Chapter 604 This young man is too good at nurturing Qi

Today, the number of employees in Chen Yi’s company is not particularly exaggerated. Therefore, he just rented a six-story building. The appearance of the building is very modern and artistic.

In order to retain Chen Yi, the hottest company nowadays, in addition, this area is an emerging economic development zone. When the regional management gave Chen Yi high preferential treatment and various policy deviations.

In addition to the relationship with the Han family, it can be said that in this area alone, Chen Yi can barely achieve the ability of the Goose Factory to be a Pizza Hut in Nanshan.

When Lin Hai and Li Shengjie arrived at the company, Chen Yi was already downstairs to greet them.

“Brother Li, it’s been a long time since I saw you… This is President Lin, right? It’s really brilliant for Lin to come to my small company.”

Chen Yi walked over with a smile on his face, shook hands with Lin Hai, and hugged Li Shengjie.

From this simple action, we can also see the closeness between Chen Yi and the two parties.

To make it harder to say, Lin Hai is a partner, and Li Shengjie is a closer person because of sister-in-law’s relationship.

Moreover, everyone’s status is actually different. Regardless of Lin Hai as an executive of the goose factory, he is also a worker, but Li Shengjie is now also a member of the nobility.

One’s ass must be straightened, and what class he is from must safeguard the interests of class 833.

Just as Chen Yi is a child of the nobility now, he will naturally defend this class because he is a person with vested interests.

Those who do not defend their own class and instead resist are called Ge x.

“Mr. Chen may be a small company now, but he will definitely be a big company in the future. This is where my arrival will make your company flourish. It should be an honor for me to be invited before your company grows.”

Lin Hai laughed twice, with a very polite tone. He didn’t make any high gestures just because Chen Yi was young and he was an executive of the goose factory.

He is not qualified either.

“Please come in, please come in, there is still a lot of time in the morning, Mr. Lin, we have some time to talk, I have asked the assistant to make an appointment with the hotel at noon.”

“…Don’t worry about what we talked about in the end. In the afternoon, let’s find a quieter club to keep healthy. It is not easy for Lin Zongtian to run south and north. If we need to rest, we should rest more.”

Chen Yi made a gesture of ‘please’, and a group of three people entered the company.

The three of them are surrounded by their own assistants and the senior executives of Chen Yi’s company.

“Mr. Chen pays attention to health preservation at such a young age. It doesn’t have to be that way, right?”

Lin Hai joked.

“It has nothing to do with being young or not, it’s mainly an attitude to life.”

“…The body is your own, you can’t just ruin it just because you’re young.”

Chen Yi shook his head and smiled.

“Little brother Chen is right. I was too Meng Lang when I was young. Now that I am older, my body is not as good as before, and my body is the capital of the revolution. This sentence will never be out of date.”(Read more @

Li Shengjie said in agreement.

Lin Hai also sighed when he heard this.

Unlike people like Li Shengjie and Chen Yi, his family background is average, and he really climbed to this position on his own.

For the sake of his career when he was young, let alone 996, 007 often went to work and worked hard to reach his current position.

At that time, he traded his life for money, but now he wants to trade money for his life, but he can’t change it anymore.

Moreover, even now, he is under a lot of pressure. The position of the goose factory executive is not so easy to sit down easily. Some people compete with him.

It can only be said that workers are workers after all and are always exploited by capitalists.

The three of them were not in a hurry to go to Chen Yi’s office, but turned around in the building, looking at various jobs.

As an investor, this is a matter of course. If there are even problems with the company’s internal management, then the company has no future.

Rest area, smoking area, self-service snacks and drinks, green plants everywhere, work areas that are not densely together, various cute dolls and leisure corners.

Chen Yi’s company looks very casual, giving people a laid-back feel.

“The main thing to learn is the management style of Silicon Valley. Nowadays, young people, especially those who think they have some ability, are pursuing this kind of petty bourgeoisie life, even the place of work requires petty bourgeoisie.”

“…So I gave them this kind of working environment, at least this kind of working environment is not too depressing.”

Chen Yi introduced some of the company’s facilities to Lin Hai and Li Shengjie, and said.

Lin Hai nodded and shook his head, and said, “…but no matter what the working environment is, the essence has not changed.”

Chen Yi glanced at him and said with a smile: “…Who said no, but since everyone likes to deceive this way, then give others a chance to deceive themselves.”

“… In this way, you can comfort yourself by looking at the surrounding environment and facilities when the pressure is too high, isn’t it?”

Lin Hai’s words are actually very clear. Don’t care about the working environment or how humane your company looks. You can eat all kinds of free drinks and snacks.

But in fact, your working time will not be reduced, and your work content and workload will not be reduced.

No matter how good the working environment is, the daily workload is more than eight hours. Even Chen Yi can’t change this.

The Internet industry is now seriously underwhelmed. If you don’t do this, your company will not be competitive.

Even if you don’t say anything as a boss, your middle-level management and grassroots management will spontaneously work overtime to show you.

The salary level of Internet companies is really high, which is not to say, but the result is that they often leave work after 10 o’clock in the evening, and have to be dispatched in the group at midnight.

Even if Chen Yi’s opponents are already well paid, the salary has been set high enough, but this situation is impossible to change.

Even Chen Yi can’t make everyone work leisurely while the company can compete with others. That is unrealistic.

Thinking of this, Chen Yi also shook his head, because he was once a social animal, so he understood the mood of the social animal, but when he stood in his current position, he found that he also had to become a black-hearted capitalist.

This is no way, and sometimes it is involuntary.

‘No wonder Pinduoduo’s employees died suddenly, and Tema’s stock price has risen. ’

Chen Yi feels ridiculous for this magical society.

Because of the sudden death of your company’s employees, it shows that your company’s employees are really working hard, so the stock price has risen, and this logic of thinking is no longer there.

After introducing the company, Chen Yi brought Lin Hai and Li Shengjie to Chen Yi’s office.

The office occupies a large area, about 200 square meters. When the three people came to the sofa of the rest room, they sat down, and other female assistants brought tea.

When everyone retreats, and only three Chen Yi are left in the room, the atmosphere suddenly becomes calm.

Chen Yi took a sip of tea without rush, waiting for Lin Hai to speak first.

Lin Hai was not in a hurry. He narrowed his smile and sat there, drinking tea with Chen Yi. Li Shengjie even laughed without speaking.

For a while, the atmosphere changed and felt embarrassing, but it was up to who could not stand the embarrassment.

After waiting for a long time, when Chen Yi was still drinking tea leisurely, Lin Hai couldn’t sit still.

He secretly said that this young man is so good at nurturing Qi, he can only helplessly speak first.

He looked straight and said to Chen Yi: “…Mr. Chen, don’t you think your company is developing too slowly now?”.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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