Chapter 591 edg boss invitation

At the end of the game, the OMG team members smiled. Five people stood in a row and bowed to the audience. Then they laughed at each other and returned to their seats, ‘stealing’ the keyboard and mouse.

At this time, the audience almost started to leave, each of them laughed or laughed, or prepared to leave the venue with sad faces.

That’s naturally the different emotions brought by the team that I support because of winning or losing.

edg is known as Guodian and has a large number of fans. In the past two years, it has won eight consecutive championships in major competitions. If you want to say which club has the most fans today, it is edg.

Naturally, the fans felt depressed when they saw that their team lost.

When the audience left the venue, many people still looked at Chen Yi sitting in the front row with curiosity and inquiring. When the audience started to leave the venue, Chen Yi also stood up.

Chen Yi stretched out a very gentleman’s hand, Nan Jiyue smiled sweetly, and put her hand on his hand, letting him pull himself up.

Seeing Chen Yi getting up, the prostitute teacher stood up quickly, saying: “…Chen Shao, are you going to see the team members behind?”

“It’s all here, do I really go back after watching the game?”

Chen Yi laughed and walked to the backstage.

The prostitute hurriedly followed, and the security personnel of the surrounding venues also quickly followed. A group of people surrounded Chen Yi in a mighty atmosphere.

“The players will have to be interviewed by the media in a while, Chen Shao, you may have to wait for them in the player lounge now.”

The teacher’s chubby face trembled slightly, and he said with a smile.

“It’s okay, I’m not in a hurry.”

With that said, Chen Yi and Nan Jiyue walked to the backstage player lounge.

Pushing open the door, there is a mess inside, the chairs and tables are all lying around, and there are tactical requirements on the blackboard beside it.

The stuff of the team members was piled up together, and many staff members were also busy.

After seeing Chen Yi’s arrival, Manager Gao walked over with a smile and said enthusiastically: “…Chen, the team members and coaches are being interviewed. Would you like to sit here and rest for a while?”

With that said, the sharp-eyed staff quickly moved two chairs. Manager Gao glanced at the staff and nodded in satisfaction.

Yes, there is a price for vision, and I will be promoted in the future!

“You are busy with you, I will take a look here.”

Chen Yi said casually.

Even so, it was only ordinary staff who were busy in the past. Manager Gao and the prostitution teacher have been with him, as if they were accompanied by leaders to guide him.

Nan Jiyue is very interested in e-sports and curious about the players’ backstage. Chen Yi accompanied Nantah around the world and listened to the introductions by Manager Gao and the prostitute.

After a few laps, Nanda just felt bored, and took Chen Yi to sit down and waited for the team members to come back from the interview.

Manager Gao asked the employees to bring some snacks and drinks, which were usually placed on the base, and were brought here by the team members to fill their stomachs.

Chen Yi has no interest in snacks, but just drank Coke. Nan Jiyue sat next to him and was happily eating potato chips.

“Eat, eat, make you fat!”

Chen Yi disgusted.

Nan Jiyue gave him a white look and snorted: “…it’s your responsibility!”

“Of course I have to take care of it, and accompany me to run two more kilometers tomorrow morning!”

“Ah, no, can’t I stop eating.”

I complained loudly. Seeing Chen Yi always smiling at her, she knew that her complaints were useless. She immediately turned her grief into motivation and ate happierly.

In front of Chen Yi, she was like a little girl.

If Chen Yi is not there, it is estimated that he will have his nostrils to look at people, and he will be too lazy to take care of anyone.(Read more @

After a while, the staff had already cleaned up the place. There was noise outside the door, and the players and coaches had finished interviews and were coming back to get things.

As soon as the door opened, the five teenagers who were playing and fighting saw that the lounge was extremely quiet, and they were afraid to speak for an instant. The auxiliary players also slipped off the back of the person, and the smiles on their faces disappeared immediately.

Seeing the five people and the coach walk in a little stiffly, the prostitution teacher just stood up and greeted: “…Come here, everyone, come, today President Chen is here, is it the first time everyone sees the boss?”

“…Let Mr. Chen tell you a few words.”

Fat people also have the advantage of being fat, that is, they make people look very friendly and talkative. According to the prostitute teacher, the mentality of five teenagers and older coaches is finally relaxed.

But even so, they are still a bit cautious. They don’t dare to make jokes as usual. They stand in a row obediently like a primary school student accepting the teacher’s instructions.

The different status of the two parties is one of them, and the most important is Chen Yi’s aura.

The moment Chen Yi sits there, he gives people the aura of a superior person. He has moved to a high position to nourish his body, and stays in a high position for a long time to order others, which has made Chen Yi’s temperament more and more condensed.

