Chapter 590 This damn idol package

Following the words of the two commentators on the stage, the director instantly switched the screen to the front row of the audience.

Chen Yi, his prostitution teacher on his left and Nam Jiyue on his right all entered the big screen.

Chen Yi had expected this scene a long time ago, and He Nan Jiyue has always been wearing a mask.

Chen Yi’s own words are okay, he is already very famous anyway, and doesn’t care about showing up.

But he didn’t want Nan Jiyue to be known by too many people.

It’s not that Chen Yi has any selfish intentions, but that he is very aware of the inferiority and radicalism of some people on the Internet.

If Nan Jiyue is exposed too much, things like her Weibo will easily be watched by a bunch of people, and even scolded by some jealous people.

She can’t stand the temper of Nanji University. In addition, Nan Jiyue’s identity is sensitive. As a girl of a wealthy family, the best situation is to show up as little as possible to save people’s attention.

This is to protect her.

Seeing the camera pointed at himself, this kind of scene is already a small case for Chen Yi. Wearing a mask, he nodded slightly, as if to say hello to all the audience present.



“Husband, you are here!”


Immediately, there was a scream in the whole arena, but it was all girls screaming carefully.

If Xiao Wang’s national husband is because of his status and wealth, and people would call this kind of ridicule, then Chen Yi’s national husband is more like a recognized reality.

Without him, Chen Yi is so handsome. Even if he is not as rich as he is now, his appearance alone is enough for girls to chase after him.

If he goes to make a movie or something, it is estimated that he can instantly arouse millions of fans.

Nan Jiyue pouted and was a little unhappy with this situation, but she was wearing a mask and others couldn’t see her unhappiness.

“Okay, let’s switch back to the scene of the game, and the bp of the two teams is about to start.”

“…Today the boss of OMG went to the scene to watch the game in person. I don’t know if the players of OMG can be like chicken blood.”

“Bp has started, omg is the blue square, and edg is the red square.”

After a few seconds, the commentary just brought the topic back to the playing field.

The audience’s attention was also placed on the big screen in front, but some audiences who were closer to Chen Yi still looked at him and whispered to their companions.

“Sorry, Young Master Chen, I didn’t expect them to come here.”(Read more @

The teacher said with apology, because he hadn’t told him about making Chen Yi appear on the scene.

Chen Yi didn’t care at all, he smiled and said: “…The lpl organizing committee wants to use my reputation to increase traffic, and I don’t lose out. LPL’s reputation is also very high. Everyone rubs traffic with each other.”

“…Moreover, we are now also a member of the alliance. The hotter the alliance, the higher our interests will be. No matter how you look at it, we will make a profit without losing it.”

Even so, Chen Yi also knows that the current LPL traffic is not an exaggeration. What really makes LPL explode is the arrival of the first year of e-sports.

Chen Yi feels that with the strength of his team, it is really possible to start the first year of e-sports ahead of schedule this year.

Chen Yi doesn’t think there is anything wrong with the boss personally presenting traffic. The best player in this aspect is Redmi’s Thunder OK.

And the guy Lei ok played, often playing with his own stalks.

There is even a sculpture of ‘’ downstairs in the Redmi headquarters of the Imperial Capital. If he can ridicule his boss like this, it can be seen that Lei ok is really magnanimous.

At the same time, this free advertisement is worth hundreds of millions at least.

Chen Yi sat quietly, watching the game progress, and chatting with the prostitute teacher and Nan Jiyue.

The two commentators on the stage are also the most popular combination. All kinds of ridicule and nonsense people burst into laughter. Among them, there are also some game comprehensions, which are worthy of the commentary community.

Nan Jiyue really understands games and likes to play games. Not only does she come to the game to accompany Chen Yi, she really likes the atmosphere and likes to watch the game on the spot.

Compared to Chen Yi, she was even more excited at the game. The audience shouted at her as well. From time to time, she patted Chen Yi’s leg, chattering.

Of course, Nantah supports Chen Yi’s team. Seeing someone heads is excited and shouting. Seeing someone made a mistake and accidentally caught is yelling, making Chen Yi smile.

You, the boss, brought you deeper than me!

“Is there a problem with Ming’s support? I don’t even dare to explore the grass without a vision.”

The first game was a bit anxious. You came and went in the early stages.

Although the line was not very good, the jungler pizza from Treasure Island was really strong in the early and mid-term. Under the leadership of this wolf king, the situation was maintained.

In the middle stage, a wave of auxiliary faces probed the grass, and was directly caught to death by the other five people, causing the atmosphere to frown at this scene.

·· ·····Find flowers 0 0

“Dalongkeng has no field of vision. The opponent may be playing Dalong. Of course, I have to take a look. The only thing that can be sold is the support. I didn’t see that the support has already moved as much as possible before entering the grass.”

“…You diamond, don’t question the king of others.”

Chen Yi teased him, he likes to hurt each other with Nan Jiyue.

“I am a master now, okay, a master!”

“That’s not the master who finds someone to take you on.”

“Then I am also a master, don’t talk if your master score is not as high as mine!”

“I don’t have time to play games, I want to have time to play, the king is the first I have no problem, you know?”

Nan Jiyue certainly knows how high Chen Yi’s game level is, but she still dislikes: “…Go, the master who is not as good as me quickly shut up, there is no place for you to speak here!”

…….. .. …….

“Yes, yes, you are right in everything!”

Chen Yi hurriedly raised his hand to surrender and reasoned with the girl, especially reasoning with his girlfriend.

Excited and unbearable, but Chen Yi was calm. Even if he played well in a team battle or encountered a beautiful solo kill, he just clapped his hands gently.

Hey, there is no way. This damn idol package makes it impossible for Chen Yi to yell like other people. The national husband must look like the national husband.

You must be steady, calm, and be a quiet beautiful man.

The teacher saw Chen Yi and Nan Jiyue chatting and joking with the young couple. He cleverly did not interrupt, and honestly acted as an invisible light bulb.

He is also excited about the current situation. The better the team’s performance, the more famous it is, and one of his bosses will also get more benefits.

He is a smart businessman, knowing that as long as his reputation remains high and he has a high enough position in the e-sports circle, he can earn a steady stream of money.

It is incomparable with Chen Yi, a real boss who can easily reach hundreds of millions and billions, but as long as he has an annual income of tens of millions, it is enough to make him a master.

The prostitute knows exactly who the thigh is. He has to hug Chen Yi, the real golden thigh.

The first game was a bit tangled, and finally OMG seized the opportunity in the late game and defeated the opponent one after another.

The second game went very smoothly. From the first five minutes to get the advantage, it snowballed all the way to the end, and the people watching were heartily.

omg continued to maintain a winning streak, and Chen Yi came to the scene to watch his team game for the first time and it ended perfectly. zero.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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