Chapter 611 He is naturally eye-catching

In the omg lounge, the atmosphere is very lively, whether it is the players, coaches or staff, there is no tension before the game.

Today is an entertainment bureau, everyone thinks so, this time the task is to accompany the boss to play games and make fun.

Of course, it’s best to win, it doesn’t matter if you don’t win, anyway, OMG has won the first place in the regular season, and the place in the playoffs has been stabilized.

“Boss, what hero do you want to ban?”

The coach sat in his chair with a notebook in his hand, and asked Chen Yi seriously.

Since the boss is playing the game today, it is natural that the boss will ban whoever wants to ban. As a coach, this is probably the easiest bp he has done.

“Whatever, you just go to bp according to the normal rhythm of the game.”

Chen Yi slumped on the boss chair, a masseur was rubbing his shoulders, and another hand masseur was pressing his hands.

In the current lpl team, I am afraid that only OMG has the most complete logistics configuration. There are various masseurs, physical therapists, and psychological counselors, so that the players can participate in the competition in the best condition.

Hearing what the boss said, the coach nodded, and he took his notebook and said: “…We have decided on the playoffs, but RNG still needs regular season points to get the playoffs ahead.”

“…They will definitely play seriously. Which position is the boss going to play?”

Chen Yi thought about it and said, “…the first mid laner, and the second one. You don’t have to target the mid lane completely when you bp. Play as normal. I still want to win.”

Chen Yi is still a little excited, after all, this may be the only opportunity in his life to play a professional e-sports league.

As a tens of billions of people, he can play this once, but he will not really waste his time playing e-sports.

“What are we afraid of? The boss is very strong, and he will definitely be able to blow up the sales accounts.”

Uzi, the little fat man over there, said with a smile.

Several other team members took a look at him. This little fat guy looked very sincere, but flattering was really good. In the past few days, everyone has exposed his nature when they accompany the boss.

Every day I yelled something like ‘Boss, let me be a dog for you’, ‘Does the boss want to be red? ’, ‘Boss, I’ll keep this blue for you’, ‘the boss is bloody, the head is for you. ’

That’s really wide on the road.

The coach started to have a headache at this time. Before, he thought that bp was easy to do, but now he feels that it is not easy to do.

Because Chen Yi is not a professional player, it is impossible to listen to him as a coach to choose a hero. It is definitely the boss who wants to play whatever he wants.

If you just play with the boss, then you can ban the middle lane and grab your own mid laner. The boss must have fun, but the other lanes may have to give up.

But the boss said that if he wanted to win, he had to be serious and couldn’t take care of the mid lane. This made the coach suddenly become entangled.

“Ready to play.”

There was a knock on the door, and a staff member shouted.

When Chen Yi heard this, he took off his jacket and revealed his team uniform. There were not many advertisements on it. Except for the advertisement of Chen Yi’s own company, it was the “people” logo of Mercedes-Benz.

The team members began to take their own mouse and keyboard, and walked out in order.

“come on!”

“Come on, boss!!”

“The boss is going to cancel the account!”

“…”(Read more @

The staff of the team yelled to cheer. The photographer took the photographic equipment all the way around Chen Yi. Every shot taken here is a precious picture.

It is estimated that just these videos taken this time, I don’t know how many videos will be available.

Walking out of the lounge, people immediately felt the kind of cheers that shook the sky. Even if the players are already familiar with the game, this level of cheering is probably only available in the world arena.

The puppy walked behind Chen Yi and asked with a smile, “…Boss, are you nervous?”

Chen Yi glanced back at him and smiled: “…a little bit, after all, it’s the first time.”

Standing behind the front of the playing field, everyone was chatting, but everyone was mainly talking and laughing around Chen Yi.

As the commentator shouted loudly, the players began to enter the arena.

Accompanied by deafening cheers, Chen Yi followed the players into the arena, and the cheers became even more enthusiastic in an instant, wishing to overturn the entire stadium.

“Husband, look at me!!!”

“Ahhhh, Chen Yi, I love you!!”

“Husband here here, here I am!!!”

“Ah, he looked at me!!”


A group of girls screamed in shock, it was like a fan girl saw an idol. What they knew was an e-sports stadium, and what they didn’t knew was that a certain singer star was holding a concert.

The spotlight completely shone on Chen Yi’s body, and countless cameras were aimed at him, which made Chen Yi feel a sense of the world focusing on you.

Although Chen Yi was famous in the past and had a lot of outbound shots, most of them were post-edited videos.

Even if it has been seen by hundreds of millions of viewers across the country, it has never been like this. Thousands of people present are staring at you, and then millions of people are watching the live broadcast.

This is the first time that Chen Yi’s appearance is a live broadcast.

But Chen Yi is like a natural character who should walk in the spotlight.

He walks steadily, with a soft smile on his face, and his long look looks out of the sky. In addition, he is photogenic and a profile shot is enough to make many men admire and how many women scream before the computer broadcast.

“Why did I hear a man shouting to give me a baby? Now that a man is so powerful, he has this function?”

Chen Yi went straight to the middle position and sat down, sitting in the middle of the road, commanding the audience, joking while debugging the equipment.. …..

The players and the coach all laughed. The beautiful referee standing behind was also covering her mouth and laughing. She walked up to Chen Yi with her hands on her back, pretending to be doing referee duties, but staring at him all the time.

“This sister is using the convenience of her position to do private affairs, so she should be expelled quickly!”

“I also want to apply for a referee.”

“But let’s not say, this referee is pretty, and her hair was dyed pink. It’s not because she was dyed specifically for today.”


In the live broadcast room, barrages drifted by piece by piece.

On the commentary stage, the two commentators are also trying to drive the atmosphere.

“Today’s game is a battle of focus. I’m afraid I don’t say which player everyone will pay attention to, but everyone has the answer.”

“Hey? OMG’s Chen Yi is sitting in the middle position. Is this going to be a mid laner?”

“It seems that today’s lineup speculation will be roughly divided into two directions. Option a is to choose a very aggressive hero in the middle, and then the jungler stays in the middle and doesn’t walk, so that the middle becomes a double line.”

“… Plan b is to choose some heroes in the middle lane, because the middle lane is short and relatively safe. As long as the conservative eats soldiers, the jungler goes to gank other lanes to find a breakthrough.”

“In that case, I am more optimistic that omg will choose option a today. Before the game, I carefully checked the rank records of Omg Chen Yi players.”

“…This is a very versatile player who has performed well in all positions and has a high winning rate in every position, even in the support position.”

“…0.0, especially Chen Yi, is a sea of ​​heroes. The heroes used for rank are different each time, and they have returned to the king segment in just a few days.”

“Hey? How much did you charge Mr. Chen yesterday? You brag about Mr. Chen like that?”

“How can I say it is blowing, I’m telling the truth, look at my eyes.”

The commentary was amused on the stage, making the audience and the audience watching the live laugh.

“Do you think there will be such a scene in the game?”

“Which admiration?”

“The player Chen Yi went back to the spring water store and asked the merchant’s hat how much he sold the equipment? The merchant said 3600 yuan, and then the player Chen Yi said, okay, should I pay with vx or pay b?”

“Then a QR code pops up on the screen?”


“Ha ha ha ha!!!”

The audience laughed and was overjoyed.

Listening to the commentary in that Hu Kan, and nothing else, the effect of the program is there.

“Okay, the players have finished debugging their equipment, let’s go back to the bp link of the competition site.”.

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