Chapter 599 Everyone knows the whole country

“Today there is a news to tell you that we are in accordance with the League of Legends professional league club entry standards and professional player registration standards.”

“… Submit a new player-Chen Yi (id: to the league official.”

“The application has been approved. Chen Yi players will have the opportunity to represent in lpl-related events after the game.”

“…The regular season of the spring season is coming to an end, and we will also prepare for the next few games and strive for a perfect ending.”

The official news from the omg e-sports club on Weibo caused an uproar.

Because of Chen Yi’s own popularity on the Internet, this news has not only inspired the entire e-sports circle, but has even gone out of the circle, attracting different responses in various fields.

Because the search traffic is enough, it is directly on the hot search list, and even topped the hot search list in a short time.

At the same time, the prostitute teacher also reposted this Weibo and posted a long post.

The content of the article probably means that his boss has the dream of a professional e-sports player, but for various reasons he cannot go professional, so he can only use this method to realize his dream.

Then the article said that because OMG has stably won the first place in the regular season, it doesn’t matter whether you win or lose in the next game.

And explained in detail that this is not to look down on the next opponent, but only to fulfill the boss’s 830 dream.

The League of Legends official also reposted this Weibo at the same time, and for fear of being questioned, directly issued a request to register as a professional player.

“The player qualification authorization letter and contract summary form.”


“After personal information verification, the personal account must be at the top of the canyon diamond three or more.”


“Whether it will violate the club’s official list rules (for example, the number of people after registration exceeds the maximum of 10 people).”


There are many requirements to become a registered player of lpl, but most of them are requirements such as providing ID cards and household registration books.

The only two more important regulations are the ranks of the top of the canyon and the number of starters and substitutes for the team, and these two omg clubs and Chen Yi meet the requirements.

In other words, in terms of legal theory, Chen Yi has no problems registering as a player, and other people can’t attack here.

The reason why the whole league officials are so enthusiastic to directly give Chen Yi the platform is mainly because Chen Yi is too famous. He played as a professional player to compete, which in itself is a huge gimmick.

This will bring a huge amount of traffic to the entire alliance and directly make e-sports out of the circle.

Don’t say it is the official league, even those sponsors, it is estimated that they would like to directly give Chen Yi various sponsors, let him wear his own sponsored team uniform to participate in the competition.

However, the sponsor of OMG is Chen Yi himself, and his Douyin company is one of the sponsors.

An announcement made a sensation on the Internet and caused countless people to watch.

Goose Factory Game: “This wave of 666!”

“Hahaha, this is the true portrayal of going back and inheriting the family property if you don’t play a good career.”

“Didn’t you say that Shao Chen started from scratch?”(Read more @

“Do you really believe in starting from scratch? You can check on the Internet to see if you can find out his family background. In this case, he is also a very good family background person.”

rng official: “The next opponent is us. It seems that we have to join the 9-guarantee-one system (face cover).”

we official: “Are new players scheduled for a training match? @omg电子体育(laughing and crying).”

“It seems that Leng Shao will only be ranked second in the future.”

“It’s still a p, it started with a 20 billion lead, and the opposite base exploded directly.”

“Hehe, I don’t respect other teams at all, I really feel that I have more points.”

“…This looks like a mess. Chen Shao is not someone who needs to be protected. Let’s see his record. He was in the top ten of Hanbok last year.”

“…Isn’t it the power leveling you’re looking for?”

“…How could it be power leveling? He often plays games with many famous anchors. Many people have seen him play games. That technique is not ordinary.”

“…Chen Shao plays very little games, but the winning rate is high. I don’t think those professional players might be beaten.”

“…I went to check the account you mentioned, why are you doing this now?”

“…I’m so busy at work, I know how to play games every day like you are. You can see how long that number hasn’t been on, and the rank has already fallen.”

“…The Diamond One player is about to slaughter the king!”

“I’m a good boy, the best 4 guarantees in history, it’s a real version of doing whatever you want.”


A piece of news detonated the Internet, making countless people look forward to the next omg game.

At the same time, many people who don’t usually follow the e-sports circle have also joined the forwarding and discussion. Many Internet celebrities, Chen Yi’s female fans, and some stars are shouting when to sell tickets. Everyone wants to get a lot of heat.

The league’s commentators also reposted it one after another, raising the enthusiasm to the highest level.

Even Chen Yi himself didn’t expect things to be so violent.

In the luxurious Ritz-Carlton swimming pool, Chen Yi covered the entire public swimming pool.

He was sitting by the pool wearing swimming trunks, with a computer in front of him, while Chen Yi was holding a mouse and a keyboard there.

There are many expensive fruits and precious drinks on a small table on the side. In the swimming pool behind, there are waves turning up, and two mermaids are shuttled in the clear water.

The swimmers are Ruan Zhuyi and Yu Jinyu.

Chen Yi fully used the fine tradition of having a game woman as a p, most of the time he put his eyes on the computer and played lol games.

For systematic reasons, Chen Yi has played a long game in the past. This is his rare full-level skill.

However, even if his skills are at full level, if he doesn’t find the feel and practice in advance, suddenly let Chen Yi come on the court to play the game, he will definitely not be able to exert all his strength.

Therefore, in the past few days before the game, Chen Yi asked the four professional players of the club to accompany him to play rank to find the feel in advance.

In addition, the team has a contract with the live broadcast platform, and players need to live broadcast for full time, just taking advantage of this opportunity to make up the time.

Every time a five-player game is played, the live broadcast rooms of the other four players have a huge number of viewers, and countless water friends will come to snipe when they line up.

Of course, everyone is mainly watching Chen Yi playing games, as long as he is there, the popularity is absolutely full, and those water friends are also here to snipe the billionaires.

Even the boss of Tiger Tooth Terrace personally called Chen Yi to say hello. As long as Chen Yi played a game with his team members, Tiger Tooth Terrace would put him on the homepage immediately.

The only pity is that Chen Yi is not a professional anchor. He will not show his face, which makes female fans a bit regretful that he cannot see his handsome face.

But to hear her husband’s voice, the female fans are satisfied.

When waiting in line for games, Chen Yi will look at the two snow-white jade bodies swimming like mermaids in the swimming pool beside him, so as to relieve his exhaustion after the game.

Chen Yi’s cell phone flickered from time to time, and a bunch of his friends and friends were sending him messages:

“Fuck, Shao Chen, are you going to play this game? Haha, waiting, I will fly over from the imperial capital to cheer you on.”

“Chen Shao, are there any relatives and friends tickets? Leave me a seat to watch the game.”

“It doesn’t make sense not to go to the scene to support Chen Shaona.”

“Niu x, still Chen Shao will play, and the whole country knows it after playing!”

“Does this special goose factory have to give Shao Chen your advertising expenses?”


Chen Yi looked at the information and felt a little distressed. He always felt that this time he agreed to the prostitutes and they went to a competition to play a bit too much.

How many rich second generations will be seated in the audience at that time.

It can only be said that this is Chen Yi’s appealing power. He doesn’t even need to mention a word. There are countless people who come to cheer him, and even others think this is glory. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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