Chapter 610 This woman is a rival

“Good afternoon, friends and spectators, welcome to watch the League of Legends Pro League Spring Game, where OMG will play against rng, and we will once again come to Shanghai for today’s game.”

“…Yes, wow, everyone can see that there are really a lot of people at today’s game, the tickets are completely sold out, and even the aisle is full of people.”

“Today is the first show of a certain legendary player. It is estimated that everyone is watching this legendary player.”

“Yes, this legendary player leads the opponent’s economy by 20 billion as soon as he comes up. I don’t know how rn~g will deal with it.”

“Twenty billion? Then you are out. Didn’t you watch yesterday’s news? At the very least, you have to come up with a lead of 40 to 10 billion.”

“Rng’s base won’t explode as soon as it comes up?”

“Then it depends on the strength of the rng base.”


On the commentary stage, the two hosts were joking, there was a burst of cheers inside the venue, and the audience could hear the laughter from time to time.

The stadium gradually dimmed, and laser lights were shining everywhere. If it weren’t for the huge screen in front and the player seats on both sides, people might wonder if they had come to a night stadium.

The director pointed the camera at the audience very well, and scanned the audience in the first few rows, and he could see that most of the audience were women.

Some of them are dressed plainly, but most of them are dressed in short skirts with thighs exposed and beautifully dressed.

These women are wearing cute cheering cat ears on their heads and holding flashing cards in their hands. The signs are all “Chen Yi I love you”, “husband look at me, I am your wife” and so on. ‘.

In the front row of the audience, Nan Jiyue yelled and jumped excitedly, holding an OMG support card in his hand, shouting cheer with the noisy audience around.

Around her, a group of men and women gathered together. These men and women all appeared proud and confident. If they knew how to dress, they would find that they were all expensive luxuries.

There were also a few more mature and stable sitting there chatting, but in the lively atmosphere of the venue, all of them looked a little excited.

These are from the Imperial Capital and Shencheng, some of Chen Yi’s second-generation friends, the rows of sports cars in the parking lot are all theirs.

Today’s Chen Yi’s status in the second-generation circle has come to an end, and it can even be said that he has surpassed that circle long ago.

However, because Chen Yi is too young, many second generations still regard him as their kind of friends who eat, drink and have fun, and admire his achievements.

Under 30 Chen Yi now claims to be the strongest, and it is estimated that no one will refute it.

Regardless of status, ability, or social status, if a man is thirty years old as the dividing line, no one under thirty can match him.

After Nan Jiyue shouted a few cheers in excitement, she narrowed her smile and looked at Li Shiman who was shouting cheering next to her, and said unhappily, “…Why are you here?”

Everyone is from the imperial capital, they are all in a circle, and they are all girls. Nan Jiyue has known Li Shiman in the past, but the two of them don’t have deep friendship, and they are not particularly good girlfriends.

“Chen Yi is going to play, as his friends, we are here to cheer for him.”

Li Shiman has a passionate and fierce personality. When facing Nan Jiyue, she raised her brows and provoked her back with a smile.(Read more @

“Do you know the game, just come over?”

Nan Jiyue’s tone was still very aggressive.

Although Li Shiman is not as beautiful as her, she is already a rare beauty in this circle, and even Nan Jiyue will feel pressure in front of her.

“If you don’t know the game, you can’t cheer for Shao Chen? Ask the people around here, how many people know the game?”

Li Shiman looked at Nan Jiyue with a smile, curled the corner of his mouth, and motioned to the second generations around him.

Nan Jiyue was choked and speechless.

These second generations don’t necessarily understand games. Those men are fine, even if they are rich second generations, they don’t stop playing games. Most of the men have played League of Legends, not to mention the skills, but at least they understand some.

As for the second-generation females who came here to cheer on Chen Yi, such as Nan Jiyue’s good girlfriends Yu Xin and Wang Zhennan, they really don’t understand games, they just come to join in the fun.

If Nan Jiyue uses this as an excuse to make trouble, even her good girlfriend will be offended.

“That’s right, although we don’t understand games, we have a good relationship with Shao Chen, can’t we come and cheer for him?”

Several girls around Li Shiman said each other.

These people are all good friends playing with Li Shiman.

“My Chen Yi doesn’t know you either.”

Nan Jiyue deliberately increased her tone on “My Home”. She clearly knew that Chen Yi never knew these friends of Li Shiman. It was the first time they met.

“Although Chen Shao doesn’t know us, we want to know Chen Shao. Oh, Nan Jiyue, aren’t you jealous? I tell you, what men hate most is that women are jealous for no reason.

“…Especially someone like Shao Chen who is so handsome with his status and status, I guess I can’t stand it even more.”

The girls continued to twitter, talking strangely.

“What’s the matter, bullying our family Yueyue? This is Shencheng, not your imperial capital. Please be honest with your sister!”

·· ·····Find flowers 0 0

Yu Xin and Wang Zhennan spoke at this time, helping Nan Jiyue confront Li Shiman and her best friends.

“Okay, let’s just say a few words less.”

Li Shiman persuaded both sides at this time, her personality is not very savage, although her personality is very enthusiastic, but she also knows the importance.

There is no need to make the relationship so stale with Nam Jiyue.

Everyone can see that Li Shiman is interested in Chen Yi, but now Chen Yi is indeed Nan Jiyue’s boyfriend, she is not reasonable.

Of course Chen Yi and Nan Jiyue are not married, Li Shiman feels that he still has a chance.

“Yueyue is also from our imperial capital, but isn’t she also having a good relationship with you guys in Shencheng? So let’s not place too much emphasis on the region.”

“…We are all here to cheer on Chen Yi to watch him play, and so are you. Let’s stop arguing for the same purpose.”

…….. …. 0

“The people here, whether in the imperial capital or in Shencheng, are not all here to cheer him. Yueyue, you are Chen Yi’s girlfriend, so you should help him maintain a friendship.”

“…The last time Chen Yi went to my house to see my uncle, my uncle also said that Chen Yi is excellent. Everyone thinks so and wants to know him. Shouldn’t you be proud of that?”

Li Shiman looked at Nan Jiyue and said with a smile, hiding the needle in the cotton in a few words, causing Nan Jiyue to frown.

This woman’s rank is a bit high, and the words seem to be kind, but they are all yin and yang.

She first named Nan Jiyue and she is now Chen Yi’s girlfriend, so in the face of these people who come to cheer on Chen Yi, she should support them regardless of whether she knows them or not.

If she instead made Chen Yi’s relationship with these friends become stiff, it would be her girlfriend’s negligence.

Among the wealthy, if a woman doesn’t even have the ability to communicate, it is completely disqualified.

Then Li Shiman also named Chen Yi to have met his uncle, and was praised by her uncle, giving people the feeling that Chen Yi had met Li’s parents.

Thinking of the identity of Uncle Li Shiman and the identity of Grandpa Chen Yi, Nan Jiyue suddenly became a little nervous.

If only from the background identity, this Li Shiman is more suitable than Chen Yi.

Nan Jiyue took a deep look at Li Shiman, Li Shiman looked back and smiled at her, the two of them were not arrogant, but both calmed down.

Nan Jiyue knows that Li Shiman is a strong enemy, but the good news is that she has successfully sneaked away, so just don’t give this woman a chance.

Thinking of this, Nan Jiyue’s gloomy mood improved a lot. zero.

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