Chapter 612 What is a world-class mid laner!

“Okay, let’s take a look at the players from both sides. Now we officially enter the ban.pick link…omg chose the blue side and rng the red side.”

“…Do you think OMG’s coach will be mid laner with five bans?”

“To be honest, I’m telling the truth, not flattering. I think the coach of OMG doesn’t need a five-ban mid laner at all.”

“…Although Chen Yi has not participated in the training match, we don’t know how he performed in the training match, but in the rank, Chen Yi has chosen a lot of heroes.”

“…As long as he is selected for a celebrity hero, and if he has the resources to take care of him, he can carry it. To be honest, among the current LPL mid laners, I don’t even think anyone can be better than Chen Yi. ”

“…If there is anything, it would be ig’s mid laner rooike. Anyway, in my opinion, if Chen Yi is playing mid laner, the coach’s bp is better.”

“Are you really flattering?”


“Yes, even if you flatter, I guess Mr. Chen won’t look at you more in the crowd.”


“Ha ha ha ha!!!”


“Okay, the bps of both sides are over. This is a very regular bp. Chen Yi’s player unexpectedly chose Demon Ji. After the revision of last season, Demon Ji’s r skills have been greatly changed, but they still have a good appearance rate. ”

“…25 Jungler Pizza chose Spiders. As a hero who needs active gank in the early stage, this is to catch the mid lane in the early stage.”

“…You asked me why I was catching the middle lane? You still have to ask this question!”

“…The Xiye player chose a single-handed murloc. As a mid laner, he also played well against the murloc, and this season we’s leg brother has also used it on the road.”

“…It’s just that this hero reminds me of a certain mid laner in rng.”

“…Well, Bottom Dog and Xiao Ming are a classic combination of Bing and Bron.”


“On the rng side, the top laner Rambo, the jungle prince, adc and support are the policewoman and Thresh, and the mid laner is Ryze.”

“…Fortunately, coach OMG gave Galio to the ban, or Demon Ji is really not good at playing, but this version of Ryze and Demon Ji are on the line, it is purely a matter of skill and skill.”

“Okay, let’s enter the game. Both sides are in their respective positions. There is no strange situation, such as the OMG five-man team in the middle and the polar chaos.”

“…The pizza player chose the red open. After getting the red buff, the consequences were just as we thought. They were caught at level 2. Fortunately, they were prepared to cancel their accounts. They were not caught, but they were also beaten. A set.”

“…Hey, wait a minute, pizza is too much, and all the accounts are in the tower, you just stand at the door of the tower and look at him, don’t you want it in the wild?”

“…Although you are a spider and need a pre-gank, you can’t do that!”


“Very well, the pizza player finally gave up the cancellation of their accounts and came to the upper half of the area and began to continue to play. The sellers were relieved to be able to eat the line, huh? Why did the Chen Yi contestant’s enchanting girl also enter the jungle?”

“… He, his enchantress got the blue buff?? Is there anything like this? The jungler doesn’t even want the first blue buff? It’s uncomfortable to cancel the account!”


Pizza used spiders to block the door of the seller’s central tower to prevent him from making up his knife, and he couldn’t even get experience. Chen Yi happily controlled the line and temporarily gained the lead in experience.

However, the middle route is short, and it is not as controllable as on the road. Even if Chen Yi has already used the line control technology to the extreme, the pawn line is still pushed past.(Read more @

“Chen Yi player’s make-up is beautiful and picturesque. It can be seen that his basic skills are solid, and all the pawns have not fallen. Especially have you noticed it?”

“… The Chen Yi player will control the minion’s blood volume to the limit before going to make up the knife, which will extend the card line time as much as possible. This kind of detailed LPL mid laner can’t do it.”

The commentator sighed, and when he heard the commentary, both the live audience and the audience watching the live broadcast also sighed. From these small details, you know that Chen Yi is a real king.

And it may not be an ordinary king. OMG let his boss come to the game. This is really not for fun. This technique is definitely a top mid laner.

“Boss boss, I’ll call you blue!”

Pizza went to the blue buff area and yelled in the headset.

“No need, take the first blue.”

Chen Yi’s own skills are very high. When he played the rank, he let the blue be blue, but the first blue in the game was really not enough.

“I have controlled my blood volume, boss, please come and get it, if you don’t get it, I will be killed by the blue buff!”

Pizza urged in the headset.

