Chapter 588 Boss arrived

Shanghai Hongqiao Tiandi Commercial District is a comprehensive commercial district integrating office, shopping, dining and entertainment, with extremely convenient transportation.

In Chen Yi’s view, Shanghai Hongqiao is definitely the best convenient transportation network in the country. High-speed rail, airport, and subway are all in one place. Traveling to all parts of the country and even to the Bangzi country and island country in East Asia can be completed within two hours.

From the perspective of urban planning, Shanghai is truly second to none in China.

Hongqiao Tiandi Performing Arts Center is the home field of the Shanghai lpl battlefield.

In the imperial capital, Chang’an and other cities, there are dedicated stadiums for each team, but the competition venues in Shanghai are leased for use by the teams.

Chen Yi’s OMG club was originally played in Yaodu, but Chen Yi’s career is centered on Shencheng, so he naturally changed his home game to Shencheng.

A Rolls-Royce Phantom drove into the arena in a low-key manner, saying that it was low-key, and it only entered from a dedicated passage, rather than from a crowded audience entrance.

The driver Xiao Zhang parked the car and quickly got out of the car and opened the door of the heavy Rolls Royce. The door was separated from the middle to the two sides, and Chen Yi got out of the car immediately.

At the front of the parking space, two people were headed. Some staff were waiting there. One was a prostitute teacher who Chen Yi was familiar with, and the other was a man in his thirties.

Chen Yi first nodded to the two of them, and then stretched out a hand into the car.

Nan Jiyue Subai’s small hand was gently placed on Chen Yi’s big hand and held by him, and she got out of the car like a lady.

Today, Nanda wears a light white dress dyed with gray and blue prints. The dress reaches the ankles, revealing a white tender and slender calf.

She didn’t wear socks on her feet, and stepped in a pair of creamy white dress shoes, with beautiful arches and charming arcs.

On the long black hair like a waterfall, Nanda wears a round hat. If you take another parasol, you will really be a celebrity outing.

Nan Jiyue, who is eye-catching and charming, with delicate and feminine features, radiant and well-dressed, will be amazed even if she is picky.

Nan Jiyue held Chen Yi’s arm silently, and walked to the staff with him.

The prostitute and Chen Yi are also familiar with each other. The fat on their faces is full of smiles, and they say hello: “…Ya’er, Chen Shao, I’m looking forward to you here.”

“… The regular season of the spring season is about to end in a few games. It’s going to be the playoffs. The players and employees have never seen you as the boss.”

After joking with Chen Yi, the whoring teacher said to Nan Jiyue: “…Nan University is good, old prostitute, I thank you for the gifts you gave, and thank you for taking me to eat chicken.”

The teacher called haha.

He is not very familiar with Nan Jiyue, but Nan Jiyue likes to play games, and occasionally watch live broadcasts and like to give rewards. He has also played games with her teacher or other professional players, so it is considered to be a acquaintance.

But the prostitute teacher also knew that Nan Jiyue was Chen Yi’s girlfriend. He didn’t dare to look more or say more, but after a polite and polite greeting, he looked at Chen Yi again with a smile on his face.

“Haha, it doesn’t matter if you know my boss or not, it’s enough for you to be here if you have a prostitute.”(Read more @

Never mind that Chen Yi’s words are a bit sincere. Anyway, he gave the teacher a lot of face and made his laughing belly tremble.

“Hey, Chen Shao, let me introduce you to our team’s staff. This is our team manager Gao Manager. He has always led the team. This is…”

“…As for the players and coaches, they are now preparing for the game, so they can’t come out to greet you.”

The prostitution teacher introduced Chen Yi to an employee of the company team.

Manager Gao held Chen Yi’s hand with both hands, put his posture extremely low, and said respectfully: “…Hello boss, I am Gao Yue, and now I am the team’s team manager.”

Chen Yi nodded slightly, smiled and said to Manager Gao: “…The team’s performance is good, I am very satisfied. I thought they would have to run together for a long time, but I didn’t expect it to be able to win a streak.”

Except for his team losing one game at the beginning of the spring game, his team almost swept the lpl afterwards.

Although Chen Yi has never been to the scene, nor has he met the team members, he will watch the game live on the Internet when he has time.

Chen Yi didn’t think there was anything for his team to win the game. What he admired was that the team was able to calm down even in a headwind, and even if the situation was not good, there was a chance of a comeback.

In Chen Yi’s opinion, this is the ‘championship’.

“Where and where, it’s all the efforts of the players and the coaches. I am a team butler, taking care of everyone’s food and drink.”

Manager Gao said very modestly.

Even so, he has a bright smile, and his efforts can be seen by the leader, which is enough to make the beaters happy.

“On the Internet, it is said that Uzi is a demolition madman, and that he is a giant baby. He didn’t make trouble in the team, right?”

Nan Jiyue suddenly spoke at this time.

The loud voice is light and lively, clear and beautiful. Such words are not suitable to be said here, but she will not care about them.

Nan Jiyue is actually not interested in what kind of person Uzi is. In the past, she thought that this person had good skills, and she liked it. As for the rumors about him, she was lazy to distinguish between true and false.

But when Uzi became a member of Chen Yi’s team, she would care about it.

In case that person really has a bad temper and spoils the team’s atmosphere, causing Chen Yi to suffer losses, she will be unhappy.

Nan Jiyue is afraid that Chen Yi is too busy and has no time to pay attention to the trivial things circulating on the Internet, so she took the initiative to bring it up so that Chen Yi can check if there is a real problem.

The prostitute smiled at this time: “¨〃…Uzi was a bit irritable before, but at that time he was young, and a young man had a normal temper.”

“…Now he has grown up and is more sensible. He was hidden by the previous team for a while, and now he has learned how to communicate with people.”

“And there are old prostitutes I watched, there won’t be any problems.”

The teacher patted his chest to make sure.

Nan Jiyue nodded slightly and said, “…Well, it’s that he has experienced social beatings and finally learned how to behave.”

The corner of Chen Yi’s mouth curled, and he almost laughed out loud. It is worthy of Nanda, but it is really poisonous.

The staff of other teams repeatedly said yes, what they said is what they said, they did not dare to refute.

Chen Yi walked into the playing field with a group of supporters. At this time, the prostitute teacher asked in his heart: “…Chen Shao, do you want to go and see the players and coaches now?”

Chen Yi shook his head and said, “…let them prepare for the game, and I will go over when the game is over.”

Then he looked at Manager Gao and said, “…you still need to go there, right? Don’t accompany me, do your own work first.”

Manager Gao responded, “…Okay, the boss, I will go to the back to see the players, you accompany the boss to the game.”

He said again to the staff who came with him.

Several people were separated temporarily, Chen Yi walked into the competition venue accompanied by the prostitution teacher and others.

There were already spectators coming in in twos and threes, and Chen Yi walked directly to the front middle row and sat down.

The seats at the back of this row are all empty, and there are many security personnel in the surrounding venues, which faintly surrounds Chen Yi.

Sitting in his seat, Chen Yi and the prostitute talked about the team’s affairs, the prostitute is leaving temporarily, and he has to go to the backstage of the game to take a look.

When we arrived at the players’ lounge, the prostitute heard that Manager Gao was speaking to all the players, “…This is the first time the boss has come to watch the game.”

“…I don’t care about the previous games, but we must try hard to win today, it is best to win beautifully, don’t let the boss down!”

His tone was a little harsh, and a group of young people suddenly agreed. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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