Chapter 619 Uncle help you pick up girls

Ruan Zhuyi is wearing a dark blue lace off-shoulder dress today, with the skirt draped a little above the knee.

On a pair of thin and long jade legs are flesh-colored silk stockings that almost fit the color of the skin, and matched with bright silver high heels under the feet, it is even more glamorous.

Next to Ruan Zhuyi, Yu Jinyu is wearing a crescent-white chiffon dress, and the thin legs under the skirt are wearing white silk stockings that fit her appearance. The simple combination makes her look pure.

An ascetic glamorous beauty, an innocent beauty next door, can be said to be the target of people’s attention wherever she goes.

Pedestrians passing by will always turn their eyes away at the two of them, intentionally or unintentionally.

But at this time, Yu Jinyu and Ruan Zhuyi didn’t care about the eyes of the people around them at all. They stood some distance away, watching Chen Yi who was surrounded by a group of second generations just like Wangfushi.

Looking at Nan Jiyue who accompanies Chen Yi, and watching the group of people chatting around Chen Yi, Ruan Zhuyi always has an urge to step forward.

Yu Jinyu tugged Ruan Zhuyi’s clothes at this time, and said anxiously: “…Xiaogongju calm down, if you pass now, Chen Yi will not be able to do it.”

She could see her stubbornness and unwillingness in Ruan Zhuyi’s eyes, which shocked Yu Jinyu.

Unlike Yu Jinyu, a woman who has nothing but beauty, Ruan Zhuyi has a harmonious family and a very good family. It is definitely not an exaggeration to say that she is Bai Fumei.

It is also the different circumstances and family environment of the two sides that make the psychological fluctuations between the two when facing this scene are different.

Yu Jinyu looks like she has nothing to say about 843. She knows that she can’t be in the position. If you are too jealous and think too much, it will only make Chen Yi hate.

But Ruan Zhuyi is different. She actually has the possibility of being in the upper ranks. She was really close to that once. Some little arrogant, she is naturally unwilling to face this scene.

Yu Jinyu was very afraid that Ruan Zhuyi would really twitch his head, so he went straight forward. Chen Yi and his friends, who were happy by then, might immediately become more subtle.

And Yu Jinyu, who is also here, will definitely be implicated.

As a qualified little lover, Yu Jinyu didn’t want Ruan Zhuyi to be wrong, so he caught her directly and told her not to do stupid things.

“You don’t have to grab me so hard, Jinyu…I’m not stupid. At this time, isn’t it just embarrassing Chen Yi in the past, and it will be difficult for everyone to do it if he can’t come to the stage at that time.”

Ruan Zhuyi took a deep breath and said while biting her teeth.

Yu Jinyu was relieved to see that she was still calm, but still did not let go of that hand, just in case.

But seeing the once arrogant Xiao Gongju, at this time for Chen Yi to become so humble, Yu Jinyu also has indescribable feelings in her heart.

There is sympathy and compassion, but there is also such a kind of gloating.

Yu Jinyu is not a saint, she was jealous of Ruan Zhuyi who was better than herself in every aspect.

And now, Ruan Zhuyi and she finally stood in the same position, and she was dragging Ruan Zhuyi into the water.

For example, for Chen Yi, she has been trying her best to pull down Ruan Zhuyi’s moral bottom line, let her accept many things that were once unacceptable, and make all this into a habit, like the joy of three people together.

Yu Jinyu knew that she was actually bewitched by the devil Chen Yi.

If she used to be innocent, it was only her own choice, but when she dragged her best friend into the water, she had already become Chen Yi’s accomplice.

When the first wrong thing was done, Yu Jinyu knew that she would never leave Chen Yi and could only be his lifelong accomplice.(Read more @

“We and those people are not of the same class at all, and in the past we only took our own humiliation.”

Ruan Zhuyi’s words surprised Yu Jinyu.

