Chapter 584 Gunfight every day

Chen Yi and Han Bingbing did not take a plane back to Shencheng after they separated. Instead, they boarded an international flight directly from the Imperial Capital International Airport to the United States.

There has been news from the United States that the negotiation with is coming to an end. The other party finally accepted Chen Yi’s 980 million US dollars offer to acquire the company in its entirety.

Don’t look at the difference of 20 million from the original one billion US dollars. I feel that only such a small amount of money has been discussed.

But 20 million US dollars can also be equivalent to 140 million soft sister coins, which is already worth a billionaire.

Sometimes Chen Yi also sighed, now he is often hundreds of millions of US dollars, and he really doesn’t treat money as money.

Up to now, the salary issued by the system is really regarded as pocket money by Chen Yi. Compared with the money given by the system, it is still faster to get money from capital operation.

Of course, if the system reaches its full level and has a disposable income of about 50 billion soft sister coins every year, the money can stir up storms.

If the talks continue, Chen Yi’s negotiating team can continue to push down the acquisition money a little bit.

But in case there are too many dreams at night, for fear that someone will come out and make a kick, it is also to make the North American and international layout as soon as possible. Chen Yi directly accepted the 980 million US dollar quotation.

This time Chen Yi personally went to the United States for the same reason, waiting for to come to country c to find him to sign, it would be a waste of time.

820 “Girl, the company is in a hurry. I am going to the United States now. If there is anything I want, I will buy it for you.”

“…This acquisition saved 20 million U.S. dollars, so it was considered a free prostitute.”

Lying on the back of the first-class cabin that can be used as a bed, Chen Yi was connected to the plane’s wifi and chatted with Nanda.

Beside, a beautiful stewardess with blond hair, blue eyes and black silk was smiling, and enthusiastically brought cakes and red wine to Chen Yi.

Red wines are high-end goods worth tens of thousands of dollars, which Chen Yi asked the North American airline to prepare specially. Of course, Chen Yi had to pay for it himself, and the price was higher than the market price.

Real first-class cabin is only available in international travel, because the flight of more than ten hours can better appreciate the value of first-class cabin.

A ticket plus specially requested red wine cost almost hundreds of thousands of soft sister coins.

But for Chen Yi, having money is to enjoy it. If it is not that time is too late, Chen Yi is more willing to spend millions of chartered flights.

For customers like Chen Yi who have to request even wine, the airline certainly knows that this is the real rich man, and the flight attendants take care of him even more.

After all, in the capital of the United States, the rich is the uncle.


Thanks, Chen Yi looked at Nanda’s reply on the phone.

“I don’t care about money or not. I don’t need anything. You don’t need to buy anything for me. If you have time, you can stay with me as much as possible.”

Big words are a little bit grudge, but she was born in a rich family, she also knew that it is normal for men to run outside, so she did not complain, just told Chen Yi:

“…Every day of the gun battle over there, you must pay attention to safety when you arrive in the United States!”(Read more @

She used two in a row.

Seeing the news from Nan Jiyue, Chen Yi burst into laughter.

Fortunately, this time he went to California instead of Texas. Those talents in Texas are real livestock, and every household can be used as an arsenal.

“Rest assured, I will pay attention to safety, and I will stay in the United States for up to two or three days. I haven’t had much class since the beginning of school. If I don’t have a few days of class, the teacher will probably beat people.”

Chen Yi used the pair of fingers that can play the piano and switched back and forth on WeChat smartly, chatting with all the girls who are related to him, like a sea king.

No way, the pure physical happiness has numb Chen Yi, and his threshold is too high.

Even before he was born again, he had had relationships with an unknown number of women. For Chen Yi, only a deep relationship between the two sides can bring more joy.

Therefore, he has to spend a certain amount of time to care about all the girls and to maintain his feelings.

Although Nanda said that she lacked nothing and didn’t want anything, but a woman’s mouth was a deceitful ghost. If Chen Yi really bought nothing and went back, the university would definitely complain.

You don’t have to buy anything particularly expensive, the most important thing is to express your own heart, so as to make girls happy.

Chen Yi calculated that when he returned from the United States, he would find a luxury store to buy something for all the girls, and it would not cost much, and these things can also show Chen Yi’s intentions.

Luxury goods are really a good thing, which allows Chen Yi not to think about what to buy to make girls happy, as long as he can easily get it with money.

We chatted all the way and took a nap by the way. After more than 10 hours of long-distance flight, the plane finally arrived at San Jose Airport in California.

Chen Yi didn’t bring anything, and didn’t let others follow. He came to California, the United States of America alone.

However, there are gradually improving branches here, and they are also sending someone to pick him up.

A tall white man stood at the exit gate with a sign in his hand that read the words ‘Chen Yi Boss’ in Chinese.

The white man also held a mobile phone in his hand and looked around at the people passing by, probably comparing their appearance.

This made Chen Yi secretly slander, did he recognize it? In his eyes, all Orientals look the same.

Until Chen Yi walked in front of him, the white man’s eyes brightened, and he was surprised in an accented Chinese that made people understandable: “…Boss?”

After speaking, he enthusiastically wanted to help Chen Yi with his luggage, but when he saw Chen Yi coming empty-handed, he smiled awkwardly.

People from all countries are the same. They will flatter and find relationships. When facing your own boss, don’t care about the young people. It’s true that they are served well.

After all, they love Franklin ($100).


Chen Yi nodded slightly, then walked forward calmly, and asked, “…Where is the car?”

He uses English.

The white man replied in Chinese with a smile on his face: “…The car is in the parking lot. I will take you to the boss.”

Chen Yi glanced at him in surprise. He thought he would have learned a Chinese word like ‘boss’, but now it seems that he can speak Chinese, except that the accent is a little strange.

“You can speak Chinese?”

“Ah, yes, boss! I have studied in country C for two years, and I also named Li Bai in country C.”

The white man named ‘Li Bai’ said flatly.

Well, foreigners give themselves country c names, and they really like to use these names, like Li Bai, Cao Cao and the like.

But this is not bad, it is better than a strange foreign name given to a person in country c.

For example, “Angel Baby” sounds funny, and this name is used to refer to strippers in foreign countries.

A white man followed a young C national, and the scene also made the people around him subconsciously look at this place, which seemed a little surprising.

No one in the United States knows Chen Yi, but he doesn’t need to pretend.

When we came to the parking lot, a GM Chevrolet SUV was parked there. The driver was also a white man. After seeing Chen Yi, he respectfully and enthusiastically called the boss.

“Boss, do you need to take a break and take a jet lag?”

Li Bai sat in the co-pilot, turned to look at Chen Yi, and asked with a smile on his face.

“No, just take me to the company, sign the agreement early and go to rest. Also, you can speak in English. I can’t listen to your Chinese. I have to guess what you are talking about.”

Chen Yi didn’t let the people here send him an interpreter. With his pure London accent, he was able to learn how Britons despised American pronunciation.

“Okay, boss! You are so energetic and admirable!”.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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