Chapter 557 The Way of the King

“Wonderful, President Chen!”

“… Your move broke the game all at once. As expected, Mr. Chen, I didn’t expect it before.”

Han Yifan patted his head in annoyance, looking at Chen Yi with an expression that he was really stupid, even this point.

The artists and engineers beside him looked at him with contempt.

You are not embarrassed.

However, the two also had to admire Han Yifan, no wonder he was trusted and appreciated by President Chen.

Not only does he have the ability, but he always does the job of the account well. It is indeed not what ordinary people can do to be able to flatter in such a cheeky and embarrassing manner.

At the very least, the chief engineer knows that he can’t do this. He is a science man who can only engage in technology.

“Okay, let alone some, Yifan, you will contact the North American side in a while to see if the other side has the intention of being acquired.”

“…As long as the other party has this idea, we will discuss it in detail, as long as the price is within our acceptable range.”

“If the talks are successful in the end, we will directly divert users of this app into our Douyin, and then use them as a pedal to enter the North American market.”

Chen Yi turned a Marlboro pen with his finger, and all kinds of information were in his mind.

“It was intended to be gradual, but now that there is an opportunity, let us be more radical and let the overseas department that we have built can be quickly established.”

“…First go to the United States to get an office and establish a branch at any time. You are responsible for all these matters.”

Hearing Chen Yi’s order, Han Yifan did not smile hippiely, but seriously responded, and took out a pen and paper to record Chen Yi’s request.

No wonder so many leaders like their subordinates to take pen and paper to record leadership commands at any time.

Regardless of whether the pen and paper are really useful, Chen Yi, as the leader, feels comfortable seeing his subordinates work so hard anyway.

Subconsciously, it makes people think that this person is capable of work.

After giving orders to Han Yifan, Chen Yi looked at the art design department again and said:

“…Liu Art, if it can buy the other party at a reasonable price, this is the best solution.”

“But there is no absoluteness, whether it is the other party’s refusal to be acquired or the negotiation takes too long, it will be detrimental to us.”

“…So starting from today, your department will redesign a set of art ui, and check it out for me before designing. Don’t have such an oolong.”

“This is our alternative. If the acquisition fails, your department will take responsibility.”

Chen Yi’s tone was very serious. He looked at the leader of the technical and art department blankly and said word by word.

I live and emigrate, cultivate my body. After staying at this peak position for a long time, Chen Yi has long been not angry with himself, and what he says makes people afraid to despise.

Liu Fine Arts felt awe-inspiring. Although he was depressed, he still had to cheer up and agree to it.

“Okay Mr. Chen, I see, our department will definitely complete the task you assigned.”(Read more @

Grandma’s, it’s going to work overtime again.

Liu Fine Arts muttered in his heart.

Redesigning a set of ui is equivalent to doing the work in the previous months for nothing, and the entire department has to work overtime to catch up.

And if this is the best thing to use in the end, if the acquisition is successful, then the work of their department during this period of time will be wasted.

But is there any way? At the request of the boss, the subordinates will have to break their legs. The boss will not care whether you are difficult or not, but will only look at the results of the work.

“Lao Sun, the update and optimization of the algorithm have been going on. This is our leading part, and we must always lead.”

Chen Yi looked at the chief engineer again.

“Mr. Chen, you have given us the most important part of this algorithm. We are standing on the shoulders of giants and will not let you down.”

Engineer Sun patted his chest and said, as to where Chen Yi got such a set of algorithms, he would not ask, nor dare to ask more.

Chen Yi also nodded in relief.

Although the system gave Chen Yi a set of algorithms, he was not involved in technical procedures, and as a boss he would not have to go to battle in person.

So handing over this set of algorithms to a team for more in-depth research and development is an inevitable result.

With a high salary and a terrifyingly exaggerated trade secret contract, this engineer Sun will not leak these algorithms.

And when the short video app has an algorithm, it is actually to see who seizes the market first.

As long as Chen Yi occupies most of the market, it doesn’t matter if the algorithm is leaked then.

Instead, Chen Yi can directly use legal means to make himself a fortune.

Therefore, the most important thing is to ensure the security of the previous algorithm.

Chen Yi is very accurate at every step. He does not give people a chance to betray himself. He will never make a desperate move. It is a last resort.

“The ui of the fast hand also needs Liu Fine Arts you to pay more attention to it. This app does not need to be as small and fresh as Douyin, it can be a little bit more earthy.”

“…These tasks are very important. You must do a good job. If you don’t have enough manpower, talk to the administrative department about hiring some employees.”

Liu Fine Arts, who had a distressed expression and felt that he had a lot of work, immediately felt refreshed when he heard this.

Recruitment is actually an opportunity for a department leader to expand his power. Chen Yi gave him such an opportunity.

Now the company is taking off, and everyone is indeed united.

But Liu Fine Arts is also an old man in society, knowing that he will wait until the company becomes bigger.

Whether it’s middle-level or high-level, there are bound to be factions overwhelming.

In the end, how much real power you can have in the company depends on your personal preparations during the development of the company.

Of course Chen Yi understands this, and he does not intend to make everyone in the company one mind. In the future, constraints on each other will inevitably arise.

If you really fight with one mind, then Chen Yi has to be careful.

This is a small imperial court similar to ancient times. Chen Yi is the emperor and possesses supreme power.

807  And every high-level minister is a minister, not to mention Chen Yi. Throughout the ages, no one can make subordinates not think differently.

This is human nature and cannot be changed.

What Chen Yi needs to do is to grasp the main development direction of the company and pay attention to being overpowered or pulled down by others.

Of course, that was after the company’s financing, Chen Yi faced the problems that the major shareholders needed to solve. Now he only needs to pay attention not to be pitted by his subordinates.

‘No wonder the ancient emperors wanted to pull one faction and fight another faction. Some emperors really didn’t know who was a loyal minister or a traitor? ’

‘…But whether it’s a loyal or a traitor, it’s not good for the emperor. Balance is the emperor’s way. ’

Chen Yi has a deep understanding.

Fortunately, this is just a company that does not really govern a country, otherwise Chen Yi would also feel exhausted.

While mastering the supreme power, there will always be something to lose.

Then he looked at Han Yifan, his personal assistant. In ancient times, he should have been a general manager, right?

Han Yifan felt hairy when Chen Yi saw him, and could only laugh with him there.

Chen Yi ordered a few people to leave the office after finishing the work. He finally calmed down for the time being.

At this time, a phone call came in, Chen Yi glanced at the caller ID, and said after connecting: “…Cai Ge, why did you think of calling me?”

The person who called Chen Yi was the one I met on the Victoria’s Secret Show last year, and his father was Cai Mao, the head of the aviation sector. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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