Chapter 589 Chen Shao

“It’s all right, Lao Gao! Don’t put so much pressure on them.”

Just as Manager Gao was speaking to all the players in the players lounge with a stern face, the prostitute teacher slowly opened the door and walked in, saying like a nice person.

The fat prostitute teacher looked at the five team members and said with a smile: “…Don’t be too nervous, edg is very strong, but you will fight as you usually do today.”

“…Although the boss is here, don’t think about it so much, you can win the best, but even if you really can’t win, the old prostitution will be on your shoulders.”

“Judging from our current results, the first place in the regular season of the spring season has been firmly established. The boss is very satisfied with the current results.”

“…So don’t put too much pressure on you. Of course, it’s better to win. It is not easy for the boss to come and watch a game in person. We must give the boss some noodles to make the boss happy.”

“And the boss is very kind, Uzi, haven’t you also played games with the boss during the live broadcast.”

“…Unlike Xiao Wang, Xiao Wang always scolds people when he plays games. When you see the boss playing games, even if the situation is not good, he will not be angry. Instead, he can comfort us.”

Although the prostitute teacher is a few years older than these players, his identity lies there.

He who has shares in the team is considered one of the bosses, plus he is an old e-sports man, he is naturally very prestigious.

The zoom on the road is a potential player he is looking for, dug from the secondary league. As a treasure islander, the jungler’s pizza will be relatively low-key if he is unfamiliar with the place here.

Although Xi Ye from the middle road has made some fame in We after 823, his fame is not particularly big. The assistant himself used to be a member of the prostitute teacher ym, so naturally he had to obey.

The most famous Uzi has indeed won two world runner-ups, but in the past two years, even if he is still in strength, but his grades are not good, he is not very mixed, and all kinds of rhythms are flying in the sky.

Now that I am a little older, I have finally learned to be smart, my temper has improved a lot, there are not so many things, and I have become a lot more obedient.

Of course, in this team, he is indeed the leader.

Uzi, the little fat guy, smiled when he heard the teacher’s words, and nodded, “…Ah, yes, the boss is pretty good.”

Seeing this, Manager Gao’s expression also eased a lot, and he said to the players: “…Since the prostitution teacher has spoken, then I won’t say much, you are ready to play.”

“…Barbecued pork, bp or something, have you been diligent these two days?”

Some silly coaches made an ‘ok’ gesture to indicate that they were okay, and a few of them walked to the arena under the watchful eyes of the staff.

After there was no one in the team’s lounge, the prostitute teacher and Manager Gao looked at each other and smiled.

Just now the two of them sang red cheeks one by one and white cheeks. These players were tuned and obedient. For these old fritters, the five members of OMG were still a little tender.

“Then Old Gao, look at the things here, I went outside to accompany the boss.”

The prostitution teacher had nothing to do with him here, so he talked to Manager Gao, moved his chubby body, left the backstage and returned to the auditorium.

The venues for e-sports games are not big, and probably can sit more than a thousand people. At this time, the seats are full.

The supporters of the two teams were divided into two sides, holding some props sent in advance and waving them. The competition hadn’t started yet, and music was still ringing in the stadium. The audience was chatting and it seemed very lively.

Chen Yi and Nan Jiyue sat in the front row, chatting in low voices.

“Xiao Yizi, you hand over the entire team to the prostitute teacher, is that okay?”(Read more @

Nan Jiyue’s small cherry lips came to Chen Yi’s ear and asked in a low voice. The moist breath lingered in his ears, making Chen Yi only itchy.

He moved his head over, and whispered in Nan Jiyue’s ear, “…No problem, the financial and legal powers are all with me.”

“…Although I let go of the personnel rights, I still need my consent to recruit people in the end. The entire company is completely under my control.”

“What the teacher prostitute needs is a background background, a power in the e-sports industry to maintain his status, and I can give him background, as one of the bosses of OMG, this can also become his identity.”

“…This is exactly what he needs, and he will definitely work honestly. Of course, it doesn’t matter if he does something extraordinary, I hope he can do it.”

Chen Yi smiled badly, his mouth pressed against Nan Jiyue’s ear, making Da tremble.

Taking a deep breath, Nan Jiyue asked in a low voice, “…something out of the ordinary? What out of the ordinary?”

Chen Yi chuckled: “…For example, if he thinks he has complete control of the team, he can really fight the fake match.”

“Should he dare not?”

Nan Jiyue frowned, and said uncertainly.

“Theoretically, he dare not. One is that lpl has cracked down very severely in this area, and the other is that he doesn’t dare to offend me. The teacher who is the prostitute is a smart person and shouldn’t do stupid things.”

“…But Qianbo touches people’s hearts. If the benefits are too great, he might really dare to do it, but it doesn’t matter. As long as he dares to do it, I just have an excuse to kick him out and take back all the shares.”

“Anyway, the team is running very well now. He has already laid all the foundations for me. Whether he has him or not is actually the same for me.”

“…Of course this possibility is still very low, or that sentence, he didn’t dare to offend me, if he really committed a crime, I can send him into the game and let him die for the rest of his life.”

Chen Yi shrugged and smiled. He seemed to be joking, but the decisiveness of killing and the calmness of everything under control made Nanda’s eyes shine.

She likes Chen Yi’s current domineering look, which makes her heart-stirring.

“You are so bad.”

Nan Jiyue covered her mouth with her hands, and laughed softly.

“This means that men are not bad, and women are not love.”

Chen Yi held Nan Jiyue’s hand, if it weren’t for a public place, he would have embraced her waist and kissed it directly.

“Honestly, there are so many people here.”

Nanda groaned.

At this time, the prostitute teacher walked from the backstage to the auditorium, came to sit down next to Chen Yi, and said with a smile: “…Ya’er, I didn’t bother you as a light bulb, did you?”

Chen Yi smiled at him and said: “…Nothing, just come over, teacher whoring, we can still chat.”

Just now, Chen Yi had a teacher who dared to provoke him, and he was so cold that he let him die for a lifetime. Now after seeing the teacher, he smiles very kindly.

This kind of superficially cordial and decisive behavior is unpleasant, but it is a quality necessary for a real high-ranking person, a person who can truly stand at the top of this social pyramid.

And Chen Yi is obviously a superior.

“Unexpectedly, the venue is quite lively and there are quite a lot of spectators.”

Chen Yi looked back and sighed as he watched the audience’s support.

“Under normal circumstances, tickets for edg games will be sold out as soon as they are out. OMG itself also has a history. It was once called the dark force and has a lot of fan base.”

“…This year, Shao Chen, you have spent so much money to find a well-known player. Coupled with good results, now it is the same as edg. Tickets are sold out as soon as they are released.”

“Today the two teams met, so naturally the tickets were sold.”

The prostitute is also clear about this aspect, explaining to Chen Yi.

Between the two casually chatting, the host came to the stage and began to introduce the players. Every time a player was introduced, the audience could be heard cheering.

Although it is far from a football game, it is very atmospheric.

On the commentary stage, the two commentators also started chatting.

“Hello everyone, this is Miller.”

“Hello everyone, I am a doll.”

“Today’s match between OMG and Edg was also highly anticipated, although judging from the results of the two teams, OMG’s first place in the regular season is already a good nine.”

“… But the game between the two teams is still the focus of the battle.”

“The cheers of the fans are really enthusiastic, and today we still have a heavyweight guest in the audience.”

Following the words of the two commentators, the game broadcast director also switched to the camera aimed at the auditorium, and Chen Yi immediately appeared on the big screen. .

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