Chapter 602 Getting used to the life of three people

“It all depends on what I am doing? Okay, let’s go back quickly. The pool people will have to clean up and continue business in a while, let’s not disturb them making money.”

Chen Yi closed the laptop without a red heart, and removed the external keyboard and mouse. He said with a smile to Yu Jinyu and Ruan Zhuyi.

Yu Jinyu rubbed her sore cheeks and looked at Chen Yi with a bitter expression on her face.

Ruan Zhuyi’s face was flushed, and when he glanced over, he quickly retracted his gaze, lowered his head and watched his snow-white legs continue to kick the surface of the swimming pool.

After Chen Yi swam for a while, and taught Ruan Zhuyi in the pool, he went back to find four players to play a game, and then called Yu Jinyu to his side.

Because Chen Yi was connected to Mai while playing the game, and the four team members were on the live broadcast, Yu Jinyu was scared and he didn’t dare to speak out and let Chen Yi bully her.

Looking at her knees and the two red spots that appeared from kneeling on the stone bricks outside the swimming pool, Yu Jinyu was bending her legs and stretching her muscles there.

Chen Yi glanced at it and said with a smile: “…Bitch, your skin is so delicate and tender, I’ll find some plasters for you in a while, or find a technician to come over and give you a spa?”

The bitch pursed his lips and said coquettishly: “…Daddy, the golden master, do you praise me for my tender skin?”

25  “Of course I’m complimenting you.”

“But how do I think you are laughing at me.”

She said non-compliant.

“Go away, you bitch, what innocence are you pretending to be here!”

Ruan Zhuyi, who had already changed his swimsuit and put on his regular clothes, came to Yu Jinyu’s side and said disdainfully.

“Are you embarrassed to say me? Who called the loudest in the pool just now?”

Yu Jinyu leaned forward and began to scratch Ruan Zhuyi’s itchy meat, humming.

“Oh, don’t scratch me here…hahaha, I am wrong, can’t I be wrong!”

“What’s wrong with you?”

“I, I scream the loudest, you are not pretending to be pure, you are really pure!”

“Why do I still think you are scolding me?”

Yu Jinyu continued to tickle her, making Xiao Gong laugh so that she could not stand up straight.

Chen Yi was also a little relieved to see this, Ruan Zhuyi finally became less gloomy and cheerful again.

I have to say that people are really the most adaptable creatures. After Ruan Zhuyi has adapted to the current relationship and lifestyle, she has no shame.

“Okay, bitch, don’t bully Xiao Gongjue, you will have to laugh out your abs when you make her laugh.”

Chen Yi said funny.

“Okay, please help her and don’t help me.”

Yu Jinyu let go of Ruan Zhuyi, pretending to be wronged.(Read more @

Ruan Zhuyi also took this opportunity to escape her clutches and ran behind Chen Yi.

“Because I am more beautiful than you, of course men like beautiful ones.”

Ruan Zhuyi gathered her long hair that had been wet from swimming just now, and said proudly.

Chen Yi nodded when he heard the words: “…Yes, it’s still a pretty young man, bitch, you can’t do this.”

“You guys are bullying me together. I don’t have any status anymore. Wait for me, I’ll change my clothes.”

Although she said that, Yu Jinyu looked like she was being bullied, and she went to change her clothes with a smile.

Chen Yi knew that this was all made by Yu Jinyu deliberately. She used this method to let Ruan Zhuyi integrate into the lives of the three people, trying to make jokes with her as much as possible.

And Ruan Zhuyi was unknowingly, she was ‘tuned’ by her, and she didn’t even think there was anything wrong with the three people being together.

I have to say that bitch is really a natural lover. She is very obedient to men’s psychology and knows what state men want their women to be. She works hard for this and can even help Chen Yi in turn.

“I won’t go home tonight, just live here…in a while, we’ll have a meal. By the way, I bought you a gift last time when I went to the United States. send over.”

When Yu Jinyu finished changing her clothes, Chen Yi said to the two of them.

The house that Chen Yi was optimistic about has also been bought, but it is now being renovated.

Cunning Rabbit Three Caves, now Chen Yi hardly takes other girls to his home in Overseas Chinese Town, where he and Nan Jiyue Ai’s lair are already.

The newly-purchased house is where Chen Yi’s golden house hides her. He even took away a few paintings from the Overseas Chinese Town for this reason.

Because Ruan Zhuyi likes these, hanging in her new home will make her happier.

Nan Jiyue is not interested in these paintings, so she didn’t ask anything about Chen Yi taking all the paintings away, thinking that he was selling them.

Whatever a girl likes must be in accordance with their wishes. This is the basic quality of a sea king.

“Papa, what did you buy?”

Yu Jinyu’s eyes lit up and she asked with a smile.

“At that time you will know, anyway, it is what you girls like.”

Chen Yi frowned and laughed.

Although Chen Yi still only gives her one hundred thousand yuan a month, the total amount of gifts given is no more than several million.

The insurance agreement was signed and Chen Yi liked her for a long time, so Chen Yi also became generous.

The same is true for Ruan Zhuyi. When he was a boyfriend and girlfriend before, Chen Yi gave few things instead.

When the relationship between the two became lovers, Chen Yi gave things more diligent and more expensive instead.

When Ruan Zhuyi heard what the two said, his mood was also complicated.

Although she has money in her family, it is impossible for her to buy this kind of hundreds of thousands of millions.

However, Chen Yi is very generous, and she doesn’t give her too much jewelry, bags, clothes and the like for all kinds of luxury goods.

Even though Ruan Zhuyi is not a woman who cares about material things, she feels that she is also being corroded in the face of these things.

After all, no female 833 people can escape those shining jewels and gems, always indulging in those beautiful brilliance.

And Chen Yi caught the women’s weaknesses and made it difficult for them to escape.

One night, Chen Yi almost quarreled with Ruan Zhuyi and Yu Jinyu, and almost didn’t sleep the whole time.

The next day, he went to the company refreshed. After chatting with his sister-in-law, Chen Yi took the initiative to contact Li Shengjie and made an appointment with him today.

“Jilei, you can make an appointment for lunch, and by the way, you can find a quiet club in the afternoon. I want to meet someone today.”

When he arrived at the company, Chen Yi said to a young man.

As Han Yifan got busy with work, he couldn’t always follow Chen Yi to deal with his problems, so Chen Yi asked for a few more assistants.

Men are still close to the body, and the position of assistant is better for men. Women are prone to accidents. Chen Yi has enough women to make mistakes in this area.

Of course, in addition to this personal assistant, there are some assistants who do groceries, and those are women.

“Okay, Mr. Chen, I took it all down.”

Ji Lei took out a pen and paper, and wrote down every instruction Chen Yi made with paper. This was taught by his predecessor Han Yifan.

Even if your brain can remember, behave and let the leader know that you are working, not being lazy. This is the wisdom of work. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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