Chapter 603 Goose Factory Executive

On the road in Shanghai, a Maybach ran smoothly.

The driver looked directly at the road ahead and looked at the rearview mirrors on both sides from time to time. A man dressed as a secretary in the co-pilot was looking down at the report in his hand.

In the back seat of the car, there were two men in their forties, one was Li Shengjie, and the other was Lin Hai, a senior official from the goose factory.

The organizational structure of the goose factory is based on a team of twelve people managing 42 senior executives, among which the CEO is naturally Tony Ma, and the president Liu Ping is responsible for him alone.

The remaining ten people manage different departments of the goose factory and are responsible to the president, and then these ten people manage forty-two high-level people, and this level goes down.

Lin Hai is one of the ten people who are directly responsible to the president and manages the financial investment department of the goose factory.

“Mr. Li, I’m sorry to ask you to come with me.”

When Lin Hai faced Li Shengjie, his posture was very low.

Although he is an executive of the goose factory, to be honest, he is a part-time worker, because he is backed by the power of the goose factory.

But Li Shengjie is different. He is the vice chairman of the Pengcheng Entrepreneur Association, the director of more than a dozen listed companies, and the CEO of three listed companies.

Coupled with the identity of his wife, she can be regarded as one of the real nobles, which is not the same as a hitman like him.

It can be said that in the environment of country c, there are many hidden bosses, because the identity of the nobility is too sensitive to be known.

Just like Li Shengjie, using the domestic search network to check him will only get a few words, which makes people think that he is just a fairly successful entrepreneur.

But if you use the Internet to check this person, you will find the complicated relationship between his family and his wife’s family in the political field.

There are even many things that cannot be found at all.

Even the top of the goose factory had to lower his posture in front of Li Shengjie.

Of course, because he is backed by the goose factory, as long as he is not arrogant, he does not have to kneel and lick, and respect is enough.

“Haha, this President Lin doesn’t matter, it just happens that I haven’t seen Brother Chen for a long time. I came to Shencheng this time and met him by the way.”

Li Shengjie said with a hearty smile.

‘Aren’t you also interested in other people’s company development prospects and want to invest. ’

Lin Haixin slandered, but smiled in his mouth: “…Mr. Li and Mr. Chen have a very good relationship ` `?”

Although Li Shengjie called Chen Yi Chen Xiaodi, Lin Hai did not dare to call it that way. One was unfamiliar, and the other was Chen Yi’s sensitive identity.

“My wife and his sister-in-law are very good girlfriends. Of course, Brother Chen is also very good. When I first met him in Xiangjiang, I was very optimistic about him and discussed with him as a peer.”

“…But I thought Brother Chen would have to experience a few more years before he could fully get on the right track in his career.”

“But he didn’t expect him to have unique vision, courage, courage and more ability, and directly seized the opportunity in the field of short video.”(Read more @

Li Shengjie sighed: “…I also looked away and felt that Chen Xiaodi was still young and would be a little irritable, but now it seems that he is very stable and steady.”

“… But he also has the problems that young people have.”

Speaking of this, Lin Hai also smiled and said: “…Haha, he likes to get ahead too much. This is a bit like Xiao Wang. Even among young people, he is also the most high-profile one. Wang Nengbi.”

“Well, there is really only Xiao Wang in this respect, but Xiao Wang is too emotional and has a bad temper, so he can’t be grand.”

“…There are many young people who are better than Xiao Wang. Of course, among the young people, no matter whether they are the second generation or the descendants of nobles, no one can compare to Brother Chen. This is completely incomparable.”

Li Shengjie shook his head, his evaluation of Xiao Wang was not high.

Although Wang Yiyi had been the richest man for a period of time, for people like Li Shengjie, he also had money, and most of the money was in stocks and real estate, which was very false.

For a person of his level, a person’s wealth is indeed a manifestation of social status, but it is not absolute. The most important thing depends on the industry and field involved, but also on the background relationship.

For example, Yida Group started from commercial real estate. Although it also involves many industries, these industries are all replaceable, so it is not important, so I want to get it right.

And some big bosses who have their own technology and are engaged in high-tech, their assets may not be exaggerated, they may only be tens of billions, but their own value is higher.

“Mr. Lin, Brother Chen is not a simple young man. It’s better for you to face it a little bit.”

Li Shengjie was faintly reminding Lin Hai, even with some warning.

Lin Hai smiled and said: “…We have known Mr. Li for a long time, am I that kind of stupid person?”

Li Shengjie shook his head with a laugh when he heard the words. Indeed, if he can become one of the twelve general managers of the goose factory, they are all true human spirits.

Of course Lin Hai knows that Chen Yi cannot be regarded as an ordinary young entrepreneur because of his background.

Regardless of the fact that the goose factory seems to be very strong, it often eats the small and the big one is the same in the industry.

But those are facing some other companies or ordinary people,

There are some people who are unwilling to provoke the goose factory. Everyone is in a fair competition and dare not use any tactics.

Even Rockefeller can be demolished in the United States, let alone in the environment of country c.

From this point of view, Tonyma has a more b-number, unlike his fellow jumpers.

‘Besides, I’m not qualified to be condescending. ’

Lin Hai shook his head.

Regardless of his high position in the goose factory, he can earn only 40-50 million US dollars a year, which is far behind Chen Yi’s current worth.

Even if Chen Yi is just an ordinary entrepreneurial young man without such a deep background, he can ignore the goose factory.

Even if there is no goose factory, there are all kinds of bigwigs who want to extend an olive branch to him, squeezing their heads and want to invest.

This is the unicorn company, and it is the strength of the unicorn company that has no competitors in the market for the time being.

They are fully qualified to choose investors to bring benefits to themselves, rather than asking investors to invest money.

“¨ 〃 President Lin, what do you think Chen Xiaodi’s enterprise can achieve in the end?”

Although Li Shengjie’s status is high, he is not necessarily better than Shang Linhai in terms of business ability. After all, he was able to climb up on his own.

Lin Hai hesitated for a moment and shook his head: “…No one can predict this kind of thing. Even if such unicorn companies find a profit point, it is normal to see that the investment is stable without losing money.”

“…But ofo’s lesson for the past lies there. This unicorn company doesn’t let us investors lose all our shorts.”

“But if Mr. Chen doesn’t make the mistakes of Dai Wei, I have talked with other senior executives in the company, and they are also very optimistic about the social field of short video in the future.”

“…If Mr. Chen’s products can always occupy such a large market, we feel that with the current user growth rate and stickiness, the future market value of his company will be hundreds of billions.”

“Of course this is just our random estimate, and not only our goose factory, but many people have also joined the competition. In the end, it is not known who will die.”

“…Just because the social field is too important to our goose factory, I will invest everywhere to find a good way out. Even if we ourselves fail in the short video field, we will still not be completely eliminated.”

Even a large enterprise like a goose factory cannot be complacent and needs to keep moving forward, otherwise one day it will be completely surpassed.

Li Shengjie nodded lightly, feeling a bit sore.

Hundreds of billions, for anyone, this is an enviable wealth.

It can only be said that Chen Yi is a real evildoer.

While the two were talking, Maybach arrived at Chen Yi’s downstairs. bitter.

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