Chapter 580 My body is also Bingbing (middle)

“You go to wash the dishes, I’ll change clothes!”

After eating, Han Bingbing tidied up the clean dishes on the dinner table, and said with a sweet smile.

“Hey? Sister Bingbing, I’m a guest, so how can I ask a guest to wash the dishes?”

Chen Yi spread his hands and shrugged, grinning with a smile on his face.

“Oh, you just go, I have to change my clothes and put on some makeup. It took me too much time to do it-.”

Han Bingbing pushed Chen Yi’s shoulder, trying hard to push him into the kitchen, giggling in his mouth.

“Do you have a dishwasher in your kitchen?”

Chen Yi’s way of not giving up.

“No, young master, just brush the bowl with your hands a little.”

It’s not really necessary for Chen Yi to clean the bowls, but Han Bingbing thinks it is particularly interesting to let this young master also experience the suffering of the people.

“Then I will give you a dishwasher!”

“No need. I usually eat takeaway at home. I rarely cook by myself. It’s wasted buying a dishwasher.”

“I didn’t expect to live to the end, I still have to go to the bowl, it turns out that the clown is me!”

Chen Yi said in an exaggerated tone, and the funny look made Han Bingbing lean back.

Picking up those two plates and two bowls and walking to the kitchen, Chen Yi pulled his cuffs, went to get the washing spirit skillfully, and said: “…Sister Bingbing, please go make-up and change clothes quickly, don’t waste time!”

“Wait for me, it will be done in ten minutes at most!”

When Han Bingbing said this, he trot out of the kitchen and ran to his bedroom. There was no figure in the smoke.

Seeing this, Chen Yi smiled, and washed the dishes and chopsticks three times, because there were not many things, it only took five minutes.

Going back to the living room and sitting down, seeing the bedroom door closed, Chen Yi shook his head and shouted inside: “…Hurry up, sister Bingbing, I’ve finished washing!”

“It will be done soon!”

Han Bingbing in the bedroom responded.

Chen Yi was sitting on the sofa and playing with his mobile phone. He didn’t let him wait long until the bedroom door opened and Han Bingbing walked out.

She put on a light makeup and looked sweeter and more pleasant. The upper body was a clean and white shirt, and the bottom was nine-cent jeans. Yuzu wore sailing socks and stepped on a pair of equally white sneakers.

The gap between the socks and the trousers reveals a piece of white and tender ankles, because they are too thin, they appear to be very curved.

The usual Han Bingbing is relatively mature because he is a reporter abroad, but it was the first time Chen Yi saw Han Bingbing with such a girly sporty style, which made him shine.

“Hey, it really took ten minutes to get it done, sister Bingbing, you’re fast enough.”

Taking a look at the time on the phone, Chen Yi tweeted.(Read more @

The average girl puts on makeup and can’t get out within half an hour. Chen Yi feels deeply about this.

“The time required for the interview was very tight. I learned the quick makeup skills very early.”

Han Bingbing said with a smile, picked up a small bag, subconsciously took Chen Yi’s arm, and went out with him.

“Do you still have to come for makeup by yourself? There is no professional makeup artist?”

The door was locked and the two walked down the stairs. Chen Yi also took out a mask and put it on.

Chen Yi is now an absolute celebrity. Han Bingbing is not too big or small but also famous on the Internet. If the two of them don’t wear masks, the chances of being recognized when they go out are extremely high.

“We are not celebrities, but reporters. Where can there be a professional makeup artist.”

Han Bingbing said something about the reporter’s work and got in the McLaren of Chen Yi.

She doesn’t know much about cars, but she also knows that such a handsome supercar is of great value, but she has no feelings for the inexplicable supercar.

If you have known Chen Yi for a long time, you will have no feeling for many millions of things.

Han Bingbing also knows that this is the reason why people like Chen Yi rarely make friends with ordinary people. It is a huge gap in values.

If a poor person has such values ​​as Chen Yi, his life is lost.

Chen Yi drove the car and listened to Han Bingbing’s twittering about interesting things about his work.

Because she is not a 315 undercover reporter, let alone a war reporter, there is no danger in her work, but she can always meet interesting people and things.

“I heard from a friend that a 315 journalist accepted an order to go undercover investigation, but in the end he became the second-in-chief of the company under investigation, with a salary of several hundred thousand a year, which is much higher than his salary as a reporter.”

“…The scared leader called every day, fearing that he would quit his job.”

Han Bingbing danced and smiled.

“What is this called? Three years and three years, I am almost the leader of Causeway Bay?”

Chen Yi was also joking.

“Hey, don’t say it, I’m quite tempted, I can get two wages, and the salary is still that high!”

“Forget it, the reporter of 315 is also quite dangerous. Sister Bingbing, you are so famous, and you won’t reveal your stuff immediately when you get there… Then, why don’t you come to my company for undercover, how about I give you a salary of one million a year? ?”

“Okay, are you busy with work?”

·· ·····Find flowers 0 0

“You’re not busy, just let me be a little secret warmer. As long as you work at night, of course, if you don’t want to, it’s okay to clean the toilet!”

“Go, stay there!”

Seeing Chen Yi’s yellow accent again, Han Bingbing laughed and cursed.

The two talked and laughed, and Chen Yi drove the car directly to the vicinity of Shichahai.

Next to Shichahai is Nanluogu Alley, but that place is just like the Internet celebrity street in every city, which specializes in deceiving outsiders. The things sold inside are exactly the same across the country, and there is nothing to see.

Shichahai is different. As a tourist attraction in the center of the imperial capital, the water is gurgling, and it is as quiet as a park in the afternoon, and the Houhai Bar Street is very lively in the evening, which is very suitable for strolling here.

Unknowingly, Chen Yi grabbed Han Bingbing’s hand, like many lovers wandering here, as leisurely as an outing.

…….. .. 0

When he arrived at a place with less people, Chen Yi took out the small shooting equipment and raised it with a camera pole to take some videos of the two people chatting.

“Hello everyone, this is Bingbing…Today, I finally got everyone’s “husband” out and went to the old capital with him. This is my first video.”

“…People can spend hundreds of thousands of dollars every minute. I have someone like me for a long time, but it cost a lot of money!”

Han Bingbing wears a mask, so that people can’t see her sweet smile, but the crescent-like eyes make people laugh when they know what they are.

She joked small and small, with a casual tone, like a small chat, walking with Chen Yi on the shore of the Shichahai lake, chatting about the history of Shichahai, and talking about some daily interesting things.

Chen Yi also appeared to be very honest, did not make excessive jokes, and the angle of the camera looks like it was shot by a third person, which does not give too many associations.

Although Han Bingbing is not an idol and Chen Yi is not a celebrity, if the two are too close and there is any scandal, it will not be good for her job as a reporter.

It is best to give people a state in which they know each other but are not very familiar.

But in places that the camera can’t take, Chen Yi’s hand has been holding her hand, rubbing her delicate palm with his fingertips.

Han Bingbing pretends to be calm, but fortunately wearing a mask blocked most of her face, making her blushing cheeks invisible.

Sometimes Chen Yi will boldly hug her waist, which gives Chen Yi a sense of excitement that many people have committed. However, you should still pay attention to it when editing later, and it is estimated that some places will be exposed. zero.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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