Chapter 583 The love you can’t do

Chen Yi stayed with Han Bingbing all day. After eating at noon, the two of them were editing the video at Han Bingbing’s house in the afternoon.

The main reason is that the material taken by the two is not good for the third person to see. If you encounter a broken mouth, the scandal between the two may be spread.

Chen Yi doesn’t matter, he is a capitalist, he neither participates in politics nor is a star, even if there are more scandals, it will not affect him, just like Xiao Wang.

But Han Bingbing is different. After all, she is a reporter for China Television, and China Television is currently pushing her, preparing to use her as an idol for young people.

In this case, if she has a scandal with Chen Yi, it will not have a good impact on her career, and it will easily make her gossip at work.

Han Bingbing’s editing techniques were so-so, and Chen Yi’s did it well. The two sat in front of the computer and discussed, cutting out the footage that was taken yesterday for about five minutes.

It’s not too professional, but it can be used. As for post filters and the like, you can only find professionals. Anyway, everything has been cut and others can see it.

Chen Yi is okay. He has too many women and is very resistant to women, but Han Bingbing has a deep sense of taste, and she has a low sense of security now, and she has been with Chen Yi all day long. Together.

Anyway, what should have happened has already happened, even if it is still a little shy, but under the coaxing of Chen Yi’s rhetoric, Chen Yi is still tossed by Chen Yi.

The next day Han Bingbing had to go to the main station to report to work. Chen Yi did not bother her too hard. The two had a breakfast downstairs early in the morning. As northerners, they naturally ate salted tofu. Put on a drawer of steamed buns.

Han Bingbing lives not far from the China Television Headquarters, but Chen Yi drove her to work.

“Are you going back to Shencheng in a while?”

After arriving at the parking lot of the China Television Headquarters, Chen Yi parked the car, because there was still a period of time before work, Han Bingbing did not get off the car.

She was sitting in the co-pilot, looking at Chen Yi with a complicated expression, not knowing what to say for a while.

Although the two have been tired of being together for the past two days, they look like a couple in love.

But Han Bingbing knew that she was not Chen Yi’s girlfriend after all, and he also knew that he actually had a girlfriend.

She didn’t want to think about what her current identity was, but she also understood.

If you continue to maintain a relationship with Chen Yi, then she is just a lover.

As a good woman from a good family background, she worked hard to learn to become a CTV reporter. If her lover thing is known by the family, her father will definitely be beaten to death.

So the most correct choice for her now is that she should never interact with Chen Yi, or even if the two are still in contact, don’t have a relationship anymore.

But Han Bingbing was a little reluctant after all. She didn’t covet Chen Yi’s money, nor did she covet his other things. She just liked Chen Yi, and she liked nothing more.

Although the age is different, girls nowadays don’t care much about their first time, but Han Bingbing is not satisfied with the relationship with Chen Yi only once.

She wants more, and greedily wants more.

“Well, the negotiations with North America have been negotiated. As the boss, how come I have to go over and conduct the final review and signing. After all, it involves a $1 billion acquisition, so I have to be more serious.”

Chen Yi said with a smile.(Read more @

He looked at Han Bingbing sitting in the passenger seat, looked at her complicated expression and eyes, and sighed:

“…Sister Bingbing, don’t think about it so much. It’s me who is too bad to seduce you. Anything wrong is my problem, and it has nothing to do with you.”

Hearing Chen Yi’s words, Han Bingbing was so angry and funny, she gave him a blank look and said: “…What did you mean by seduce me? You are too narcissistic.”

“Then… let’s change the way of thinking? Bingbing sister, you are so beautiful, especially with such a charming smile, you seduce me, and I can’t help but temptation!”

Chen Yi looked at Han Bingbing with a smile in his eyes.

“What you are talking about is like a bad woman.”

Han Bingbing was even more reluctant.

“Hey, women are troublesome, neither can this be done, nor can that be done, then what do you think should be done?”

Chen Yi pretended to be distressed and said, his expression was so fake at first glance, making Han Bingbing laugh with a pop.

But after being teased by Chen Yi, the distress and complicated thoughts in her heart were temporarily let go.

Han Bingbing suddenly felt that there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain.

After a moment of silence, Han Bingbing said softly: “…It’s not that you lied to me or I seduce you, it’s just that we like each other to have a relationship.”

Chen Yi looked at him and smiled: “…Well, sister Bingbing, you are right, we are young men and women who like each other.”

“…Sister Bingbing, don’t be frowning. What I like most is your smile. Is it particularly sunny and sweet? It’s also special…”

Before Chen Yi finished speaking, Han Bingbing just said, “…like first love?”

“Haha, sister Bingbing, you also know that, yes, you are a typical first love face, making my youthful and innocent boy’s heart throbbing, and the deer is about to be killed!”

Chen Yi clutched his heart, showing an expression that he couldn’t stand his dying pain.

Han Bingbing didn’t want him to laugh all the time, and smiled tremblingly, and said: “…You are still a pure young man, you are an old driver at all!”

Having said that, she didn’t know what she was thinking of, but her face suddenly blushed.

Then Han Bingbing just opened the car door and got out of the driveway: “…I won’t talk to you, I’m going to be late if I continue to talk, I’ll go to work first, and be safe when you drive on the road.”

“¨〃Well, Sister Bingbing, when you have time, we will talk with each other. I will come to the Imperial Capital to look for you whenever I have time. If you go out for an interview and get close to Shencheng, go look for me.”

Chen Yi didn’t get out of the car, just sat in the car and waved to her.

“Who is looking for you? Even if you are looking for me, you probably want to do bad things.”

She gave Chen Yi a sweet and charming smile and said: “…Okay, I’m really gone.”

“Wait a moment.”

Chen Yi suddenly pulled down the window, put an arm on the window, and hooked his finger at Han Bingbing.

Han Bingbing was puzzled, but he walked over and bent down and said, “…how…”

Before she finished speaking, Chen Yi just held her chin lightly and kissed her hard in surprise.

After separating, Chen Yi smashed his mouth and said, “…Well, it’s really Bingbing.”

Han Bingbing’s face flushed. She looked around with a guilty conscience. After seeing that no one was paying attention, she quickly kissed Chen Yi on the cheek. She didn’t dare to speak any more, and ran away from here.

Chen Yi kept watching her back disappear before starting the car to go to the airport.

Han Bingbing is different from Chu Qiang and Yu Jinyu. Even if the relationship between the two is essentially a lover, Chen Yi will not tell her, let alone tell her how much money I give you each month.

Because such words are a complete insult to Han Bingbing.

Han Bingbing cleverly didn’t ask what the relationship between the two of them was, which made Chen Yi also relieved, otherwise he really didn’t know how to answer.

It’s okay now, the relationship between the two is ambiguous, neither uncertain nor negative, and with the passage of time, as the relationship deepens, it must be difficult for her to leave herself.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Chen Yi must spend his free time to chat with her and care about her.

Even if she doesn’t transfer money to her, she must surprise her with gifts such as bags and jewelry from time to time.

Where is there any love in this world that must be yours? All feelings need to be explored and maintained by themselves.

“So it’s troublesome to say that there are too many women, unless I don’t even want to give up any feelings.”

With a sigh, Chen Yi also left the CTV main station. .

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