Chapter 598 Top search again

“How about it, did you all have a good time today?”

At the entrance of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, while waiting for the bus to come and pick up people, the prostitute teacher asked the five team members.

“It’s a great time to eat, teacher whoring, the fish is really delicious.”

Zoom nodded repeatedly, complimenting the deliciousness of today’s fish.

“Ya’er, you know what is expensive. That wild large yellow croaker has a market price of tens of thousands. It is also cooked by a Michelin-level chef personally. Can it not taste good?”

“…Look at how fat you are, your neck will disappear after eating it.”

The prostitute teacher laughed and cursed.

zoom smiled naively and didn’t dare to refute the teacher’s words.

He was still playing in the secondary league last season. This season, he was discovered by a prostitute and brought to OMG.

Now in the s7 season, there are not a few particularly famous top laners in the entire lpl. We’s leg brother himself is the thigh player Chen Yi thinks this season.

But if we sell Xiye, it is impossible to sell the leg brother. Although people want money, they still have to get results.

If there is no other way, I can only ask the prostitute teacher to find the order.

Not to mention, let’s not mention the other things about the prostitute. This Bole has the ability. After knowing that the prostitute brought the zoom to the team, Chen Yi also had to admire the eyes of the prostitute.

This is the top order of lpl in the future. Although it is still a little immature, it can be cultivated well.

Besides, all other positions in the team are capable of c. As long as he plays a blue-collar top laner, it will be no problem to stabilize the top lane and not collapse.

Coupled with the left-handers and the Garlic King Ba and others who are still being cultivated by the ym team today, it can be said that at least in the next five years, the entire team does not need to worry about talents.

What does the team fear most? The scariest thing is that you have money on your hands, but no one can buy it.

Chen Yi doesn’t care about money, but what he cares about is grades and fame.

“That fish is worth tens of thousands? Teacher whoring, why didn’t you tell me earlier that I would have eaten a few more mouthfuls if I knew it, and I lost my life.”

When Uzi heard that the fish was so expensive, he blamed the prostitute teacher for not telling him earlier. When other people heard him say this, they all laughed and complained that he had eaten less.

“Thanks to you, you are not thin, how can you be so stupid on eating.”

The prostitute also laughed.

Compared with Chen Yi, the team members are more daring to make jokes with the prostitute teacher. This is the positioning of both parties.

As the boss, Chen Yi needs a sense of mystery, to be superior.

“I don’t say much. The boss is not thin to you. This table is worth tens of thousands. If you say please, please.”(Read more @

“…I don’t brag about old prostitutes. Among all the teams in lpl, our team has the best welfare, the best treatment, and the most generous boss. Just look at the accommodation environment.”

“I don’t ask you anything, just train me well, play well in the game, don’t do anything outside the game, you have to be worthy of the money the boss paid you.”

“…Don’t talk about the others. Just look at the rng contracts and you will know that they are squeezing you to death, but we don’t have that much here.”

The prostitute teacher is very sensible, knows who is the boss of the company, and will maintain Chen Yi’s power on various occasions. Even at this time, these team members must be in awe of the boss.

He knows who the thigh is and how to lick it.

Especially during the meal just now, after hearing the things Chen Yi and the boss of edg talked about, the prostitute teacher realized that his vision was too low. Compared with the real bigwigs, he really didn’t count.

But now he has the opportunity to get to know these big guys, and look at that level, how could he let it go.

The team members should all agree and agree with the teacher’s words.

Everyone is in the circle, most of the annual salary is known, and OMG is indeed the highest overall annual salary.

Even if Zoom signed a new contract, the annual salary is hundreds of thousands, which is now a high salary for newcomers.

Moreover, the accommodation environment and training conditions are indeed good first-class. Occasionally, if the boss asks for a meal like this today, it is an explosion of benefits.

This condition alone is enough to make countless players jealous, and now that the team’s performance is good, it will naturally make the five players more heartfelt.

Just like Maslow’s level requires theory, all these players need is money, honor, and respect.

As long as these are satisfied, everyone is loyal.

“Hey, I have good news for you. Just now the boss and the edg boss have a chat. Our company boss may spend several hundred million yuan to build a new home game with the edg boss.”

“…Moreover, there is a tens of billions project with Goose Factory, which is an e-sports creative park…”

The prostitute began to blow out the things he heard just now as bullshit. To be honest, he actually didn’t understand these, and the level was not there.

But just repeat what Chen Yi and Zhu Hang said just now, regardless of whether the cooperation can be achieved.

Several team members were stunned by the teacher’s prostitution, and they nodded in amazement. They didn’t understand any future management model or talent delivery, and they only felt that they were tall and tall.

But they still understand the words of Goose Factory and Ten Billion. Anyway, they can only draw one conclusion in the end, that is, the boss is Niu X, the boss is rich!

After the addiction of pretending to be x, the prostitute teacher secretly sighed and talked to the big guys a few more words and listened to a few more words.

Just memorize a few of the proper nouns of other people, and then talk to others, and your sense of hierarchy will be different immediately.

Of course, he only dared to pretend to be inside the company and fool his own people. He didn’t have the guts to go outside and talk nonsense.

“¨ 〃 By the way, let me tell you something. After I go back, I have been working overtime and practicing well in the past few days. The next game boss may go to the game to play in person.”

“…Don’t drop the chain at that time, zoom, you will be a substitute at that time.”

The teacher ordered.

This makes someone a substitute, of course, he has to take it back. It cannot be said that this is what the boss requested.

However, Zoom has no complaints. He is the only rookie in the team with the lowest status. Of course, he should be a substitute.

“Fuck, the boss is going to play the game? No problem teacher, we have been practicing the four-guarantee-one tactics these days. I know the boss’s strength. Then it’s not a random killing in the game.”

Uzi said with a smile, startled by the news, and the other team members also looked dumbfounded.

This took the boss to play the game, but it was really the first time in the lpl, this news must burst the whole net.

Of course, it is still unclear who brought whom.

The prostitute nodded with satisfaction.

Boy, you walk a long way, and the skill of licking a dog is not bad.

Although this is something I just talked with Chen Yi, in fact, the prostitute teacher and manager Gao had asked the league before. This is in line with the lpl regulations, and Chen Yi is 100% able to play.

Otherwise, if Chen Yi agrees, but is stuck in the league in the end, then Manager Gao and the prostitute teacher are the only ones who have slapped the horse on the thigh.

Of course, this kind of thing is to ask the boss in advance, so that no matter whether the boss is willing or not, they will have no problem. This is the wisdom of working as a subordinate.

“The car is here, you can go back first, take a good rest today, and train me tomorrow.”

The prostitute patted a few people and drove them into the car.

The next day, a message on OMG’s official Weibo directly detonated the Internet, and Chen Yi once again appeared on the hot search. .

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