Chapter 626 Men never lose

“I like you. ”

A simple sentence came out of Li Shiman’s mouth, and her two hands grabbed the neckline of Chen Yi’s clothes.

Because the top two buttons were unbuttoned by her, and the skin of the fingers touched the position of the collarbone, Chen Yi only felt a little cold.

Looking down at Li Shiman’s knuckles, her fingers are very long, and the beautifully manicured nails have exquisite manicures, which look very attractive in the dim light.

And after that, Li Shiman seemed to have no strength after drinking too much wine, her delicate body leaned against Roy’s arms, and all the weight of her body was suppressed.

Chen Yi calmly held Li Shiman’s shoulders with his hands, and laughed in a low voice: “…you drank too much.”

“I didn’t drink much, I was sober.”

Li Shiman buried his pretty face between Chen Yi’s neck, and seemed to be sniffing his taste.

She raised her head to look at Chen Yi, her eyes a little blurred, although she was a little dizzy after drinking some wine, she was really sober.

“Do you think I was just talking nonsense after drinking? I do have the idea of ​​wanting to be courageous after drinking, but it’s not nonsense.”

“…I really like you, don’t say you can’t see it, Chen Yi, although you look straight sometimes, you must know women well.”

Li Shiman lifted his toes and hugged Chen Yi, and his moist lips came to his ears, whispering in his ears, like a succubus.

Chen Yi only felt that his ears were itchy, and the eardrops were a little slippery and watery. He once again squeezed Li Shiman’s shoulders tightly, and said with a smile: “…I have a girlfriend.”

“Of course I know you have a girlfriend.”

Li Shiman still said with a slight smile: “…but does it matter if you have a girlfriend and I like you?”

Chen Yi raised his eyebrows and said: “…it really doesn’t matter.”

“That’s it. Are you saying you are married?”

“not married.”

“Then as long as you are not married, I will have a chance. Besides, even if you are married, there are so many divorces now, I still have a chance.”

Li Shiman’s tone was a little triumphant, a bit strong.

“Your thoughts are very dangerous, and your behavior is also very dangerous.”

Chen Yi grabbed Li Shiman’s hand, which had already touched his abdominal muscles.

“I know it’s dangerous, but I have to fight for what I like. This is what my family has taught me since I was young. You just stand there and wait. You can’t wait for anything.”

“…I also understand that my current behavior is very wrong. It may be wrong to say that it is a junior. After all, you are not married, but I am also a little afraid, so I have to drink to tell you this.”

“But no matter what, I just like it, so I just want to fight.”(Read more @

Li Shiman’s blurred eyes stared at Chen Yi, with a trace of scorching heat and a trace of persistence.

“What do you like about me?”

Chen Yi was also a little helpless when facing Li Shiman’s confession, and there was a hint of joy in his heart.

Everyone wants to be liked by others.

If he is a very serious person, I guess he would reject it severely at this time, but Chen Yi is not a very serious person.

Moreover, from the contact with Li Shiman, he knew that this woman had a stronger personality, even if she refused, she would not give up.

Unless one day she doesn’t like herself anymore, it is estimated that she will take the initiative to let go.

And she is very smart, she will not surround you all day long and make you feel bored. Instead, she will contact you every little opportunity to seize every small opportunity.

In this way, it is difficult for Chen Yi to feel annoying towards her.

This is a woman who is very ego, likes or hates it based on her own feelings, and does not pay attention to other people’s thoughts. It should be said that she is also a pampered woman since she was a child.

However, Chen Yi thinks that her idea is actually quite right. If you like it, you must fight for it, and you can’t wait for others to take the initiative.

Many men can’t find a girlfriend. In fact, the main reason is that he didn’t fight for him, didn’t try to chase after him, or always wanted to wait for the girl to express his affection for him. That was too difficult.

“Are you going to say ‘whatever I like you, you can change’ next? A little bit~~ That’s a bit difficult, Chen Yi, you can’t change it, I like you too much.”

“…Or do you want to hear me praise you? You have so many good points and so many places that women like. If you are not ashamed, I can slowly praise you. How about using it all night?”

Li Shiman smiled softly, like a vixen.

Mom, this woman really makes people feel comfortable, at least Chen Yi is very happy to be praised.

With the courage of Li Shiman, there are not many women who dared to say this bluntly in front of him.

At some point, the two have changed positions, Chen Yi is leaning against the wall, and Li Shiman is in his arms.

Looking up at Chen Yi’s handsome face, Li Shiman clenched his teeth and raised his neck and kissed directly.. …..

It’s a bastard to have the advantage and not to take it. Chen Yi never thinks he is a good person. Anyway, afterwards, you can say that everyone drank too much, just find an excuse to fool around.

Besides, nothing else happened to the two of them, which is not a big deal.

After a long time, the two people were separated, and Li Shiman’s face became even more red because of the lack of oxygen.

At this time, she seemed to be more sober, and whispered: “…I don’t want to make it difficult for you, they should suspect it for too long.”

“…I’ll go back first. You have a lipstick mark on your mouth. Go wash and go back.”

Hearing her words, Chen Yi looked a little complicated.

This sentence pokes his heart a little, this woman still cares about him and reminds him at this time.

Isn’t Li Shiman supposed to pretend that he doesn’t know anything, and then think of a way to go back together to make others suspect, it is best to let Nan Jiyue and her girlfriends see the lipstick mark on her body?

If he had a quarrel with Nan Jiyue, it should be in line with Li Shiman’s expectations.

But she didn’t do it, but did the opposite. Should she be too smart or too bad?

At least now Chen Yi really looks at her a few more times. In the past, Chen Yi only regarded Li Shiman as a dispensable woman.

After all, there are too many women around him, and the women who like him are like a carp in the river.

Li Shiman helped Chen Yi tidy up the clothes, and said softly, “…I don’t want to ask you too much, as long as I send you a message every time you are busy with your work, you can reply to me with 0.0.”

“… Just treat it as your reward for taking advantage of me.”

She blinked at Chen Yi, her eyes curled up like a triumphant little demon, her eyes were as silky as a silky eye, and it was very itchy.

She is smart and chooses to keep in touch with Chen Yi. What she fears is that Chen Yi will ignore her.

And as long as the other party still cares about you, then the opportunity will always be there.

Chen Yi raised his brows and said, “…Isn’t you taking advantage of me?”

“Hehe, that’s because my sister is taking advantage of you.”

With a smile, Li Shiman was about to return to the ballroom. When she reached the corner, she suddenly turned her head, smiled and waved at Chen Yi, and then left without looking back.

“This woman is a bit powerful, tsk tsk, I feel like a prey.”

Chen Yi sighed twice. He didn’t care whether he was a hunter or a prey. As long as he kept himself, a man would never suffer. .

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