Chapter 597 Let Uzi be a dog

After the meal was over, when Nan Jiyue went to the bathroom, Zhu Hang approached Chen Yi and asked in a low voice, “…Mr. Chen, would you like to go out together for a while?”

Of course Chen Yi knew what he meant. Two men, especially two rich men, went out to play and everyone knew what to do.

If Nan Jiyue is not around, Chen Yi would have gone with Zhu Hang, but since Nantah is by his side, Chen Yi still thinks it is better not to be too waved.

It’s not that I’m afraid of being discovered by Nan Jiyue. With Chen Yi’s old driver and eloquence, it is okay to fool around, but this is a basic issue of respect for Nan Jiyue and Chen Yi’s bottom line.

Although he is scumbag, but he is not completely scumbag.

Seeing Chen Yi’s refusal, Zhu Hang felt regretful, but didn’t force it anymore. He patted Chen Yi on the shoulder and said, “…that’s OK, Mr. Chen, let’s go play together again when we have a chance.”

“Next time I go to Guangdong Province, it will be Mr. Zhu’s site. It’s up to you to find something delicious and fun.”

Chen Yi also said with a smile.

“Haha, no problem, when President Chen comes to Guangdong, he will definitely arrange for you clearly.”

“…I won’t disturb Mr. Chen’s 25 nightlife. I have already told the people below about the venues and creative parks I just talked about. Mr. Chen and your people can come over and talk in detail at any time.”

“At that time, I will personally check it. Please rest assured, Mr. Chen.”

Zhu Hang drank a lot today and his face was flushed, but after all he controlled the amount of alcohol and was not completely drunk, otherwise he might be embarrassed.

“Mr. Zhu, you also drink a lot. Go back and rest quickly.”

Chen Yi advised.

“Fortunately, it’s okay, isn’t it happy to see Mr. Chen? It’s okay to drink more. The driver will wait for me below, then I’ll leave first. Mr. Chen, let’s exchange contact information and we will keep in touch in the future.”

“…Hey, I actually want to open a room here and just fall asleep.”

Chen Yi and Zhu Hang changed their contact information with a few more polite sentences.

A group of edg executives and team members came to bid farewell to the two bosses, and then Zhu Hang left the hotel swayingly.

After waiting at the bathroom door for a while, Nan Jiyue walked out and saw that the makeup on her face was more perfect. It is estimated that she had just applied makeup in the bathroom.

“Where is Zhu Hang?”

Nan Jiyue looked around, but she didn’t see Zhu Hang’s figure, she just asked in confusion.

“He thinks you have been in the bathroom for too long and can’t wait to go straight away.”

Chen Yi joked, paused, and continued: “…He still wants to invite me out to have fun, but I told him that I have to accompany my daughter-in-law at night, so he can only leave with regret.”

“… He also scolded me for bronchitis, hey, what do you say, Yueyue?”

When Nan Jiyue heard it, she gritted her teeth.

Nanda knows the nightlife of these second-generations very well, so he believes in what Chen Yi said, “…When Zhu Hang has a girlfriend in the future, let’s see what I say to him in front of his girlfriend.”

“…But Xiao Yizi, you performed well and didn’t go out to play with him, let’s talk, what do you want, sister, I will reward you!”(Read more @

Nanda raised his swan-like neck, proudly like a phoenix, and said with a smile in his eyes.

“Sister, I want to eat abalone!”

Chen Yi also climbed along, hugged Nan Jiyue’s delicate body, and said strangely in her ear.

The big face blushed, and he glared at Chen Yi, but it was completely different from the shy speechlessness she used to. At that glance, her eyes turned seductive.

Just when Chen Yi and Nan Jiyue were flirting with each other in a low voice, the prostitute teacher and manager Gao came over with a few omg management.

When I saw Chen Yi, the prostitute teacher was excited and said: “…Chen Shao, after we won the edg today, it can be said that the regular season championship in the spring season has been stabilized.”

“…There are two more matches to be played next. It doesn’t matter if you win or lose. Is Shao Chen interested in going up and playing two matches?”

When Chen Yi heard this, he burst into laughter. You managers have the same method of flattering your boss. Maybe your manager with the surname Gao is called Gao Xiaoluo.

“That’s not right, teacher whoring… You shouldn’t say that it doesn’t matter if you win or lose in the next match, so you let me go up and play.”

“…You should say that the next two games are life and death battles. You must win the team before you can participate in the playoffs.”

“Should not be a person like me who should play the game as a savior, this is just like the treatment of the protagonist of an e-sports novel.”

Chen Yi’s words made OMG’s management all laugh.

“Ya’er, it’s an old prostitute. I made a mistake. Next, whether our team can win the championship depends on you, Shao Chen!”

When the teacher clapped his hands, the conversation immediately changed, and everyone laughed again.

But Chen Yi is so interested in this matter, but not very interested.

Just when he was about to refuse, Nan Jiyue said excitedly: “…Okay, Xiao Yizi, your game skills are so good, it would be a shame not to play e-sports.”

Chen Yi glared at her, letting an all-around genius like me go to play e-sports, that would be the best way to go!

But of course Chen Yi knows what Nan Jiyue is thinking. This man thinks it’s so fun, so it’s the reason to seduce him.

Of course, there may be another reason, that is, Nan Jiyue thinks Chen Yi’s game skills are very good, but others don’t know.

She hopes that all the strengths and abilities of her boyfriend can be known to people all over the world, so that everyone can see all the goodness of Chen Yi.

The prostitute teacher also hurriedly followed up at this time: “…what the boss said is right, the old prostitute, I have played many games with Chen Shao.”

“…As far as Chen Shao, you really have no skills, even if you go to play e-sports, you are definitely a top player. Besides, Chen Shao, if you show your face when you come, you can also treat it as an advertisement for our team.”

The teacher of whoring was flattered for a while.

“You listen to her so, am I the boss or is she the boss?”

Chen Yi laughed and cursed, looking at Nan Jiyue’s excited little face, he shook his head helplessly.

“All bosses, all bosses.”

The teacher who is a prostitute is also a good person, of course, knowing who is the boss at this time will not work, so hurry up and get in the rain.

“Okay, you just ask me for something, then I agree, as for the registration of the players, I will leave it to you.”

Chen Yi waved 830.

Although seeing him reluctantly agreed, but the prostitution teacher and those omg seniors can see that Chen Yi is actually quite happy.

This made them also relieved, but fortunately, the flattery didn’t hit the horse’s legs.

The reason why Chen Yi agreed to it has nothing to do with his status or status. It is purely the young people’s unique idea of ​​wanting to play and trying everything, and part of their vanity.

Some people like to be low-key, but Chen Yi just likes to be high-key.

Wealth does not pretend to be x, like walking at night in Jinyi.

“Chen Shao, what position are you going to play? This registered player needs to report the position.”

The teacher asked, rubbing his hands.

If Chen Yi is an ordinary skill, then if you go to play, the best position is undoubtedly adc.

Because the bottom lane is a duo, the auxiliary can protect, and the adc can play happily, this position is the safest.

But the prostitute knows that Chen Yi’s skills are absolutely top-notch even among professional players. The only difference is that Chen Yi is accustomed to ranking and not accustomed to the rhythm of the game.

Therefore, for Chen Yi, he can choose any position by himself.

Chen Yi thought for a moment, and said, “…Let’s get on the order.”

In the team, Zoom is the real newcomer who has just come up. This position is the most suitable for him to be a substitute.

Besides, whoever says that the top laner must go up, it is completely possible to change positions in the game, to play mid laner, or even to be a jungler as an adc.

Chen Yi actually wanted the puppy to help him. He really was a dog. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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