Seeing this, Chen Yi could only accept it ‘reluctantly’ and got the first blue buff.

Although on the surface it says no, but in reality, Chen Yi got the first blue buff. Chen Yi is in a very good mood. Everyone knows how cool it is to get the blue buff in the mid laner.

In particular, Chen Yi’s laning skills are still higher than that of the opponent. The mid laner on the other side can only be said to be miserable.

Sure enough, when the accountant saw Chen Yi reappearing in front of him, with a blue halo under his feet, he immediately put on a mask of pain.

“Boss, I’m here again, will you give me the first move?”

Although Pizza had completely fallen behind in the wild area, he ran to the middle after rising to level 3, hiding in the shadow of the river and shouted.

“I’ll take the first step, I’ll take the first step, you take control!”

When Chen Yi played games, he couldn’t get up and down, and sometimes his output was just shouting.

Because of the blue buff, Ryze’s blood volume is not healthy because it has been consumed by a single channel on the opposite side before.

“Pizza is in place again, hey, the Chen Yi player chose to go first, it is beautiful, and even the seller was chained in the cracks of the small soldiers.”

“… Pizza made a decisive e-flash, and completely fixed the seller in place. Is it going to make people head? Sure enough, pizza has stopped.”

“…The canceled accountant thinks he can run, he flashes, oh, flashes to move to the grave.”

“… In this game, a blood burst, and OMG’s Chen Yi won this head. This is also the first head of his career.”

When the voice of first.blood sounded in the stadium, when the commentator shouted hoarsely, the whole stadium was like an earthquake in an instant, with the screams of girls and the screams of men one after another.

“Ah, husband, you are so handsome!!!”

“Old Bull x!!!”

Even with the headset, the screams made people feel pain in the eardrums, but the atmosphere was so warm.

“Pizza returned to the wild area. After playing two sets of wilds, he came to the middle again. Hey, the cancellation of the account was too careless. He knew that he would be arrested madly, so how could he be so careless.”

“You should say that Chen Yi’s skills are too strong. He is extremely proficient with the enchantress and can be linked to all kinds of tricky chains.”

“…You said that I was chained to hiding in the middle of the minions. Who can blame this? The middle road of closing the account has collapsed. If you have no experience, you have to make up the knife without making up the knife, and face the two-headed demon. how to spell?”

“That’s what you said, but it’s also very important for pizza to gank the mid lane frequently. Demon Jilan hasn’t stopped since the first blue.”

“…You said that the jungler is in the 2nd level, 3rd level is squatting in the grass on the left side of the middle, 4th level is squatting in the middle, 5th level is squatting in the right side of the middle, and 6th level is coming again, or you will squat to defend the gate of the 840 tower. When you come out, this is a hunger strike.”

“…In this case, you can’t play any mid laner.”

“Rng’s incense pot player has never been there once. He frequently patronizes the top and bottom lanes and wants to play an advantage in the top and bottom lanes. I think his choice is right.”

“…The opponent’s Nakano was strong in the early stage, and it almost told you that I just caught it. The anti-squatting is also very dangerous. Xiangguo decisively chose to abandon the account and try to open the situation in the upper and lower lanes. This is very smart.”

“…Otherwise, he will be caught in a chaos in the middle, facing such a fat demon girl, he will not be able to fight.”

“Then why don’t you say that this is because of the high EQ of the incense pot? People may not catch the middle because of the way.”

“Guarantee the opposite middle road? This is a strong understanding. It seems that this is a world where only customers are injured.”



Explaining that the same blind hurdle as talking about cross talk made people laugh nonstop. No matter what the result of this game is, at least the effect of the program is really good.

Moreover, if rng’s jungler is selected in such a way, no one would say that this is a negative game.

Because he frequently takes care of the upper and lower lanes, making OMG’s upper and lower lanes difficult to play, he can only try to be careful not to be overrun.

Chen Yi looked at the Abyss Scepter, which is almost a must-have for mid laners in this version, and he knew it was time to come out.

He is not a golden player, and if he gets the advantage in the middle, he stays in the middle.

Ryze on the opposite side has collapsed, and it doesn’t make much sense to line up with him. Now is the time for a middle-field linkage to bring the upper and lower lanes to victory in the game!

With the skills at the full level of the League of Legends in Chen Yi’s system, he can be said to be a rare and rare professional e-sports player in the world.

And this kind of player got such a big advantage in the early stage, which represents a complete massacre. .

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