Chapter 613 My Yishen counterpoint economic difference is 40 billion

“The combination of Puppy and Xiao Ming’s bot lane suppressing power is really fierce. Rng’s bot lane can’t be hit at all. Even if the incense pot frequently takes care of the bottom lane, the bottom lane gap does not appear.”

“…Moreover, there have been online double kills. This is the problem of rng’s drop.”

“Yes, there is indeed a problem with rng’s bottom lane combination. The predecessor of rng is the royal family. The puppy used to play for the royal family for two years and won two world runner-ups.”

“…It is said that rng is planning to buy a puppy and Xiao Ming to form a bot team this year, but unexpectedly he was cut off by OMG, and the two went to OMG together.”

Although the protagonist of this game is of course Chen Yi, the director always cuts the camera to his side.

But League of Legends is after all a game that only ten people can start, and other players will also have a lot of shots.

Although the commentary uses ridicule in exchange for the audience’s frequent laughter, the normal commentary will also be performed when the normal commentary is required.

This year’s rng results are not good., who is on the road, can barely be a blue-collar, but he wants to c but c does not move.

Bottom lane because Xiao Ming ran away and the puppy didn’t come again. Before the spring game was about to start, there was no one, so the bottom lane combination could only be brought up from the second team.

As a rookie, he barely made it to the first team, and the bottom lane has always been a breakthrough point for rng this season.

It can be said that only mid laners and junglers are the only players that rng can c, and because of the jungle resources, it can be said that the real carry point is only mid laners.

This mid-single-sales account was completely exploded again, and when an overly fat enchantress began to wander, it was almost a one-sided situation.

“This is a horror game. The player Chen Yi in the middle is too fat, and he has been invading the opponent’s jungle in conjunction with the jungler, leaving the incense pot with no resources to eat.”

“…The loss of resources in the wild area caused by the gank of pizza in the early stage has been recovered, and the level is no longer bad. Because the wild area has become an omg, the field of vision cannot be done, and the map of rng is black. ”

“…Today’s Demon Fairy has five heads in hand, with too many equipment ahead, and a set of combos can easily kill people. No one knows if a Demon Fairy is squatting in the grass, and it will die if it shows up.”

“Yes, this demon girl is just a dad now. As long as she participates in the team battle omg, it is impossible to lose. Under the leadership of the demon girl, the top and bottom lanes are also better. ”

“…It’s the little murloc from Xiye. He also came to the tower to find the account to be sold off. Ryze hit the little murloc’s r. It’s over and can’t run away.”

“…The little murloc is fighting the tower, hey, wait a minute, the little murloc used e to pull away the hatred of the defensive tower. Now it becomes the demon girl who is fighting the tower, but the demon girl’s blood volume is not healthy before!”

“…Fortunately, fortunately, Yao Ji’s passiveness saved her life, or she almost resisted the tower and died.”

“This, this is Xiye’s mistake, right? It can’t be said to be a mistake, it’s a professional player’s habit, subconsciously using skills to pull away hatred at the end of the fight against towers and dying.”

“…It’s just that Xi Ye has gone so far. Let the boss fight the tower. Will he be expelled directly after the game?”


When the audience heard the ridicule of the two commentators, they couldn’t close their legs with laughter. They could only say that these two commentaries were too good, and played the whole story of this focus battle.

“Boss, I was wrong, I was wrong, I shouldn’t use e!”

Seeing that Chen Yi used his skills to pull away the hatred and let Chen Yi go against the tower, he almost died against the tower. Xi Ye’s heart almost jumped out of his throat and quickly apologized in the headset.

Chen Yi manipulated the demon girl with only a trace of blood and pressed it back to the city, teasing: “…it’s okay, that is, the bonus is gone.”

“Boss, don’t!”(Read more @

Xi Ye screamed.

“Ha ha!!!”

The other players laughed out loud. To be honest, this game has entered garbage time, rng is impossible to come back, everyone feels relaxed a lot, and the tension of the game is gone.

Of course everyone knows that Chen Yi is joking, and Xi Ye is also very cooperative.

Just when Chen Yi returned to the city and the countdown was about to end, a prince suddenly appeared on the opposite side, but he reacted very quickly, and used w to hide before the prince eq flashed.

“The reaction of player Chen Yi was really fast. The eq flash of the incense pot was fast enough, but he still reacted to it.”

“…It seems that Chen Yi players do not have the habit of watching Taobao when they return to the city.”

A commentator exaggerated shouted.

Another commentator said quietly: “… Maybe Chen Yi players never watch Taobao, after all, Taobao’s things are too cheap.”



“No way, these two commentaries are too funny, the official no wonder they let them explain the game, I really dare to say.”

“The abs that I laughed are almost coming out.”

“Fuck, Yishen is really awesome, this level is too strong, the leader is handsome and rich, and the game is so good, f*ck, I am all wet.”

“666666, the sales account is completely blown up, in fact, even if the pizza is not gank, everyone can see the gap in the mid lane when laning.”

“Yes, it’s the mid-laner gap!”


In the end, under the rotation of adc, support, top laner, and jungler, OMG won the game relatively easily.

Chen Yi also ended his first game of lpl with a record of 12 kills and 0 deaths.

“This OMG is really strong. To be honest, I think this OMG is stronger than before when Mr. Chen hits the mid laner.”

“¨ 〃…Or else Mr. Chen would come to play e-sports. Not playing e-sports would be a big loss for lpl.”

“This makes Mr. Chen come to play e-sports, how much does his salary have to open for a year?”

“It’s estimated to be several billion.”

“You sold all the teams, and it’s not worth the billions. Okay, let’s take a look at the damage data of this game. Sure enough, Chen Yi’s enchanting girl got the highest damage in the game. ”

“…As for mvp, you don’t have to think about it, you know who it is.”

On the big screen, the damage data map after the game is released, and the omg side is a perfect middle finger damage map.

The rng side is extremely exaggerated, the highest damage is actually played by the jungler.

“What’s the purpose of closing the account? A Ryze hit 2200 damage?”

“66666, I’ll be anxious to anyone who is talking about the 4396 of the factory manager in the future, is it amazing that your factory manager 4396 has me 2200 to cancel the account!”

“Exaggeration, just exaggeration, don’t say that a super ghost who died in the single Ryze, the damage is only 2,200, this is the only one in the history of lpl!”

“This is the power of a tiger!”

“Lpl will have new weights and measures in the future!”

Seeing rng’s damage panel, the entire barrage was in commotion.

And when the big picture of mvp appeared after the game, when Chen Yi’s counterpoint economic gap reached 8848, not only the network barrage, but the scene was also crazy and cheered.

“Fuck, this is an exaggeration. The matchup is 8848 ahead. This f*ck is Mount Everest!”

“Cancel your account and retire!”

“Ya Shen Niu x!”

“Is the director data wrong? Isn’t the counterpoint economic gap 40 billion?”

“It may be too much zero, that one can’t be discharged!”

“It’s also possible that the director is not good at math, and I don’t know how many zeros to hit.”

“Hahahaha!!! The barrage of f*ck is all talents!”


“It’s just that this picture shows up as p, it’s too fake!”

“But don’t say, Yishen’s head is on anyone, f*ck is handsome.”

“Husband, I love you! Straight!”

“Men and wives go away, our women haven’t spoken yet, this is my husband!!!”.

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