Chapter 578 Want something to happen

The sound of water came from the bathroom. What the girl said about washing is simply taking a shower.

Of course, Han Bingbing would not even wash his hair when he was the only one at home. After washing his face and brushing his teeth, he spent the day lazily.

But when there are people, especially in front of Chen Yi, she subconsciously doesn’t want to stand in front of him in such a sloppy look.

The door of the bathroom is frosted glass, not to mention the human shadow, even the light is difficult to see through.

Chen Yi is not a little boy who has never seen a woman. He doesn’t want to think about it when he hears a girl taking a bath.

It took almost half an hour before Han Bingbing finished washing.

She put on the clean clothes that she took to the bathroom just now, and her skin was white and red, if she was a drunk beauty.

There are dripping water marks on the hair, and the faint fragrance fills this small living room, making people think about it.

“Sorry for making you wait so long.”

Han Bingbing said a little embarrassed after taking a shower.

Let the guest sit there by herself for half an hour, she did something wrong.

‘It’s nothing, I’m used to it. ’

Chen Yi subconsciously wanted to answer like this, but after another thought, if he answered like this, it is estimated that Han Bingbing would misunderstand that there are too many women he has experienced, so he often gets used to it.

As a reporter, Han Bingbing must be very sensitive to words and language.

“Nothing, isn’t there a cat with me.”

Chen Yi smiled and stroked the cat lying on his knees.

It was then that Han Bingbing noticed that one of her two cats was lying next to Chen Yi and the other was lying on his lap, snoring.

She was surprised: “…The two of them are too timid. When my colleague came to my house, they all hid under the bed.”

“It must be because I am too kind, and I like small animals too much. I also like cats and dogs better. If it weren’t for too many things now, I would have a cat and a dog.”

Chen Yi sighed and boasted, making Han Bingbing laugh.

This is indeed his idea.

Before he was born again, Chen Yi had a cat and a dog. He loved cats and dogs and other small animals very much.

But now he is busy at work, he does not have a fixed time, and he does not necessarily go home every day. If he has a cat and dog, his relationship will be very weak.

So he would rather not raise it.

“Then you kick the cat first, I’ll blow my hair ` `.”

Han Bingbing smiled sweetly.

Seeing that Chen Yi likes small animals so much, she suddenly felt as if she knew a new side of Chen Yi again.

Holding the hair dryer, she returned to the bathroom again. Not long after, there was the sound of the hair dryer. Fortunately, her hair was only half-length, and it was relatively easy to blow.

After blowing his hair, Han Bingbing took the bottles and cans of various cosmetics and started wiping them in front of the washstand. The beauty of the girls was piled up with money.(Read more @

No matter how beautiful you are born, if you can’t take care of it, you will turn into a yellow face woman.

Even if you throw the most beautiful woman in the world into a village deep in the mountains, you will see her being twenty years old in a few years.

After doing this, Han Bingbing sat on the empty seat on the sofa next to Chen Yi. She put on a pair of jeans and looked slender.

A pair of jade feet white and tender, without socks, just stepped on a pair of lovely cotton slippers.

She picked up the other cat lying next to Chen Yi’s legs, put it on her knees, gathered her fragrant hair, raised a smile and said:

“…When did you return to the imperial capital?”

With the cat in his hand, Chen Yi turned his head to look at Han Bingbing’s big charming eyes, and said with a smile: “…Let’s talk about business with people in the emperor’s capital.”

“…Thinking of Sister Bingbing, you said you want to make a video, so you don’t need to bother you to run to Shencheng, and I will come directly.”

Han Bingbing and Chen Yi looked at each other, feeling a little flustered, and subconsciously looked away.

But after all, she is a reporter and well-informed. She took a deep breath and bravely went to meet Chen Yi, but she was still a little embarrassed.

When she got closer, she found that Chen Yi was really handsome, not much better than those male stars.

But his identity, temperament and talent are not comparable to those of the actors.

She said a little shyly: “…I beg you to help make a mirror and make a video together, and let you come to me, how sorry.”

Chen Yi shook his head and said with a smile: “…With my relationship with Sister Bingbing, what’s so embarrassing about this?”

Chen Yi was very close to her, almost close to her body. This was the first time that Han Bingbing had such close contact with Chen Yi.

Especially this is her home, which made her feel a little confused for a while.

She joked: “…I planned to do a general cleaning at home today, but it seems that I still have to work. I’m just working hard.”

“How tired it is to do the cleaning alone. Now this doesn’t happen to have a cool job, or I will help you with it.”

When Chen Yi said this, he hugged the cat aside and stood up amidst the dissatisfied ‘meow’ cry.

“No need, I’m just kidding, you are a guest, how can you help me with hygiene.”

Seeing Chen Yi seemed to be serious, Han Bingbing waved his hand again and again.

“Don’t sit there and be lazy. Come and work together. Don’t think I don’t know how to do sanitation. I used to do sanitation at home by myself.”

Chen Yi urged, pulling Han Bingbing’s slender white wrist, just to lift her from the sofa.

Before rebirth, Chen Yi would also practice hygiene at home every three to five. Unlike ordinary single men, he still values ​​the cleanliness of the house very much.

But now that he has money, and the size of his home is too large, Chen Yi will call a special cleaning company to clean it.

“¨ 〃 It’s a good day today, it can be ventilated.”

Chen Yi walked directly to the window sill and opened the window.

Seeing this, Han Bingbing quickly said, “…Don’t open the screen window. Cats like to run to the window sill. If they accidentally fall, they will be ruined.”

“I’m not stupid… well, don’t be idle, hurry up and work together, where’s your broom and dustpan?”

“Hey? That’s my bedroom!”

“Can’t you hide a man in your bedroom? Don’t let in, oh, sister Bingbing, you are brave enough, these underwear are really sexy.”

“That is what I just changed!”

Han Bingbing shouted with embarrassment on his face.

Forced by Chen Yi, Han Bingbing was dragged by him to start the cleaning.

Not long after, the sound of the washing machine turning, sweeping the floor, and running water lingered.

Outside the window, the warm spring breeze blew by, with the fragrance of birds and flowers, Han Bingbing looked at Chen Yi, who was clean and clean. Her heart was not cold at all, but warm.

A sweet smile filled the corners of his mouth, and strange feelings, like throbbing and impulsive emotions emerged from the deepest part of my heart.

As a woman, she certainly has a great affection for men like Chen Yi.

But one is that she is older than Chen Yi, and the other is that she knows that there are too many women around him as a good and handsome man like Chen Yi.

Therefore, Han Bingbing never thought about what would happen between Chen Yi and herself. In her opinion, it is already very good for the two to become good friends.

She knew that she and Chen Yi didn’t have too many intersections at all, and being able to know such an excellent man would probably have consumed her life’s luck.

But now, looking at the busy Chen Yi, he seems to have come to the mortal world from the sky above.

He is still extraordinary, but he has a cordial sense of home.

She was expecting something suddenly.

As a woman without a boyfriend, when she sleeps at night, sometimes she secretly thinks about those good men to comfort her.

But what she didn’t think of was a star, it happened to be the overly good man in front of her.

Thinking about it, her smile grew sweeter. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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