Chapter 616 Young people’s role model Dashao Chen

“Let’s welcome OMG’s Chen Yi player!”

In the competition arena, a petite girl holding a microphone with an enthusiastic smile on her face drove the atmosphere of the scene.

“Oh oh oh!!”

There was a burst of cheers in the stadium. Some girls shook their cheer cards, and some people slapped the inflatable cheer in their hands.

Chen Yi stepped onto the stage, smiled and waved to the audience below, in exchange for the girls’ screams.

This is like an interview after the lpl competition, it is almost like an interview with idols.

“Can player Chen Yi say hello to everyone?”

The host sister is also clapping her hands. She stares at Chen Yi closely, smiling warmly and sweetly, revealing a pair of white teeth.

Chen Yi knows this host. He is one of the several masters of lpl, whose name is Luo Xin.

He lightly nodded to the hostess, picked up the microphone and said: “…Hello everyone, I am OMG’s mid laner and adc player Chen Yi.”

In this kind of formal occasion, Chen Yi always pays attention to the image. He bowed slightly, which was very polite and courteous, which made the cheers of the audience louder and more excited.

Especially the girls, they shook their cheers vigorously, hoping Chen Yi could take a look at them.

Nan Jiyue was sitting very close to Li Shiman at this time. After taking a look at the hostess on the stage, she muttered:

“…What does this woman look over there? How can the lpl official find a female host, so she is not afraid of scandals?”

This time Li Shiman agreed with Nan Jiyue very much, and she nodded and agreed with Nanda’s words.

On the stage, the hostess took the question card and asked: “…Congratulations once again to OMG for winning this game. This is also the first victory of Chen Yi in the lpl game.”

“…Can you tell everyone, why do you want to come to the game?”

The host’s questions are very common, there is nothing special, mainly because Chen Yi’s identity is there, the lpl official dare not ask any excessive questions, it can only be related to the competition.

“Well, how can I say, this is a dream. I am about to be twenty years old. For every boy my age, I may have a dream of e-sports.”

“…After all, being able to play games every day and make money should be the dream job of many boys.”

Chen Yi’s words made the host and the audience laugh out loud.

“Of course, this opportunity is also due to the efforts of all OMG players, coaching staff and staff, because the first result of the regular season was confirmed two rounds in advance.”

“…It is for me to be able to go on stage and go to the game without too much pressure, so they should be thankful.”

Chen Yi’s speech is simply art. He talks freely on stage, without stage fright, and gives the honor to the team instead of himself.

“The Chen Yi player is really good at talking.”(Read more @

The hostess looked at Chen Yi with a smile, and looked back and forth between the audience and Chen Yi.

When the other person looked at him, Chen Yi also politely and boldly met her and smiled slightly.

Immediately, Luo Xin, who was originally a professional host, found that her heartbeat was a little fast and her cheeks flushed. She quickly turned her head and did not dare to look at Chen Yi again, and asked the next question:

“So what does Chen Yi feel about being a professional eSports player?”

Chen Yi pondered for a moment, and said slowly: “…how to put it, e-sports professional players are still different from what they imagined.”

“…In the past few days as a professional player, I have also seen the daily life of real professional players. It is not as easy and simple as most people think.”

“It takes a lot of time to train every day. If the game becomes a job, it is actually easy to lose interest in it.”

“… Ordinary people may think of League of Legends as a game, as an amateur entertainment.”

“But many professional players do not play this game in their amateur entertainment, because for them, League of Legends has nothing to do with the game.”

“…Especially this line is very young. Those who are over twenty years old are veterans. There are a lot of professional players, but few famous ones.”

“There are many boys playing games, but there are very few who become professional players. I think being a professional player is more tiring than studying.”

“…So here I also want to say to many boys who want to become professional players, this industry is not that simple, it is very talented.”

“If you can’t be the king when you play the rank, then don’t hold the dream of a professional player, study hard, that is the way to change your life’s destiny.”

Chen Yi’s words are very powerful and positive. This is what Chen Yi gives to most people. He is a moral role model, and he is an object of hard work for young people to learn.

He is extraordinary but humble. Liang Qichao’s phrase “Youth is strong and the country is strong” can be described as the most true portrayal of him.

The audience applauded vigorously. Chen Yi’s remark was too politically correct, and no one could refute it.

“My Yishen is too positive energy.”

“This is the role model that celebrities should have. Look at those traffic niches, who are not handsome or talented, and they are still pretending to be f*ck. They should learn to learn…”

“Why is this person so perfect, I love him to death, woooooo!! Mom loves you, Chen Yi!!”


The host waited until the applause at the scene subsided before continuing: “… The words of the Chen Yi player are really thought-provoking, and it can be regarded as a wake-up call for many people who dream of e-sports.”

“… E-sports players are not as beautiful as they thought. The cruelty and hardship in it are invisible on the surface. What people see is just their appearance.”

Chen Yi smiled and nodded: “…Yes, you are right.”

After receiving Chen Yi’s praise, Luo Xin was a little embarrassed. She hurriedly asked the next question: “…then what is the feeling of Chen Yi player in the game?”

“The feelings in the game, in fact, there are also…”

Chen Yi pretended to sigh first. He looked at the small hostess beside him and asked with a smile: “…League of Legends game is the work of Riot.”

“… And Riot is 100% controlled by Goose Factory, so it should be a game belonging to Goose Factory, right?”

Although the hostess doesn’t know why Chen Yi asked this, it is common sense. She smiled and nodded and said, “…Yes.”

“Doesn’t the Goose Factory game say that as long as Krypton Gold can become stronger? The first thing I did during the game was to look for the entrance of the mall, but I couldn’t find it after looking for it for a long time.”

“…I also want to drop some gems directly on the endless gem in my hand and make it +18 directly.”

“But in the end, I didn’t find the entrance to the mall. In the end, I suspected that it might be because of my low membership level.”

0.0  Chen Yi said jokingly. Immediately, the whole stadium was full of roars of laughter. Everyone clapped their hands vigorously and was almost amused by Chen Yi.

“Hahaha, he deserves to be Yishen, he is the only one who dares to face the goose factory so directly.”

“This is really damaging the goose factory.”

“Tony Ma suddenly realized after watching it, and then slapped his head to join League of Legends to the mall entrance.”

“Did the Goose Factory hear it? Don’t you hurry up to raise my Xinyue membership level for Yishen!”

“Even Yishen is such a rich Xinyue membership level is not enough, I think the Goose Factory is too many people.”

“6666, the angle is novel!”


Chen Yi then answered a few unsavory questions. He was humorous and made many people laugh.

In the end, in the audience’s reluctance to leave, he ended the interview.

This sensational event that sensationalized the entire e-sports circle finally came to an end. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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