Chapter 614 Guarding the best President Chen in the world

A hearty victory.

For Chen Yi, this result is normal.

Not to mention that this year OMG was originally the strongest team in LPL. The first in the regular season can also be said to be the strongest team in LPL.

And Chen Yi’s own level is supported by the system, in fact, as long as he is willing, no matter which position he plays, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the strongest in the world.

Although the system is now difficult for Chen Yi to be self-sufficient in terms of money, he needs to make money on his own.

But in terms of the help of various abilities and even some black technologies, this system is still invincible.

“Boss, ox, handsome! This enchantress’s chain has already been played, and the world’s first enchantress is the boss!”

At the end of the first game, the OMG players all smiled on their faces. They played the game with the boss and won easily. Everyone was very happy.

There was a lot of joy in the lounge, and the coach didn’t go to any meetings. He was alone thinking about the bp in the second game, while the other players were chatting with each other.

The masseur began to massage Chen Yi, and everyone chatted and beaten up, creating a leisurely and lively scene.

“Boss, are you still going to hit the mid laner in the second game?”

The only busy coach scratched his head and asked because he didn’t know what position Chen Yi wanted to play before. He couldn’t prepare the bp in advance, so he could only bite the bullet and sharpen his gun.

After thinking for a while, Chen Yi said: “…I’ll go to play adc in a while, let the puppy help me, Xiao Ming, you go to play mid laner.” 840

“…Bp see if you can choose Xia and Luo, and if you don’t choose two, please leave Xia to play with me.”

In Chen Yi’s memory, there was no Xia Luo during the s7 season before the rebirth. It will probably not be released until next month. However, in this world after the rebirth, Xia He Luo has been out for a month.

The coach over there nodded, hoping that the rng coach would not ban Xia.

At this time, Chen Yi looked at the puppy again, and said earnestly: “…Dog, I will show you how to play Xia for a while, watch and learn.”

“… Your Xia is too good to play, give you a task to train Xia for me before the summer games.”

As an adc, such a strong and popular hero can’t use it, it’s simply unqualified.

Puppy’s heart shuddered and he said so when he saw the boss. How could he dare to say anything, he nodded quickly, thinking about waiting to go back and practicing Xia every day, and train this hero until the boss is satisfied.

Although he doesn’t know why the boss wants him to practice this hero, he has to listen to what the boss says. Even if the boss asks him to practice the great inventor, he still has to practice.

After a break, the teams from both sides entered the arena again.

The atmosphere in the stadium is still hot, even better than before.

Before watching the game, many people came to see Chen Yi.

After watching the game, I found that the game was equally exciting, and even the commentary was in excellent condition today, and all kinds of jokes kept making fun.

“Okay, let us return to the scene of the game. The next thing to do is the second game of OMG vs. RNG.”

“…Huh? Everyone can see that our legendary mid laner Chen Yi changed the position of adc, while the puppy went to play support, and Xiao Ming went to mid laner.”(Read more @

“…Omg came up and directly targeted Xia and Luo, a couple who had just joined the League of Legends. Rng didn’t even ban one of them.”

“… Although we didn’t find any data for Chen Yi’s Xia, he must be playing very well. The reason why coach rng doesn’t ban is probably because he thinks the puppy can’t play Luo.”

Explaining all kinds of talks, slapped Chen Yi’s flattery in the open and secretly, especially in a serious tone to say these words, which made the audience amused.

“This commentary is too licking. I can’t find any data. I dare to say that Yishen is playing well.”

“If you don’t lick, maybe you will be unemployed today. If I go up to explain, I will also lick Yishen, just say that Yishen has chosen Xia, and the opposite base has exploded!”

“Yes, you are so good at it, you understand it well.”

“But seriously, can a puppy play Luo?”

“He hasn’t played it before. I’m looking at him from the first point of view. The puppy is watching Luo’s skills in detail.”

“Hahahaha! The puppy is going to pit Yishen.”


“Husband and wife group? I also want to play a husband and wife group with Yishen.”

“I’m different, I want to be a husband and wife with Yishen!”


At the start of the second game, the audience shouted hoarsely for cheering on the scene.

“Omg, come on!”

“Rng, come on!”


“Chen Yi!!!”

“I love you!!!!!”

A girl yelled sharply like a groundhog. The scene was strangely quiet for a few seconds, and then the audience roared with laughter, and the atmosphere was extremely warm.


“Well, thanks to the fans for their enthusiastic cheering, let us return to the game.”

The commentator suppressed a smile and brought the topic back to the game.

“The player Chen Yi played very strong as soon as he came up. Pizza chose the upper half to drive. This is to protect the bottom lane and put pressure on the opposite side to make Chen Yi comfortable on the line.”

“Well, that’s what pizza thinks, and the incense pot is also opened from the upper half. It seems that the focus of this game is going to be the bottom lane.”

“…And have you noticed that the puppy’s Luo is not proficient enough, and a lot of blood has been consumed in the lane.”

“It’s true, but as an adc, the puppy is also experienced in assisting, knowing what kind of assistance adc likes, so it’s okay to play, but it can indeed see the problem of proficiency.”

“…But Xiao Ming in the middle lane is a bit of a surprise. In the early stages of the match with the account, he did not lose the knife. It seems that Xi Ye has to cheer, otherwise his position in the mid laner may not be guaranteed.”

“The incense pot is really a wild hunger strike, so I just came to catch it. It seems that the incense pot really wants to win this time, and finally I have to take Mr. Chen to sacrifice the knife.”

“…But Pizza had already expected it. I have been anti-squatting, and the bottom lane has become 3v3. Wait a minute, both the top lane and the mid lane of OMG light up tp!”

“…Good guys, we don’t need both the mid lane and the top lanes. Just save them. This is the real four guarantees and one. The other teams must study hard.”

“Hey? Rng’s mid lane and top lane are also TP bottom lanes, good guy, I’m a good guy directly. In just a few minutes, the bottom lane turned into a 5v5 battle.”

In a team battle, the two sides had the fun of killing, as if they were all on the top. The whole game was basically everyone gathering on the bottom road, from beginning to end, it was almost a polar chaos.

The two commentators spit on the stage and screamed passionately. The audience was even more excited and cheered.

Although this kind of competition is messy and there is no operation at all, it is crowded and the audience is full of enthusiasm.

If you don’t have a head in 30 minutes like the game of Bangzi Country, and then a team fight ends the game, then I am afraid that the game of League of Legends will not be able to maintain the lasting popularity.

What operation is Shakespeare is nonsense. The audience does not like to watch sleepy games. Therefore, the official version of the fist will try to strengthen the confrontation of the team when the version is updated.

Finally, the two sides played 3 for 3 again, and each went back to rest, and the commentator could take a breath and ease his dry throat.

“This game reminds me of a certain Warcraft rpg map that I have played before.”

“Guardian Athena?”

“Yes, it is to protect Athena. In this game, OMG was completely played to protect the world’s best President Chen. As soon as a group of four people put the adc in the middle, various skills protection, I am not afraid of death at all.”

“…Shen, Galio, plus support, this is really the ultimate four guarantees.”

“… And Chen Yi’s Xia Ben is very capable of self-protection. Under the protection of so many people, he really never died. He also took a few heads. To be honest, it’s a bit difficult to play rng like this. .”

The gap in hard power between the two sides, coupled with the unreasonable ICU chaos, gradually tilted the balance of victory to omg. .

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