Chapter 579 My body is also Bingbing (Part 1)

The clean and tidy floor, neatly arranged books on the desk, and the messy coffee table have become simple and clear.

Compared with the messy house before, this small two-bedroom house has become much cleaner after a lot of sweeping efforts.

“Well, it’s much pleasing to the eye like this.”

Chen Yi finished washing his hands and sat on the sofa, nodded with satisfaction at the masterpiece of his hard work, “…Huajiao, come here!”

Chen Yi beckoned and called the cat who was messing around during his house cleaning just now, rubbing his little head.

How to clean up the house Chen Yi has plenty of experience, and with his current body, he doesn’t feel tired even after working for more than two hours.

“I didn’t expect you to be pretty good.”

Han Bingbing also washed his hands and wiped them clean, and said to Chen Yi with a sweet smile.

She looked at the clothes hanging on the balcony, her eyes were bright, and she seemed to have a new understanding of Chen Yi.

It can be seen that Chen Yi is very proficient in cleaning. It is definitely not the first time to do it. Thinking of his identity as a young master, even Han Bingbing feels a little weird.

This is the cognition caused by different identities. If an ordinary man is so experienced in sweeping, Han Bingbing feels that this man loves clean at best.

But it was made by Chen Yi, the eldest master, besides being amazed, she was grateful to him from the heart.

“That is, sister Bingbing, don’t you see who I am…”

Chen Yi said triumphantly, and then said: “…hey, for the sake of my 820 hard work, Sister Bingbing, don’t you cook for me by yourself?”

He glanced at the watch hanging on the wall, it was past 12 o’clock, and he was really hungry.

“If you are not afraid to die, I will cook for you…”

Han Bingbing said with a guilty conscience.

Chen Yi laughed at this, “…what, don’t you know how to cook Bingbing sister?”

“Who said I can’t cook, but I often run outside when I work, and I don’t have time to exercise my cooking skills. The taste of my cooking is mediocre, but I still know how to cook it.”

Han Bingbing was not convinced, she opened the door of the refrigerator and let Chen Yi see the vegetables and eggs in the refrigerator.

Although there are not many types and numbers, Han Bingbing wants to use this method to prove that he can cook.

“Then today’s lunch depends on Sister Bingbing… I have worked so hard, so please reward me quickly.”

Chen Yi stretched out on the sofa and said lazily.

Seeing this, Han Bingbing smiled and cursed: “…Okay, then you can wait for the meal!”

Seeing Chen Yi lying down on the sofa, the casual appearance made Han Bingbing’s heart beat faster.(Read more @

The current scene is like the husband who is exhausted from work has just returned home, and his wife is going to cook for him.

Just when this thought came out, Han Bingbing was a little embarrassed.

But soon, Chen Yi jumped up from the sofa, talked to Han Bingbing, and ran downstairs in her astonishment.

A few minutes later, Chen Yi came back here with a small dv camera.

Seeing the small DVD in Chen Yi’s hand, Han Bingbing was puzzled: “…what are you going to do?”

“Didn’t China Television give you a task for Sister Bingbing and ask you to be the main up-taker of the video in your own name? Wasn’t it because of this that you were looking for me at the time.”

“…I think your cooking is a good material. I photographed the process of your cooking. You are also a reporter. You can just say something in front of the screen to make it a bit more life-like.”

“At that time, cutting this paragraph in the video will definitely get a good response.”

“…I don’t know what the group of online lsp want to watch. It’s not good if you make it too formulaic, and they will like this kind of life-rich video.”

“Those lsp will feel that they are involved in your life and have a deeper understanding of you.”

Chen Yi said while adjusting the instrument.

When Han Bingbing heard Chen Yi call those netizens lsp, she pursed her lips and said, “…They are lsp, what about you?”

“I am also an lsp! But I am better than them. You see, they can only understand you from the video, and they may only understand some of your personal settings.”

“…But I can come in contact with Sister Bingbing so close, they will definitely be jealous and hateful, you know, my heart is Bingbing!”

Chen Yi looked at Han Bingbing with a smile, and being watched by his deep eyes made Han Bingbing’s heartbeat even faster.

She quickly turned her head to look at the vegetables she was holding, and arranged them neatly. This look was a subconscious behavior of his panic.

“What does it mean that my heart is Bingbing? No one is right!”

Han Bingbing took a deep breath, pretending not to care.

Chen Yi chuckled secretly, and exaggerated: “…Well, how about my body is Bingbing.”

“The more you talk, the more you go, didn’t you say you want to make a video? Let’s start!”

She is changing the subject, of course Chen Yi knows.

Even if it is hunting, it is impossible for Chen Yi to be hungry now, and he certainly likes the goddess in the eyes of others.

However, most people only dare to look at this kind of goddess in their minds, and have no ability to touch them.

But Chen Yi has the ability to get close to them, and he doesn’t like to look far away, he prefers to play games, and then listen to the gentle and charming voices of the goddesses.

Chen Yi didn’t say anything to make fun of him. He turned on the device very seriously and began to film Han Bingbing’s cooking.

Han Bingbing is worthy of being a reporter from China Television, and he is not timid at all when facing the camera.

Although there is no text, it is also possible to talk in front of the camera with a smile that is as sweet as first love.

In fact, as long as she laughs, it will bring millions of views.

And this kind of casual chat without text, on the contrary, has a more breath of life.

There were also some wrong words, and then re-shooting, just like that while cooking while shooting, it took about an hour to make the meal.

And the final editing of this hour of shooting is estimated to be one or two minutes.

At the table, Chen Yi and Han Bingbing sat down for lunch. The meal was a simple two-course meal and one soup, a common home-cooked meal.

Han Bingbing’s cooking skills are indeed very mediocre. It can’t be said that it is delicious, but it is also edible.

But maybe it was a bit tiring to clean up in the morning, and this meal made Chen Yi eat it with gusto.

“Sister Bingbing, let’s go out in the afternoon and continue filming. Let’s go to some hutongs in the Imperial Capital. You can also use it as an introduction to the culture of the hutongs in the Imperial Capital.”

“…I will also appear on the camera and chat with you casually, so we don’t need text anymore.”

“In fact, such a handsome guy like me has a very bad influence on the appearance with you. If you are an idol, this is actually an act of dropping fans.”

“…But you are a CTV reporter, not a pure idol. You don’t need to be careful to conceal your private life like an idol, so it doesn’t matter.”

“Hey, I have to use my great name to take you to fly!”

Watching Chen Yi boasting about the old Wang selling melons, listening to him boasting that he is handsome, and saying ‘reluctantly’ with a proud expression.

Han Bingbing’s smile was like candy smeared with honey, sweet and greasy.

It doesn’t really matter whether she shoots or not. What she likes and wants is the surprise and comfort of being with Chen Yi, as well as the unbearable happiness.

The two went to the hutong to take a video together in the afternoon. Is this a date? .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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