Chapter 621 Cry only in the arms of beautiful women

“What laughing?”

Seeing Chen Yi smiling happily at the phone, Nan Jiyue couldn’t help asking.

She raised her neck like a swan, curiously wanting to see the content on Chen Yi’s phone.

Chen Yi picked up the phone and shook it in front of her, saying: “…chat with my sister-in-law.”

Because Chen Yi’s mobile phone shook very quickly, Nan Jiyue could roughly see the word “Sister” mentioned above, but the content inside was not clear.

Chen Yi also played a trick.

“Okay, let’s go, if it’s too late, let them wait in a hurry.”

Chen Yi stretched out his right hand and patted Nan Jiyue’s leg wearing pearl white silk stockings and said.

Ferrari’s sweet engine roared, Nan Jiyue saw Chen Yi’s cheeky right hand and did not take it back. She pulled the corner of her skirt to block his hand, and moved with him.

Chen Yi drove the Ferrari with one hand, and galloped on the road of Shencheng, heading for the magic city nightclub.

More than 20 supercars ran across the boulevard together. That scene is also rare, causing many pedestrians to watch and take out their mobile phones to take pictures.

Although there are some jealous people swearing, but these sports cars have not violated the traffic rules, so they can only swear.

“Why are you and Li Shiman so familiar?”

Nan Jiyue, who was sitting in the co-pilot, was afraid to look at Chen Yi. She looked at the front windshield and asked pretendingly.

How could Chen Yi couldn’t hear her tone, and immediately squeezed the meat from her silk stockings, and smiled: “…Don’t think about it.”

“…It was my grandfather who asked me to meet with Grandpa Li at the time. There were some private matters and transactions. Hey, those things are not clear.”

“You don’t need to understand too much. It’s all at that level. We can’t participate in it. I just happen to happen.”

Chen Yi’s words were ambiguous, but such words let Nan Jiyue dispel his doubts.

She clearly knows that Chen Yi’s family has certain things that are not subject to his will.

Thinking of this, Antarctica also tried to make herself forget those things about Li Shiman. Anyway, she doesn’t think she is worse than Li Shiman, and she is more beautiful than her. Is she afraid of competition?

Besides, she is almost running to the end now. If she is worried about this, she is too unconfident.

And Nan Jiyue also knows that jealous women are not liked by men, especially men like Chen Yi.

She was originally a cheerful, not very sentimental woman, as well as the carelessness of Didu Niu, and immediately started chatting with Chen Yi about the previous game, her expression was excited, and she was very excited.

Chen Yi looked at her amusedly and nodded softly from time to time. When the car stopped in a slight traffic jam, he would turn his head to look at Xiang Nan Jiyue’s perfect profile, with a gentle expression.

As for the right hand that was covered by Nanda, it felt the pearly white and slightly rough friction.

Soon, the car arrived at its destination.

As one of the most famous nightclubs in Shanghai, Magic City Nightclub is full of excitement every day, especially on the weekends, when it is full of handsome guys and beautiful women.

The people who can come here to consume are mostly white-collar workers, so the environment is not noisy, and most people are very disciplined.

There are more than twenty cars in a row. They are so afraid that they can almost become world famous paintings. I don’t know how many girls in the nightclub queen Fan, who are dressed in short black silks and dresses, exclaimed when they saw this scene, and their eyes were hot.

The men looked at these sports cars greedily, with envy, jealousy, and excitement.

Liang Chengwei had booked enough calories before, and the reason why he didn’t cover it was because what the nightclub wanted was the excitement.

Although there are a lot of them, there are so many people who are busy. Only if there are enough guests can they have fun.

“Young Master Liang, Young Master Liang, here! We have reserved parking spaces for you.”(Read more @

The three salesmen trot over and bowed and laughed.

I drop a good boy. There are so many second generations. At first glance, they are all top second generations. Looking at these sports cars, the cheapest ones are estimated to be five or six million.

The limited edition luxury cars are everywhere. How much did you spend this evening? There is no two or three million that can’t be paid. Just thinking about the commission can make these salesmen excited tonight.

