just launched, and the user traffic has reached millions. From this point of view, it seems that this app is not a big deal.

But you must know that Chen Yi spent a lot of advertising expenses to promote Douyin, and the population of country c and America can’t be compared.

It can be said that the app is already very powerful in North America.

“Sure enough, no one can be underestimated…”

Chen Yi muttered to himself.

There are too many people who can see the short video, and even many companies are doing it, even the goose factory.

It’s just that Chen Yi took advantage of the system and took a step forward.

Some people in North America have seen the future social trend, and it is reasonable to take this step in advance.

But how to say it, people who take one step ahead may not be able to reach the end, so it is not difficult to say that they want to surpass the company’s products.

But this also allows Chen Yi to always warn himself not to be arrogant and not to underestimate the heroes of the world.

“Call the chief engineer and art designer.”

“Wait a minute, President Chen!”

“Mr. Chen, I assure you that I really did not copy our products, and even if it hadn’t been discovered by employees, I didn’t know that there was a platform.”

“…And, and I also designed it in accordance with your requirements.”

The technical art designer surnamed Liu said carefully, and took a peek at Chen Yi.

Because his words are suspected of throwing the pot.

Chen Yi wasn’t angry about this, because he really pointed his fingers in the art design, and asked these people to do it according to his impression of Douyin.. …..

On the other side, the chief engineer surnamed Sun also said: “…Mr. Chen, I have studied this app.”

“…Their core algorithm is far from ours. It can be said that only in terms of product quality, we can beat it.”

“So you don’t have to worry about it becoming our competitor.”

Chen Yi pressed his forehead. As expected, those who were engaged in technology only engaged in technology, and he didn’t understand some things.

Chen Yi knocked on the table and slowly said: “…Manager Sun, I have never regarded it as our competitor.”

“…The main problem is that our product targets are global. If we want to enter North America, this is a barrier that cannot be passed.”

“It doesn’t matter if our main user group is in country c, but as long as we enter North America, the relationship with this company will become competition.”

“…As long as they accuse us of plagiarism, it will make our strategic planning very difficult and make it difficult for us to move.”

“In addition to North America, we have to enter other markets, such as island countries, such as Europe.”

“… And if we are frustrated in North America, then entering other markets will also become difficult. This is caused by the international status of the United States.”

“Besides, Zuckerberg is not stupid, he can be said to be the king of foreign society, how can he fail to understand the importance of short videos.”

“…If he buys this company and blocks us in the name of it, then the predicament we face will be even greater.”

“Anyway, face is a local snake in Europe and America.”

Chen Yi’s words made everyone silent. Hearing what he said about 0.0, everyone also discovered that this is a troublesome thing.

“Then should we redesign it?”

Liu Fine Arts asked Chen Yi tentatively.

“Our app also has nearly tens of millions of users. If you change it slowly, it’s okay, but the full change is too much work, it can’t be completed in a short time, and the cost is too high.”

Chen Yi shook his head in denial.

Then he suddenly had an idea, and said to Han Yifan: “…Yifan, please contact the company.”

When everyone was at a loss, Chen Yi smiled and said: “…Since the other party’s existence is too dangerous and there is a gap, we can’t solve the other party in a short time.”

“…Then we have to change our mindset to find a way. We don’t want to compete, how to spare North America’s laws on plagiarism.”

“We can acquire it directly before fb, and let the enemy become our own!”

Chen Yi learned this trick from the goose factory.

You say i plagiarize? Then I will buy you! .

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