Chapter 600 Ruan Zhuyi was born, He Shengnan Jiyue

“Papa, what are you doing? Go swimming with us.”

Chen Yi just finished a game, and he told the 4 team members that he would take a break.

Of course, the four omg players stopped the pace of qualifying temporarily after listening to the boss’s words.

Just when Chen Yi picked up the champagne on the side and took a sip, he was about to go to the swimming pool to swim twice ~ when he stretched his body.

A tired voice came, and then a petite body hugged him from behind.

Yu Jinyu lay on Chen Yi’s back, two snow-white jade arms wrapped around his neck and dangling back and forth, shouting coquettishly.

Her voice was sullen and exhaled, seducing the man’s heart.

Chen Ying’s expression remained unchanged, and she pushed Yu Jinyu back, pretending to be disgusted, and said: “…Go, play by yourself, I didn’t watch my game!”

Chen Yi showed a woman’s attitude that there is no fun in the game, and his face was full of disdain.

Yu Jinyu raised her eyebrows, she stood up straight and pinched the flesh on her waist, and said angrily: “…Look at my legs, look at my waist, isn’t it better than games?”

Chen Yi glanced and waved his hand, sighing: “…you don’t understand, this is the happiness of men!”

Having said that, Chen Yi put down the wine glass. He opened the statistics after the game was over. Seeing that his injury ranked first, he nodded in satisfaction:

“…Look at the injury statistics of my middle finger, isn’t it better-looking than your leg and your waist?”

Seeing these actions and funny behaviors of Chen Yi, Yu Jinyu just giggled and swayed back and forth with laughter.

She doesn’t really understand games, but she just thinks Chen Yi’s current expression and tone are funny.

Ruan Zhuyi, who was not far away, had just finished swimming. She climbed up from the clear swimming pool and sat on the edge, took off her swimming cap, and her black and gorgeous hair poured on her snow-white back.

Seeing what Yu Jinyu and Chen Yi were talking about here, smiling so happily, Xiao Gongju pretended not to care, like a proud peacock.

But her body turned sideways, and her attention was focused on her ears.

“Besides, if it’s about body shape, you can’t compare to a small official.”

Chen Yi glanced at Ruan Zhuyi.

Her complexion is snowy, white and dazzling, and her little public in a bikini shows her slender figure.

Ruan Zhuyi pressed two hands on the edge of the swimming pool, and a pair of Meiqi kicked the water there. The water was turbulent, making her skin reflect the light, looking really like a beautiful mermaid.

In fact, Yu Jinyu is not bad in figure, and she often exercises. However, she is too short and not as tall as Ruan Zhuyi. This is a natural hardware problem and there is no way to change it.

Ruan Zhuyi also heard Chen Yi’s words over there.

Her expression didn’t seem to have changed much, but the three-dimensional features and profile of her face could see the corners of her mouth that was slightly pursed, showing the joy in her heart.

The words Yu Jinyu used to describe her were correct, she was just a sorrowful.

Ruan Zhuyi, who can be rated 98 points by Chen Yi, is definitely not a choice in appearance, and her cold temperament will give men a sense of conquest of anticipation.(Read more @

Coupled with a good family background, I don’t know how many people are the goddess in their dreams. This is why Chen Yi is reluctant to let her go.

Unlike Yu Jinyu, Ruan Zhuyi’s family conditions are very good, not only can be captured by money, for which Chen Yi also paid a lot of affection and time.

He even used a lot of skills. In the interaction with Ruan Zhuyi, Chen Yi had long discovered that her character was somewhat submissive.

So using some pua means, sending those expensive jewelry and bags from time to time, making her inseparable from herself materially and spiritually, and making herself a part of her life.

‘If you don’t need some means, how could Xiao Gongju be willing to be my little lover. ’

Chen Yi sometimes sighs.

Chen Yi’s conditions are indeed very good. If he pursues Ruan Zhuyi as his girlfriend, it will not be difficult, as he could easily do it before.

But if you want Ruan Zhuyi to be a little lover for yourself, the difficulty is not generally high. After all, the other party’s conditions are not bad, so why should you let go of your self-esteem.

Sometimes destiny just likes to joke like that, since the birth of Ruan Zhuyi, He Shengnan Jiyue.

If there was no Nantah University, Chen Yi believes that he might still maintain the relationship between boy and girl friends with Xiao Gongju, instead of now.

Fantastically, Chen Yi also stood up and did some warm-up exercises, ready to go swimming.

The bitch followed him and whispered: “…Papa, I read online and said you are going to participate in an e-sports competition?”

Although you don’t know much about the game, you have to say that you don’t know anything about the game of League of Legends, which is impossible for Yu Jinyu’s age.

“Well, just have fun.”

Chen Yi said while doing warm-up exercises for swimming.

“Then Xiao Gongju and I will go to the scene to cheer for you!”

Yu Jinyu’s eyes lit up and said immediately.

“If you want to go by yourself, I won’t go.”

Before Chen Yi answered, Ruan Zhuyi’s somewhat arrogant voice came.

·· ·····Find flowers 0 0

Chen Yi, who finished the warm-up exercise, smiled and said, “…There is nothing to see at the scene. If you want to cheer for me, just cheer for me online.”

“…Furthermore, I am going to the game and not to play. I can’t accompany you. Maybe you won’t see me that day.”

Nanda is definitely going to the scene, Chen Yi quickly rejected Yu Jinyu’s ideas.

Of course, he didn’t say anything absolutely. After all, the legs are on Yu Jinyu and Ruan Zhuyi. If they buy tickets to watch the game on site, Chen Yi can’t control it.

But tell them in advance that I was very busy that day and I didn’t have time to accompany you, so that the possibility of meeting my girlfriend and lover would be invisible.

Being a scumbag and being a sea king also requires flexible thinking.

Chen Yi walked to Ruan Zhuyi’s side, then jumped into the swimming pool.

…….. … 0

With a sound of ‘clam, Ruan Zhuyi’s body was covered with splashes of water, making Xiao Gongzuo a little embarrassed and said: “…what are you doing diving next to me!”

Chen Yi was still sinking at the bottom of the pool. He sneaked up to Ruan Zhuyi, suddenly grasped her beautiful curved ankles, and then yanked it down.


Ruan Zhuyi fell into the pool with a cry of exclamation, and hurriedly asked for help: “…Bitch come and save me!”

Yu Jinyu stood on the shore and watched Ruan Zhuyi, who was dancing and panicking, was smiling there, and ignored her at all.

Because Chen Yi is supporting herself, Ruan Zhuyi doesn’t have to worry about drowning and choking, but she can’t control her body in the water, which makes her instinctively scared.

The swimming pool itself has surveillance cameras, but Chen Yi has asked Xu Feng to turn off all surveillance here.

So no matter what happens in the pool, no one will know outside and no one will come in.

The three of them were laughing and playing in the pool. From time to time, they could hear the screams of Ruan Zhuyi and Yu Jinyu and the laughter of Chen Yi.

It wasn’t until Chen Yi’s cell phone rang that the trio’s play stopped temporarily. Chen Yi walked ashore with a little dissatisfaction, wondering which one was not eye-opening to call himself at this time.

But when he picked up the phone and saw the caller ID, he immediately changed his face.

“Sister, it’s rare for you to call me, do you miss me?”

Chen Yi answered the call, raised his fingers and made a “shhh” gesture at Ruan Zhuyi and Yu Jinyu.

The two hadn’t seen Chen Yi’s sister-in-law. Seeing that it was from Chen Yi’s elders, they immediately silenced and stopped making noise. zero.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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