A row of empty parking spaces was reserved by the store. This group of second generations parked the car, and some men and women got out of the car.

The people who came to the nightclub all around hid in the side, secretly took out the phone to shoot, thinking about where to send the video.

This is a very rare group of real young masters and elders.

“You guys will watch the car well for me. If you make a stroke, you won’t be able to pay for it if you sell it!”

The three salesmen who had called for security in the parking lot gave orders there, and several of them repeatedly said yes.

Those three sales gave these little brothers a few hundred dollars each, making the little brothers in the parking lot more motivated.

They are not triads, they are decent nightclubs. Of course they can’t be completely obedient by saying that, and with money, everything will be easy to do immediately.

Usually they couldn’t give these little brothers a few hundred dollars, but thinking about the commission tonight, this little money is nothing.

If by any chance one of these elders’ cars was hit, that would be bad luck.

“Young Master Liang, are we going directly in?”

The three salesmen are not thick and thin. Everyone takes care of the mood of several second generations, which can be described as exquisite.

“Wait a minute, our protagonist hasn’t arrived yet.”

Liang Chengwei waved his hand to signal these sales to be safe and secure.

A group of young masters got together to talk and laugh with each other, not in a hurry.

The three salesmen were not in a hurry anymore, they were talking nice things there, and accompanied these young masters and others.

It didn’t take long for Chen Yi’s car to arrive. After he parked the car, someone booed: “…Chen Shao, I think your online car skills are completely professional racers…”

“…Why drive so slowly when you take Nanda, it’s too pitiful.”

Others also followed suit, making fun of Chen Yi and Nan Jiyue.

The people at the entrance of the nightclub saw Chen Yi who came, and there was a riot. They were excited to take pictures there.

Come to the nightclub with Chen Yi’s current popularity, and it is estimated that tomorrow will be news.

“Okay, don’t bully my daughter-in-law…”

Chen Yi smiled and scolded Nan Jiyue Hu in his arms.

Others whistled there.

“Chen Shao, the daughter-in-law, called it directly.”

“You must send me invitations when you get married in the future.”

“How many children are you planning to have, Shao Chen?”

“Although Chen Shao is very good, he really can’t have children. You have to talk to Nantah.”

“Ha ha ha ha!”

“Come on, the more you talk, the more outrageous you are. Yueyue is shy not seeing my family.”

Nan Jiyue’s best friends hurriedly went to surround her, but they still teased more.

“I think she’s secretly happy!”

The crowd was still making noise, and Li Shiman’s mouth was smiling, as if he was also making a fuss, but a closer look revealed that her expression was not pretty.

“Hey, Viagra, you directly booked the position in advance. I can understand if I win this game, it’s a celebration.”

“…I’m going to lose the game, and it’s so lively. Isn’t it exposing my scars.”

Chen Yi smiled and said to Liang Chengwei.

“How is it possible that Chen Shao can lose if he goes out in person?”

Liang Chengwei’s false flattery.

“Bullshit you, I can’t believe a word of you.”

Chen Yi disgusted.

“Hahaha, if Chen Shao you really lose 0.0, it’s not just a drink to relieve boredom, brother’s arms are always open for you, you can cry in my arms as much as you want.”

Liang Chengwei opened his hands exaggeratedly.

“Come on, Viagra, you too, let me have another girl to make me cry in her arms.”

Chen Yi’s voice fell, and the others burst into laughter.

At this moment, Nan Jiyue turned her head from her group of best friends and said to Chen Yi: “…No, you can only cry in my arms, you can’t find other women.”

Chen Yi raised his brows and winked at Nan Jiyue: “…Should we two cry in the quilt?”

Nan Jiyue was ashamed and immediately hammered him with her fist. Her best friends were all making a fuss there, and suddenly suppressed the arrogance of Nanda.

“Are you helping him or me!”

“Of course I help Chen Yi, he is handsome!”

“Then I am still pretty.”

“I’m not lace, what does it matter to me that you look beautiful, I only like handsome guys!”

Antarctic Moon was defeated again.

“Ha ha ha ha!!”.

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