Chapter 560 Chen Dashao

The moment Qi Yuxuan saw Chen Yi was complicated and unspeakable, she thought of everything from the first time she saw Chen Yi to the present.

It can only be said that a woman’s mind is really hard to guess.

Chen Yi didn’t know that Qi Yuxuan thought of so much at that moment, but greeted her in a friendly way.

Yu Jinyu was afraid that Chen Yi was dissatisfied because she hadn’t told him that Qi Yuxuan would come over in advance, so she quickly said: “…Papa, Yu ~ Xuan has never rode a horse.”

“She is very curious about riding horses, so I will take her over to take a look. We will definitely not affect your training.”

Chen Yi asked Yu Jinyu if he wanted to ride a horse. The mounter who had never rode a horse was curious because he was curious, and because he hadn’t seen Chen Yi for a long time, he was full of heart-happily agreed.

There are many women who have had relationships with Chen Yi. He has a lot of friends and friends, and someone will always introduce him to beautiful girls.

But there are fewer people who have a long-term relationship with Chen Yi. Among these people, Yu Jinyu is one of Chen Yi’s favorites, because she is sensible and will come.

If it were in an ancient palace, Yu Jinyu might not be the most beautiful in the harem, but it must be the one that will please the emperor the most.

“It’s okay, just come and play if you want, but I have to train for a while, I guess I won’t be able to entertain you well.”

Chen Yi shook his head and said with a smile.

Seeing this, Yu Jinyu was relieved.

She knows men too well, and she also knows the possessiveness and dominance of men with status and status like Chen Yi.

Yu Jinyu made the decision this time without telling him in advance. She was actually quite afraid of Chen Yi being angry.

In fact, Chen Yi doesn’t care about his own woman’s opinion. He likes a living person, not a doll who has no emotions and only listens to his own commands.

Of course, this opinion must be within a certain range.

If it exceeds this range and meets Chen Yi’s bottom line, then he will show his frightening side.

Chen Yi wouldn’t let a woman go crazy.

The tension in Qi Yuxuan’s heart gradually receded, and to be honest, she was also quite scared when she came uninvited.

Today’s Chen Yi has this majesty without anger and self-prestige. Just facing him will make people feel embarrassed.

“Hee hee~~ The gold master’s father is the best.”

Biaozhu came to Chen Yi’s side and twisted his arms back and forth, making a soft and coquettish voice.

The girl’s body is soft, and that soft touch like water makes Chen Yi a little bit contemplative.

“When am I bad!”

Chen Yi pretended to be angry, and amused Yu Jinyu giggled, like a crooked little fairy.

In front of her roommate, Yu Jinyu didn’t mean to be euphemistic. If he should be called Jinzhu’s father, he would be called Jinzhu’s father, and if he should be pleased, he would be pleased.

“Sister Qi, I won’t entertain you anymore. Let’s watch and play here with Hou Hou.”

After Chen Yi and Biaobian teased a few words, they said to Qi Yuxuan.

Qi Yuxuan was flattered, and said hurriedly: “… Shao Chen, you are busy with you, don’t care about me and Jin Yu.”

“Then Yuxuan and I will learn how to ride a horse here, and you will train, Father Jinzhu.”

Yu Jinyu said with a charming smile at the corner of her eyes.

Chen Yi glanced at her in a pink dress, and then at Qi Yuxuan, who was wearing a sexy dress, and said with no anger, “…you are still riding horses in this way.”

“…If you wear it like this, the skin on your legs must be worn out.”(Read more @

Yu Jinyu looked at herself and then at Qi Yuxuan, and said in surprise: “…Can’t you wear it like this?”

Qi Yuxuan was also a little flustered. She had never rode a horse before, and she didn’t know what requirements she had for riding a horse.

Chen Yi directly beckoned to a female equestrian coach, and said to her: “… Directly give them an annual card.”

“…Then you take them to get a suit that suits your body shape, ask for the best, and you will take them to practice in a while.”

The female coach’s expression was pleasantly surprised.

Whether it is buying riding uniforms or attending classes, she has a share, which is much more expensive than a fitness instructor. After all, this is a noble sport.