“Look at what I do, bitch! I’m not stupid. It’s hard to say. If we didn’t know Chen Yi, we wouldn’t even have the qualifications to contact those people.”

Ruan Zhuyi smiled bitterly. As she got more in touch with Chen Yi and learned more, she also understood more.

Although she is beautiful, she is nothing in front of the top second generation.

There are many beautiful women. If you are just looking for beautiful ones, those second generations will not lack women at all. The beauty of women is not an important weapon in front of those people.

Unless it is like Nan Jiyue, who has a beautiful appearance and a strong family background, such a woman is the goddess in the eyes of the richest second generation.

“And… I, even if I don’t care, I can’t leave my family alone.”

Ruan Zhuyi hesitated. She hadn’t dared to say some things, but the words were uncomfortable in her heart. She still had a showdown with Yu Jinyu.

“What do you mean by Xiaogongju?”

Yu Jinyu didn’t understand.

“You know? My family is a medical device agency, and the agency power is given by the Nan family, and Ji Zheng’s family is also the same.”

“…Our two families and the Nan family have been partners for many years, but the Nan family can change agents at any time. There are many people rushing to do it, and our family must not lose the agency right.”

These high-end medical devices can cost millions or tens of millions per machine, and coupled with foreign environmental and domestic policies, it is not something ordinary people can do.

Only the Nanjia, a large enterprise that has been deeply involved in the medical industry for decades, has the capital and ability to negotiate business with foreign manufacturers.

Under this circumstance, those agents who actually run business rely on Nanjia for their meals.

“My dad is old and wants to do it forever. If there is a problem with his career at this time, then…”

Ruan Zhuyi didn’t finish her words, but Yu Jinyu understood what she meant.

The bitch said in shock: “…that Nan Jiyue, has it threatened you?”

She suddenly felt that Nan Jiyue was the wealthy people who played on TV, and her mind was extremely gloomy.

On the surface, he is very clever to Chen Yi, and he is indifferent and ruthless, crushing all his rivals directly.

“It’s not her… it’s her brother… here, it’s the Mediterranean among those people. When we first met Chen Yi, we didn’t meet him.”

Ruan Zhuyi puffed up and said.

Yu Jinyu followed her gaze, and finally remembered Nanan.

At that time, in the nightclub box, Ji Zheng almost bowed down to please that Nanan. Even when Ruan Zhuyi saw that person at that time, he respectfully called Nan Ge.

Yu Jinyu was embarrassed, but also a little scared.

These second generations are very knowledgeable and have been exposed to various things since they were young, and their family education is also different from ordinary people.

For the time being, those who eat and wait to die, those who are truly capable of inheriting the family property, few have a good relationship with each other.

Capitalists do not exploit others how to make money, and if sympathy arises, then capitalists are not qualified capitalists.

This is the reason why mercy is not in command.

At this time, Yu Jinyu thought of Chen Yi again. Maybe in places they can’t see, Chen Yi is just as cruel, but he will not show this side in front of his own women.

“That South Bank, did you leave Chen Yi?”

Yu Jinyu asked carefully.

Ruan Zhuyi shook his head, “…No, he said he wouldn’t do it. If he did, it would not be easy to explain to Chen Yi.”

“…He just told me not to show up in front of his sister, and he also asked me… to follow Chen Yi honestly.”

The bitch was silent for a while.

Nan’an is also ruthless enough. His brother-in-law has a lover outside. Not only does his brother-in-law not help his sister, he helps her brother-in-law to cover it up.

Even… Yu Jinyu knew about the veiled threat from Nan’an, which would make Ruan Zhuyi inseparable from Chen Yi, let alone Chen Yi.

This…Is this the secret of the rich, or the loyalty of the buddies among men?

Yu Jinyu said that she didn’t understand.

No wonder it is said on the Internet that empathy between men is very strong, as long as a man has an accident, other men will easily empathize.

But women can never be as united as men.

Thinking about it this way, I think men are really scary. .

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