Chapter 559 A “scumbag” enough for women to recognize

I have memories of Qi Yuxuan Chen Yi.

At that time, Chen Yi had just settled a relationship with Yu Jinyu. During his military training, the bitch brought his roommate over.

After that, when Chen Yi took the bitch to go shopping, he also bought some things for her roommate by the way.

However, Chen Yi didn’t spend a lot of money, that is, one thousand or eight hundred yuan. Even for Chen Yi at that time, this was a very cheap thing.

Since then, he has not had any contact with Qi Yuxuan, nor have the two exchanged contact information.

Over time, as Chen Yi comes into contact with more people, he knows higher ranks. After seeing and playing with countless beauties, his memory of Qi Yuxuan fades.

When we met today, the memories of the past are reminiscent.

Qi Yuxuan has always left Chen Yi with the impression that she has a hot and sexy body, and she doesn’t say anything about her looks. After all, she is a student of Shenxi, so she is not ugly.

Today’s Qi Yuxuan still wears bold, very kind of nightclub queen fan.

The red hair in the memory has been changed to a tan, and the close-fitting white blouse can show the girl’s figure very well, and she is becoming more upright and towering, making it difficult to be attracted by the sight.

The makeup is exquisite, the shirt is overlaid with a plaid shirt, and the black short skirt is a pair of boots.

The plump thighs between the boots and the skirt are more vigorous, sexy and full of vitality.

In Chen Yi’s memory, Bitch 807 seems to say that his roommate likes to practice yoga.

It seems that this girl named Qi Yuxuan has been practicing diligently to have such a good figure similar to the European beauty star.

Compared to Qi Yuxuan’s fiery figure, Yu Jinyu, who is standing next to her in a pink dress, looks a little thinner.

But petite is beautiful, sexy and tall is also beautiful, it happens that Chen Yi is a fraternity man, he likes it all.

“Are you… Qi Yuxuan? It’s been a long time since I saw you.”

When Chen Yi saw Qi Yuxuan and Yu Jinyu coming together, he just walked up to them and said with a smile.

“Young Master Chen, it’s been a long time since I came here suddenly, didn’t I disturb you?”

Qi Yuxuan’s personality is the same as her figure, very enthusiastic.

But because it was Chen Yi, there was some subtlety in that enthusiasm.

Chen Yi’s identity is there. If you are too enthusiastic to greet him, it is likely to make him feel dissatisfied.

This is the same as when you meet Xiao Wang while shopping outside, and you think you are very familiar with it, and Xiao Wang will absolutely ignore you.

People like Chen Yi are not celebrities, so they don’t need to pay much attention to their own image.

It can be arrogant and close to the people, depending on the mood at the time.

Qi Yuxuan looked at Chen Yi, who was wearing an equestrian uniform in front of him and was even more handsome. Her eyes were complicated and her mood was even more complicated.

Qi Yuxuan was very curious after hearing her roommate Yu Jinyu said last year that she had found a financial father’s father.(Read more @

She wanted to know what kind of financial father Yu Jinyu, who has a complicated and very realistic family, has found.

That’s why she and Yu Jinyu attended the military training graduation ceremony of Chen Yi School and met Chen Yi at that time.

At that time, Qi Yuxuan felt that Yu Jinyu had made a profit. After all, such a handsome financial father was better than those greasy middle-aged uncles.

Even being with such a young and handsome man is more like falling in love.

Even if there is no status, it makes people thrilled.

At that time, Qi Yuxuan was a little bit cramped when he saw Chen Yi, just like an ordinary person saw a rich second generation with a not simple family background, he would be a little more careful.

But over time, everything has changed drastically.

Chen Yi’s reputation is getting bigger and bigger, and now he is a real national-level husband, and almost no one does not know him when he walks outside.

And his family background has also led to various speculations on the Internet, and such speculations will only make him more mysterious and charming.

An increasingly handsome face and a graceful and steady manner, as well as the talent that has been recognized by others and the act of righteousness and courage in the past.

It can be said that in the eyes of many people, Chen Yi is already an exceptionally perfect man, who does not know how many women truly exist at the prince charming level.

At this time, if you say to outsiders that I am his little lover.

Not only will other people not despise Chen Yi’s private life, but they may also tease you just like that. Chen Dashao probably looks down on you.

This is the impression of a man who is too perfect, enough to make a woman feel inferior, and make a woman forget what a ‘scumbag’ is.

So Qi Yuxuan thinks Yu Jinyu is lucky.

If Yu Jinyu only knows Chen Yi now, it may be because of the gap between the two. Even if Yu Jinyu takes the initiative to be Chen Yi’s little lover, Chen Yi may not necessarily agree.

I don’t know how many women are robbing the identity of this little lover.

It can only be said that Yu Jinyu knew Chen Yi before Chen Yi himself made his fortune, which made the two of them close.

If this were only the case, Qi Yuxuan didn’t think much.

But people are the least tempted.

Yu Jinyu used to buy cosmetics and had to plan carefully and compare various online to find the best quality options.

Now Yu Jinyu buys cosmetics that are all the kind of lady-level products that can be tens of thousands of dollars at every turn. It is really all money used on her face.

And she also saw that Yu Jinyu had several Hermes bags, the cheapest one was also worth 60,000 to 70,000 yuan, and the most expensive one was even as high as 300,000 yuan.

To be honest, there are many second generations who come to Shenxi to find women, but such generous second generations are rare, unless it is true love.

Especially during a small chat, Qi Yuxuan learned that Chen Yi also bought an insurance for Yu Jinyu.

As long as she stays with Chen Yi for ten years, she can get a house in Shanghai. This is an excessive preference.

Some time ago, Yu Jinyu was even more excited and told her that her financial father had given her a small role in a big movie.

This is no longer a question of how rich Chen Yi is, but how capable and energetic he is.

Those superficial second generations who came to Shenxi to find women and this comparison are simply Yinghuo and Haoyue.

It can be said that everything that Yu Jinyu has now is something that many women will never get.

Qi Yuxuan is not a particular person who worships money. Even though her family conditions are average, she has never sold herself out for money.

It’s just that when you are around you in all aspects, and even worse than your friends and girlfriends in some places, you will be completely crushed in terms of living standards and food and clothing costs.

Especially when the life that the other person enjoys is completely unimaginable for you, Qi Yuxuan will also be jealous and envious when it is truly ‘upper’.

Other people’s phoenixes spread their wings and fly high, but she is depressed. Sometimes Qi Yuxuan will also wonder why that person is not herself.

Slowly, this feeling corroded her heart and made her more painful.

Yu Jinyu’s existence was already a poison that caused her pain and poisoned her.

She knew that Yu Jinyu had fallen in love with that man a long time ago, and which woman would not love that man…

Once a sparrow flew on a branch and became a phoenix, even if he had no status, he could still live the life of the so-called “rich man” wife, and even be able to pursue his own dreams and value realization.

Tea, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea have long been far away from Yu Jinyu.

And her once glamorous bird has now turned into a sparrow, eclipsing her.

The gap in my heart, the gap in status, is enough to torture people’s hearts.

So when Yu Jinyu said that she was going to find her own golden father and learn how to ride horses by the way, she followed in a ghostly manner. .

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