Chapter 571 This son-in-law, I’m going to make an appointment!

In the imperial capital, a Maybach parked low-key in front of a luxurious building on the ten-mile long street in the center of the imperial capital.

The building has a sense of age, and it forms a beautiful landscape along Shilichang Street together with the Imperial Hotel and the museum.

There are many guards on Shili Changjie. Many soldiers in plain clothes and uniforms are standing at their posts. It can be described as a real five-step one post and ten steps one post.

This long street is the safest street in country c.

“Mr. Nan, it’s already here.”

Maybach stopped in the front center of the building, and the driver said to Nan Bin who was sitting in the back seat.

The assistant sitting in the co-pilot immediately got out of the car, opened the door for Nan Bin, and respectfully watched him get out of the car.

“You don’t need to follow, go find a place to rest with Xiao Li, and call you to pick me up when I finish talking.”

Following Nan Bin, the assistant who was about to follow his boss into the door was stunned when he heard this, and felt a little weird.

To be honest, the assistant was surprised that my boss would come out to receive him in person today.

You must know that Nan Bin is now in a semi-retired state and spends most of his time in the family.

The entire Nanxing Capital also has many investment managers and teams that have grown up, and the company has also entered a state of saturation.

It can be said that the entire company does not need this big boss to work hard for a long time, and he usually has very little work.

It is rare that people will come out to receive people in person like this, and they will only do so when they receive some very high-ranking big capitalists or high-ranking officials.

But the assistant heard from the boss before that the person he met this time was just a ‘client’ who asked him for financing.

No matter how important the ‘client’’s business is, it’s actually enough to find an investment manager for this kind of thing.

And it is too strange to have the big boss personally come out.

Yin Nanbin’s current status in the investment circle has long since been unnecessary.

Curious, the assistant asked tentatively: “… Mr. Nan, who are you going to see today?”

“See my future son-in-law!”

Nan Bin said with a smile.

I have worked with my boss for several years, and the assistant who is very familiar with the boss’s temperament knows.

The boss is actually very happy now, and he can see that he has a lot of interest and a good impression of the “son-in-law” he is about to meet.

For a moment, the assistant was amazed, but I don’t know which lucky man got the favor of Nantah.

However, judging from the boss’s expression, he should be an extremely good son-in-law, otherwise Nan Zong would not be able to smile all over his face, but should be frowning.

“The boy who can be admired is absolutely outstanding.”

The assistant flattered.(Read more @

Nan Bin laughed and said, “…I know what you want to say, I will have a chance to see it.”

Why doesn’t Nan Bin know what his assistant thinks? He just wanted to ask who the man who fell in love with Nan Jiyue was, and wanted to get to know him.

Seeing that the boss said so, the assistant was not good at what to say, just said: “…Then I and Xiao Li will go to the lobby to rest, and you will call us when you are done.”

After speaking, the assistant returned to the car and asked the driver to take him to park the car.

Since the boss didn’t want him to participate, he certainly wouldn’t be stupid, he insisted on following.

Before long, a very ordinary Mercedes-Benz S-Class car also stopped in front of the gate of this building. A doorman ran to pull the door and Chen Yi got out of the car.

Chen Yi’s company has long established a branch in the Imperial Capital, and it was the driver of the Imperial Capital who drove him.

Standing in front of this age-like building and looking around, Chen Yi tidied his neckline and walked in.

This is the Chang’an Club, the earliest private business club in country c, and it was created by the first group of big businessmen who went to sea to do business that year.

There are many big men who have joined this club. If the c Congress where Chen Yi visited before, most of them were executives and diplomats from foreign companies.

Then the Chang’an Club is the real place where big leaders from all walks of life gather.

Like Xiangjiang Li Family, they are all members here.

Looking at the location of this private club is on Shili Long Street, you know the style and luxury here, as well as its hidden energy.

Walked into the magnificent and splendid hall, and said his name to the sweetly smiling welcoming guests at the front desk.

Immediately there was a special person to guide, and Chen Yi came to a courtyard called “Niannujiao”.

If the c Congress is built in a courtyard house, every place where guests receive business talks is a small courtyard.

Then the place of discussion here looks more like an assembly hall for foreign guests.

The red carpet, antique furniture, the overall decoration is very retro and modern humane.

When Chen Yi walked into this courtyard, he saw Nan Jiyue’s father.

Chen Yi’s expression is not at all as worried as the entrepreneurs who are seeking investment, and there is no worry that the son-in-law will see the old man.

He was full of confidence, and walked forward arrogantly, as if he was the master here.

Until I walked to Nan Jiyue’s father, he asked politely, and then sat on the opposite side of the coffee table…

At this time, Chen Yi was the father who took a good look at Nan Jiyue, his possible future father-in-law.

The reason why the two words may be added is that Chen Yi does plan to marry Nan Jiyue.

But no one can predict the outcome of things in the world, and even Chen Yi can’t tell the future. In case he didn’t marry Nanda.

So this old man can only be ‘possible’.

Nan Jiyue’s father is just like what Nan Jiyue said. He looks very young, but his actual age is more than 40 years old, and he looks gentle.

He is more like a university professor than an investment businessman.

“Uncle Nan, hello.”

Before sitting down, Chen Yi said hello to Father Nan.

If it was really just a business relationship, Chen Yi would shook hands with Nan Jiyue’s father no matter how high his status or how old he was.

But his future father-in-law status makes Chen Yi difficult to do so. He just bowed his head slightly to show his respect to his elders.

Respect the old and love the young, the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation.

When Chen Yi looked at Nan Jiyue’s father a little, Nan’s father looked thoroughly at Chen Yi.

Seeing Chen Yi’s vigorous momentum and no stage fright, he was also full of spirits when he saw his old husband.

He has the ostentation of a young man without being arrogant, and his attitude towards others makes him very satisfied.

Especially when thinking of Chen Yi’s achievements, character, and family background, Father Nan is more delighted as he sees it.

In addition to these inner east and west of Chen Yi, his height and appearance are also the best choice.

The height of a little over eighteen meters is definitely a candidate for a male god, and coupled with his handsome face as he was when he was young, Father Nan felt that he had identified this son-in-law.

He is satisfied and proud of his daughter’s vision. The only trouble is that Chen Yi is so good, whether it is hardware or software, it is too easy to attract girls.

As a man, Father Nan knows exactly what such a boy will experience and how much temptation he will be.

It’s just that this kind of thing is not easy to say even if you know him, because men understand men, Chen Yi is not a superfluous son-in-law, and their Nan family can’t control it.

Seeing Chen Yi sitting down, Nan’s father smiled and asked directly: “…Xiao Chen, I heard Yueyue say that your company is short of funds, so you came to me for financing?”

Hey, this is the old man who will disarm himself as soon as he comes up!

It seems that I am afraid that my daughter will suffer! .

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