Chapter 620 Nephew, are you crazy?

Chu Qiang: “…Boss, I’m here to watch your game. Congratulations to the boss for winning! I’m still in the stadium now, boss, are you going to have dinner with the team members for a while?”

Chen Yi: “My friend came to Shencheng to look for me. I guess I will go to drink with my friend in the evening. You should go home first. I will look for you in two days. Be safe on the way.”

Chu Qiang: “…Okay, boss!”

Although they had a relationship with Chu Qiang, the relationship between the two was also positioned as a “lover”, but Chu Qiang has always been embarrassed to call Chen Yi his father, and always uses the name of the boss.

Although Chen Yi is indeed-his boss.

Chen Yi doesn’t care about this either, she is thin-skinned and understandable.

With Chen Yi’s resources and money, it is not difficult to make a small anchor popular, let alone Chu Qiang who was once a big anchor himself.

With Chen Yi’s help, it was easy for her to gain a foothold on the new live broadcast platform. With enough recommendations and Chen Yi’s frequent trumpet rewards, her reputation gradually returned to its peak.

Of course, Chen Yi also knows that Chu Qiang has always had a dream for the showbiz. He previously set up a brokerage company and sent her to the creation camp of the goose factory.

With the relationship between Chen Yi and Goose Factory nowadays, one word can make her receive more care in it. As for her failure, it depends on God’s will and her own efforts.

Anyway, all Chen Yi should have helped, and Chu Qiang also understood this. He was willing to be his lover and served Chen Yi very well.

Ordinary people will be disgusted with the goose factory that has a near monopoly in the domestic culture, games, and entertainment circles.

But if you look at the problem from the perspective of the capital circle from another angle, you will know how huge resources and energy you will get if you can cooperate with the goose factory.

The social platform is the basic board of the Goose Factory. The short video field in the future will be a new social venue. The investment in Chen Yi by the Goose Factory is now several billion, but in the future it may be an investment of tens of billions or hundreds of billions.

Therefore, Chen Yi is now an important partner of the goose factory, and the goose factory generally agrees to some of the partners’ requirements that are not difficult.

After all, entrepreneurs like Chen Yi who don’t lack investment, the reason why you choose the goose factory is not the resources of your goose factory, and the goose factory naturally understands this aspect.


Yu Jinyu: “…Papa, I saw you! I’m with Xiao Gongju, let me tell you, Xiao Gongju almost went to say hello to you just now.”

“…Fortunately, my eyesight is quick and my hands are quick, I caught her in one go. Don’t you say I did the right thing?”

Chen Yi: “Yes, it’s my intimate little padded jacket, bitch did it too right!”

Yu Jinyu: “…How does the golden master’s father plan to reward me?”

Chen Yi: “Wait for me to see you in two days. I feel that your skin is not good recently and you need to inject collagen. I have the highest quality collagen here!”

Yu Jinyu: “…Hehe, don’t think I don’t understand, okay, then I’ll wait!”

Regarding Yu Jinyu’s words, Chen Yi just listened to it and didn’t believe it.

Ruan Zhuyi is not stupid. It is impossible for her to be confused about the situation. Of course, if she is on her head, she may indeed behave somewhat stupidly.(Read more @

But as long as Yu Jinyu is by her side, there will be no accidents. This bitch is the most reassuring.

Yu Jinyu did not mention Nanan to Chen Yi.

Yu Jinyu is very smart, knowing that if Chen Yi doesn’t know what Nan’an is doing, she will provoke the relationship between Chen Yi and her elder brother.

And if Chen Yi knew about it, then she wouldn’t even dare to mention it.

What does this show? This shows that what Nan’an did was approved by Chen Yi, and he might want to use this method to keep Ruan Zhuyi in his own hands.

Yu Jinyu understands the possessiveness of men very well, especially after being with Chen Yi for a long time, she finds that Chen Yi’s possessiveness is even stronger.

Unless it is Chen Yi who just wants to play, as long as it is a woman he really likes, he will always hold it firmly in his own hands and will not give them any chance to escape.

Yu Jinyu also made careful efforts to build herself into a posture that reassures Chen Yi and can satisfy his possessiveness.

A group of second-generations got into their respective cars formidable. Nan Jiyue naturally sat in Chen Yi’s co-pilot. After she fastened her seat belt, she saw Chen Yi sitting there, looking at her phone and not driving, she just asked. :

“…What’s wrong with Xiao Yizi? Who are you talking to?”

Chen Yi looked up at Nan Jiyue and smiled: “…Many people are congratulating me. Wait for me to reply to some important information.”

Nan Jiyue smiled sweetly when she heard the words: “…Well, don’t worry, you will come back slowly.”

With Chen Yi’s current wealth and status, he has a wide range of friends. He once again pretended to be b. Everyone on the Internet knows that some friends will come to him.

Nan Jiyue wore a checkered Chanel dress today, and a pair of plump and slender legs were covered with pearl white and transparent silk stockings.

The space in the sports car is a bit crowded. She has a pair of beautiful legs close together, two hands on them, and high-heeled sandals with dreamy colors are stepping on the cushions in the car.

·· ·····Find flowers 0 0

Nan Jiyue didn’t play with her cell phone, she just watched Chen Yi sitting in the driving seat with her hair down, staring at his angular profile face, and she was a little stunned for a while.

Chen Yi returned messages to some friends. After thinking about it, he sent another message to Ruan Zhuyi——

Chen Yi: “…have come to see me for a game with a bitch today? How about, am I handsome in the game? There are a little more friends today, so I can’t accompany you for the time being.”

“…By the way, my sister-in-law will come over in two days. She is very interested in antique calligraphy and painting. Would you like to meet her with me?”

Before the Spring Festival in the imperial capital, Chen Yi’s sister-in-law knew that he had a girlfriend, and Chen Yi also admitted that he had a lover.

Some things can’t be concealed, so Chen Yi didn’t conceal anything from my sister.

…….. …. …

Just as Chen Yi thought, Chen Jin just casually said that she didn’t care too much. It is estimated that she has seen this kind of things a lot, or because Chen Yi is her own family, she has always been on Chen Yi’s side.

This is similar to the fact that most people find that a man in the family has two girlfriends at the same time, and at most it is to persuade you not to disappoint other girls.

You may not even care about it at all, and will tease that you can find two girlfriends at the same time and you can choose slowly.

The most tolerant one is always the family.

Ruan Zhuyi: “…See your sister-in-law? Isn’t that all right?”

Even across the Internet, Chen Yi can guess the fright Ruan Zhuyi is now.

Chen Yi: “It’s okay, go see you, my sister-in-law is very nice.”

Ruan Zhuyi: “…Okay.”

Although it seems reluctant, Chen Yi knows that she is actually cheering.

Ruan Zhuyi’s sense of security is very low. Chen Yi knows that sometimes he needs to give her more security to make her feel more at ease.

And sister-in-law, cough cough, just be a tool man!

Thinking like this, Chen Yi immediately sent a message to Chen Jin in the past: “…Sister, wait for you to come to Shencheng in two days, I will introduce my girlfriend and little lover to you.”

Chen Jin: “…?? Are you crazy? I know a very good brain doctor in Shencheng, my nephew is waiting for me to introduce you to you!”

Chen Yi: “A shit brain doctor, my smart IQ has long occupied the high ground, how can I be crazy, I will be smart if I hit the ego!”

Chen Jin: “…My nephew, you are really sick.”

Seeing my sister’s message, Chen Yi couldn’t help laughing. zero.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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