Chapter 627 Hug right

Walked to the bathroom, tidyed up the clothes, washed his face with water, and wiped off the lipstick on the corners of his mouth.

After carefully checking in front of the mirror to make sure that there is no problem, Chen Yi nodded in satisfaction and left the bathroom and returned to the deck.

The nightclub is still deafening, and a group of young men and women dance around there, and the sound of the sky makes eardrums painful.

But the atmosphere that made people’s adrenaline soared, and it stirred people’s hearts.

“Sorry, someone called me just now. It was too noisy here, so I answered the call.”

After Chen Yi came back and sat in his seat, he apologized to several people.

He wanted to say that he had a bad stomach and squatted for too long, but felt that this excuse was not good for his glorious and majestic image, so he changed his phone call.

In the deck where Chen Yi sits, the girls and some older second generations are talking and laughing.

After Li Shiman came back, I didn’t know what to talk about with my best friend. Nan Jiyue drank a little at this time, lying in Yu Xin’s arms and shouting, “Where is Chen Yi?” Where is Chen Yi? “Where’s my husband?”

Let Yu Xin and some girls laugh at the jokes at Naha 25ha.

Chen Yi couldn’t help but laugh at the sight.

But in general, no one noticed that Li Shiman and Chen Yi had left together for a long time.

Seeing Chen Yi glance over, Li Shiman, who was chatting with her best friend, smiled ambiguously at him, as if there was a secret hidden between the two.

Especially Nan Jiyue is by her side, which gives people an inexplicable sense of excitement.

The deck on the other side is very lively. A group of men and women have let go of everything and are playing, all kinds of screams and noise, the empty wine bottles on the table are almost full.

“We thought Master Chen, you were in the pit, and we said that if you don’t come back, we will go and look for you.”

“…If there is a news tomorrow that Chen Yi has squatted in the pit for too long, Chen Yi will fall into the pit, and that shame will be lost.”

Seeing Chen Yi coming back, a few people just joked with him, and everyone laughed.

Of course, Chen Yi started to play this kind of joke. He scolded with a smile: “…Fuck you uncle, why did you fall into the pit? I curse that you didn’t bring paper with you next time you go to the toilet. Believe it or not.”

“Damn, Chen Shao, your curse is too cruel!”


Everyone laughed happily and joked with each other.

Yu Xin grabbed Nan Jiyue in her arms, threw it into Chen Yi’s arms, and said disgustedly: “…Go, your wife is here, hurry up and hold it by yourself.”

“… She has a bad drink. If you don’t take her to practice, it will be dangerous if you drink too much with others in the future.”

Chen Yi hugged Nan Jiyue, hugged her in his arms, and shrugged, “…This thing is not practical, it’s all born.”

“… Yueyue doesn’t usually drink, she only drinks so stupidly when I’m around.”

Yu Xin patted her clothes and said with a smile: “…Look at her drooling all over me, Chen Yi, please pay me one.”

“Why don’t you pay for one thing? If you don’t want sister Xin, you can pour her some wine. It’s best to let her vomit on you. I will pay you directly, even the underwear and underwear.”

“… And she might wake up after vomiting at that time. This is killing two birds with one stone.”(Read more @

Chen Yi laughed and joked.

“Fan Qiu, dare to molested my sister, wait until Yueyue wakes up to see what you do!”

“My family is in charge. Whatever a woman is, she has to fight if she refuses to accept it!”

Chen Yi said with a smile.

“Haha, Chen Shaoniu, but don’t say it here, wait until Nanda wakes up and say it in front of her.”

“Forget it, I’m not afraid of being a pity and cherishing jade.”

“Hahahaha!! Then I have to wait for Nanda to wake up and tell her.”

“You are provoking the relationship between our boy and girl friends, do you think she believes it?”


The crowd played for a while.

Nan Jiyue got up from Chen Yi in a daze, and she subconsciously wanted to drink when she saw the bottle. Chen Yi rolled his eyes and took a few sips of the wine.

“Drink it? I’ll sell you any more.”

“How much can I sell?”

Nan Jiyue yelled dizzyly while lying on Chen Yi’s lap.

Chen Yi patted her leg wearing pearl white silk stockings, and said with a smile: “…There are only a few taels of meat and no nutrition, probably not as expensive as pork.”

“Hate, you said I was a pig.”

Nan Jiyue twisted her body and muttered a few words there. Others couldn’t even laugh at Nanda like this.

The South Bank over there happily took out his mobile phone to take pictures. It was estimated that he was going to go back to laugh at his sister, and only hoped that he would not be beaten.

“Young Master Chen, do you want to go down and jump together?”

A few second generations can’t sit still, watching the lively dance floor, they drink a lot, and they want to jump a few times when they are excited.

Chen Yi shook his head and said, “…Go ahead, I’ll just sit here and drink.”

Hearing what Chen Yi said, those second generations didn’t say anything. There were a few men and women who laughed and laughed and just went to the dance floor.

Chen Yi chatted with a few people in different ways, occasionally chatting about national affairs, talking about the messy things on the Internet, or talk about gossip, anyway, everyone is bragging about everything.

While chatting, Chen Yi took out his mobile phone and saw another bunch of messages that he didn’t reply.

He held Nan Jiyue with his right hand, and the person on his left went to Flurry. Li Shiman sat beside him at some point, resting on his shoulder.

Everyone drank a lot of wine and didn’t think there was any problem with Chen Yi’s hug. Even if he didn’t drink, he wouldn’t say anything.

“Chen Yi, congratulations on your victory in the game.”

A very common congratulatory vx, but Chen Yi saw this vx turned out to be sent by Yu Zixi.

He was surprised, and returned a message: “…Do you also follow the game?”

This message was sent more than an hour ago. Chen Yi was drunk and happily at that time and did not reply at all. It was just that Chen Yi’s message had just been sent, and within a few seconds, Yu Zixi returned the message.

“No, I don’t understand the game. I just watched the live broadcast (smiley face) on the Internet after hearing people say you want to play.”

Chen Yi thought for a while and typed: “…I am playing outside with my 847 friends. Part of the income from youtube has come down. I am about to find you.”

“…I’ll talk to you in detail in two days.”

Yu Zixi: “…Well, yes, pay attention to your safety at night (smiling)~”

Li Shiman was lying on Chen Yi’s left shoulder at this time. She glanced at the content on Chen Yi’s phone and smiled and said, “…Which little girl did you lie to?”

Chen Yi frowned: “…I don’t like people looking at my phone.”

As soon as the voice fell, Li Shiman quickly apologized, “…I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it, or I accidentally left it just now.”


Of course Chen Yi knew that Li Shiman had left it unintentionally, but this woman was too strong, and Chen Yi sometimes had to use some methods to get back the initiative.

He paused, then answered the previous question: “…just a classmate from school.”

“Little lover?”

Li Shiman was blowing in Chen Yi’s left ear, smiling full of joy, her eyes full of flattery.

“Go, don’t talk nonsense, it’s just a normal classmate relationship.”

Of course Chen Yi would not admit it, besides, nothing really happened between him and Yu Zixi.

Li Shiman certainly didn’t believe it, but she didn’t say anything. She just sighed as if intentionally or unintentionally, “…a man like you, I guess there must be a lot of women around him.”

“…Whoever is your girlfriend must have a strong enough heart.”

Does this woman want to say that she has such a strong heart?

Chen Yi slandered. .

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