Chapter 582 Sweet first love smile

“Wake up, Sister Bingbing?”

When Han Bingbing opened his eyes in a daze, he heard a gentle voice.

A pair of strong arms stretched out and wrapped her waist from behind.

Han Bingbing, who was covered with a thin quilt, tugged with a pair of plain white hands, and his legs curled up.

Her lips were hidden by the horns, and she was a little afraid to look back, her delicate body trembled slightly.

She regretted a little bit about her choice last night. She felt that she was too proactive, and what Chen Yi would think of her.

Do you think she is too casual? Or maybe she feels that this woman is too annoying, afraid that she will stick to him all the time.

All kinds of thoughts turned overwhelmingly in his mind, and for a while, Han Bingbing was a little bit worried about gains and losses.

But those regrets quickly disappeared. These things happened last night, and alcohol may have contributed to the flames.

But Han Bingbing knew that it was more of her own willingness.

Any drunk disorder x is actually fake. People who really drink too much have no consciousness at all. Alcohol just makes people more brave.

Let the things that have been worrying entangled be able to make decisions.

25   Just when Han Bingbing was thinking about it, she felt the arm that was holding her waist harder, and a warm breath was lightly vomiting in her neck, only feeling very itchy.

Chen Yi sniffed the fragrance from her neck, gently squeezed her mouth, and hugged her in her arms. His tone became more gentle and said: “…what do you think? Sister Bingbing, why don’t you speak.”

Han Bingbing pretended to be calm, and turned her back to Chen Yi and said: “…I’m still a little sleepy, or go on sleeping.”

Chen Yi knew she was shy, and now she dare not rise up to face him.

Chen Yi has long been accustomed to this kind of thing, so he hasn’t done anything extraordinary. This is a soft voice:

“…Well, let’s sleep a little longer.”

Hearing this, Han Bingbing breathed a sigh of relief. She is now like an ostrich dipping her head into the sand, knowing that there are some things that must be faced, but she also hopes that these things will come later.

She rubbed her delicate body into Chen Yi’s arms and felt Chen Yi’s powerful Huns. Her consciousness was a little confused, and her eyelids began to fight again.

Just a few minutes later, when Han Bingbing felt that she was going to fall asleep, she suddenly remembered something and suddenly sat up.

The thin quilt fell down, revealing the beauty and fairness of a girl, Chen Yi had no time to look at it, and wondered: “…what’s the matter with sister Bingbing?”

Han Bingbing’s startled look made Chen Yi also startled.

“Well, I suddenly remembered that I forgot to feed the cat!”

Han Bingbing quickly put on his slippers, took a coat and draped on him, regardless of that the coat was actually Chen Yi’s, he ran out of the bedroom.

When she came back yesterday, she thought about feeding the cat, but she had a relationship with Chen Yi in a daze, and finally fell asleep tired.

In other words, the cat in the house has not eaten for at least a whole day.(Read more @

When the two cats saw their master coming out of the bedroom, they were meowing and groaning, as if they were complaining about why she didn’t make meals for themselves.

Han Bingbing quickly got the cat food and put it in the cat bowl, watching the two cats feasting.

Chen Yi got dressed and walked out at this time. He smiled at Han Bingbing who was feeding the cat. He still didn’t dare to look at himself when he saw her, just said:

“…It’s almost 11 o’clock, and I’m a little hungry, so don’t eat at home. Sister Bingbing, let’s go out to eat.”

“Well, yes.”

Han Bingbing responded. Compared to yesterday, she was still joking casually with Chen Yi, she looks much more timid and shy today.

She pretended not to care at all about what happened last night, and said to Chen Yi: “…Do you wash first or I wash first?”

“…Why don’t you go wash first, I’ll wait for you, if I go to wash first, it will take too long.”

When Han Bingbing said this, he wanted to get clean clothes, but suddenly Chen Yi grabbed his slender wrist.

“What are you doing?”

Like a frightened cat, she stared at Chen Yi with big sweet eyes.

Chen Yi blinked at her and said with a smile: “…what are you and me? Sister Bingbing, let’s go wash it together!”

“Who wants to wash with you, go by yourself!”

Although resisting, Han Bingbing’s strength was not strong, and Chen Yi was dragged over by Chen Yi.

By the time the two had finished washing, it had already been an hour. Perhaps during the day when everyone was awake, Han Bingbing was so frank and relatively less shy.

She changed into new clothes, Chen Yi was still the same one yesterday, and the two of them walked downstairs arm in arm.

Compared to yesterday, they are closer together, they are completely close to each other, the only difference is that Han Bingbing’s walking posture is a little weird.

When I got downstairs and saw Chen Yi’s McLaren parked there, Han Bing was shocked and asked, “…Why is your car here?”

She clearly remembers Chen Yi’s car at Houhai.

Because they drank yesterday, Chen Yi called to send them back.

“I guess I need to use a car today. Before I went upstairs yesterday, I asked the driver to pick it up for me.”

Chen Yi said with a smile.

Han Bingbing looked at him vigilantly, and said, “…Did you design everything yesterday?”

“Innocent sister Bingbing, who on earth yelled’Kiss me’ on the initiative yesterday?”

Chen Yi spread his hands and said with a smirk.

Han Bingbing was embarrassed for a while, raised his hand and hammered Chen Yi twice.

Listening to Chen Yi’s affectionate words and his chuckles, thinking about what he said yesterday and his boldness after drinking, Han Bingbing just wanted to find a place to get in.

“Okay, stop making trouble, I’m hungry, I just finished my lunch exercise just now, I need protein supplements urgently now.”

“Deserve it!”

Han Bingbing screamed, blushing 820’s face and stepped into the car.

Of course she knew that Chen Yi was telling lies. Seeing their vigorous looks, it is estimated that it would be no problem to run a half marathon now.

Chen Yi didn’t go too far, so he found a large self-service seafood shop nearby.

“Sister Bingbing, your appetite is too small, and I feel really hurt just eating this bit.”

Chen Yi ate the lobster and crab legs, and looked at the not much meat in Han Bingbing’s bowl. She sips and eats very ladylike, just smiling.

“Are you a capitalist still caring about this loss?”

Han Bingbing raised his head, soft smiles in his big bright eyes.

“Because I am a capitalist, I care more about losses!”

Chen Yi knows the truth.

“Then cheer up and eat more, and try to get back the share I lost.”

Han Bingbing, who said this, took the leftover meat from his bowl that he didn’t like to eat, and put it into Chen Yi’s bowl.

Chen Yi didn’t dislike it. He ate directly into his mouth, just muttering there: “…Eating too much can easily ruin the stomach. If you need to go to a hospital, it will be more than the gain, and I will lose even more. ”

“Just be poor, you.”

Han Bingbing smiled sweetly, his expression increasingly gentle, and the eyes of Chen Yi were full of sweet greasy people.

It’s like honey water with sugar, and the sweetness goes straight to the lungs.

She is also like a girl of first love, which is unforgettable for a lifetime. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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