Anyone who stares at him will subconsciously look away, and when he is stared at by his gaze, there is a cringe of being seen through.

This kind of aura is the easiest to show up in those bosses and officials.

Chen Yi looked at the five familiar faces in front of him. They were younger than he remembered, and his faces were still childish.

Although Chen Yi is about the same age as them, it is difficult to treat them as peers in the eyes of anyone, and the difference in aura is too big.

“Okay, I won’t say much. Everyone had a hard time in the game today. As well as all the staff, the team cannot do without your hard work.”

“…Although I haven’t been to the scene during the whole spring game, I don’t know all the employees present, but I will watch the game live when I have time.”

“I am very satisfied with the results of the past two months. I hope you can continue to work hard in the playoffs and strive to win a championship trophy and participate in the next msi.”

As the leader spoke, everyone stood honestly and was caught by Chen Yi’s sluggish speech.

Only Nan Jiyue didn’t care about these, and looked at these people with interest.

“Well, I won’t say so much. Everyone has worked hard enough, so I won’t give you more pressure.”

Chen Yi’s momentum gradually eased, and his tone became milder, and he began to joke: “…to celebrate today’s victory in the game, I will invite everyone to have a meal.”

“…I remember that you have a tradition of eating supper after the game.”

“In fact, I have prepared two places, one is a small roadside restaurant and the other is a five-star hotel.”

“…If you lose, let’s go to a small restaurant to eat, but now that I have won, then I have to spend a little bit and invite everyone to have a good meal.”

Chen Yi’s joke caused everyone to laugh, and the atmosphere in the lounge immediately relaxed, from silence to lively…

“I’m about the same age as you. Although I’m the boss, you don’t need to be too nervous, especially since there are some people here that we also know, but we haven’t met before.”

Chen Yi looked at Uzi, Pizza and Xiye. These three people had previously played games with Chen Yi during their live broadcast.

Of course, because his boss is so skilled, these three people can’t be dogs if they want to, but all kinds of red buff and blue buff are real.

“The boss has great game skills, so next time I can send more shark fins, it would be even better.”

Uzi scratched his head, and the little fat man said with a smile.

Because he played games with Chen Yi the most, he and Chen Yi were more familiar with each other, so he dared to make some harmless jokes.

“Puppy, take me to the king, I will brush you fifty shark fins directly!”

Nan Jiyue said suddenly.

“Boss, this is what you said!”

One sentence, the lady boss, said that Nantah was exasperated, and looked at the little fat man in front of him and found it pleasing to the eye.

Although it is said on the Internet that Uzi has a bad temper, he actually has a high emotional intelligence.

“Just for you, lady boss, I have to brush a hundred for you!”

Nanda said with joy.

As a real lady of the richest second generation, Nan Jiyue doesn’t care about the money.

Seeing Uzi, the boss and the boss’s wife, they seemed to have a very happy chat. The other four team members were a little envious, but they didn’t dare to interrupt.

At this time, there was a knock on the door. Manager Gao glanced at Chen Yi. When he saw him nodding, he shouted: “…please come in!”

Chen Yi did not know the person who came in, but from the expressions of the manager Gao and the prostitute, they should be their acquaintances.

“Azhe, haven’t you left yet?”

Manager Gao asked the person who came in.

At this time, the prostitute introduced to Chen Yi in a low voice, who turned out to be the manager of the edg team.

“That’s it. Our boss heard that Mr. Chen is here, so he asked me if he could give Mr. Chen a reward. Our 0.0 boss would like to invite Mr. Chen to dinner.”

The edg manager named Azhe is very respectful.

Nan Jiyue frowned and said, “…Boss Edg? It’s Zhu Hang, right.”

“you recognize?”

Chen Yi looked at Nan Jiyue.

“I don’t know Zhu Hang, but I met his sister. Her sister is one of my best friends. Their family is doing real estate in Guangdong Province.”

Nan Jiyue briefly introduced Chen Yi.

Chen Yi suddenly, no wonder he hadn’t heard of this person, he was mixed in the imperial capital and Shencheng, and he was not too familiar with Guangdong Province.

But how to put it, this circle is so big, it is easy to get to know each other, just like Nan Jiyue can also be regarded as the sister of others.

The OMG team members and staff members in the lounge were also stunned, feeling the huge difference and the complicated relationship between the big men.

It’s like Manager Gao and teacher whoring. They haven’t even seen the boss of edg. They just heard of that person. The rich second generation is already a very low-key person.

But when I heard that Chen Yi was here, even the low-key second generation would actively invite him.

The prostitute teacher looked at Chen Yi, and felt that he was holding the right thigh. Only by following such a big man can he increase his knowledge. .

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