Qi Yuxuan opened her mouth to say something, but she didn’t dare to let Chen Yi pay for it, because she had nothing to do with Chen Yi.

However, Biaobian has already dragged her to change her clothes, and even said: “…Oh, my father does not like others to reject him.”

“…He won’t care about the money, let’s go!”

Qi Yuxuan groaned, thanked Chen Yi, and went to look at the clothes under the leadership of the coach.

Shan Zeng Pingcuo walked over with the’Qin Chao’, looked at the backs of Yu Jinyu and Qi Yuxuan, and asked, “…little lover?”

He has contact with a lot of wealthy people, so he knows the private lives of those people very well.

“Um. ”

Chen Yi did not deny either.

Shan Zeng Puncuo frowned and said, “…Why did you bring your little lover to the racecourse? Don’t delay your training.”

He was a little bit dissatisfied, for fear that Chen Yi, like the second-generation playthings, would be difficult to hold on.

“Don’t worry, teacher, I can’t bother me… And if there are girls watching me practice, won’t you be more motivated by me.”

Chen Yi shrugged and smiled.

Shan Zeng Puncuo snorted with a smile, “…you justify everything you say, come on, let’s start practicing!”

Because training equestrianism is too expensive for both venues and horses, it is difficult for the country to take it seriously.

Therefore, even the Olympic equestrian team does not have a dedicated venue and needs to borrow a private racetrack for training.

Anyway, the entire Olympic equestrian team is just two or three people.

The owner of the Shanghai Equestrian Club Shan Zeng Puncuo knew him, and he offered a discount for renting the venue. In addition, there was state reimbursement, which actually cost no money.

·· ·····Find flowers 0 0

Although Chen Yi doesn’t care about money, he also likes whoring for nothing, and whoring is really happy.

Chen Yi started training here, and Yu Jinyu and Qi Yuxuan also finished changing their clothes.

The equestrian uniform is worn like a knight, which makes the girl handsome.

The coach found two gentle-tempered horses and taught some basic movements, that is, leading the horses and leading the two girls around in circles to get them used to riding.

On horseback, Yu Jinyu and Qi Yuxuan were feeling the joy of riding while watching Chen Yi who was training in a large area in the distance.

“Chen Yi has a really good character.”

Qi Yuxuan sighed at Yu Jinyu.

“Gold Master’s father is very gentle, as long as you don’t touch his bottom line, he will never be angry.”

Yu Jinyu stared at Chen Yi, a way of deep love.

“What’s the bottom line?”

Qi Yuxuan was a little curious.

“He didn’t tell me, I just have been with him for a long time and summed it up by myself.”

“…Actually, that’s the case. For example, don’t get too close to other men, just stop communicating in general.”

“The other thing is don’t be too capricious. You can act like a baby, but don’t really be pampered.”

What Yu Jinyu said was the utmost truth, and it was entirely a harem concubine trying to please the emperor and not annoying the emperor.

“Have Chen Yi hit you?”

Qi Yuxuan turned her sideways and asked in a low voice.

Yu Jinyu looked at her in surprise and asked, “…Why are you hitting me?”

“Don’t you know our senior sister? She is pretty long, and I have a rich second-generation boyfriend. I buy this and that, and I see her every day.”

“… Some time ago, the senior sister had a blue nose and swollen face, and she still needs makeup to cover up. It is said that her second-generation boyfriend drank too much and was in a bad mood to vent her anger.”

“She was afraid of others’ jokes, so she insisted that she fell by herself, and she didn’t give up on the scorer.”

Yu Jinyu suddenly said, “…you are talking about that senior sister.”

“…Hee hee, don’t talk about beating me, the father of the gold master hasn’t scolded me, he’s telling me that I’m so behaved, how could he be willing.”

Yu Jinyu chuckled, but her beautiful and pure eyes were full of amorous feelings, and a strong sense of happiness was about to come out.

Qi Yuxuan understood at this time.

This is where Yu Jinyu is so cute, but Chen Yi really has a very good personality.

Is it because that senior sister is not behaved? She is also well-behaved, but she will still be beaten because her boyfriend is in a bad mood.

It can only be said that Chen Yi is not the kind of second generation with a superficial set behind a set, but a really elegant man like a noble son. zero.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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