Chapter 628 The legend ends

A group of people were in the nightclub until the early hours of the morning, and it was because they drank too much and prepared to leave.

Li Shiman fell asleep while taking advantage of Nan Jiyue, and secretly chatted with Chen Yi for a long time there.

But when she was about to leave, she didn’t have any regrets about staying. After calling the driver, she left. She was a little too cool and unrestrained.

This makes Chen Yi have a deeper impression of her.

For the remaining second generations, some called drivers, some called on behalf of drivers, and some simply called taxis. After talking to Chen Yi, they all left.

Some people found their prey in the nightclub. It is estimated that tonight will be a sleepless night, while others are all alone, coming and going alone.

Because next month is Chen Yi’s birthday, under the clamor and clamor of these second-generations who have been messing around all day, Chen Yi immediately sent them an invitation letter. These second-generations who have nothing to look for are the ones who laughed and left. .

This is also the daily life of most second generations, drinking, picking up girls, and playing around. Apart from these, there is nothing new.

“Then I’ll go first, and Yueyue will leave it to you.”

Nan’an also drank a lot. After looking for a substitute driver, he shouted to Chen Yi.

“Well, pay attention to safety on the road, brother.”

Chen Yi helped Nan Jiyue, who was already dizzy, and smiled with Nan An.

The girls left together, and they were called special drivers. After all, after the girls drank at night, whether they were taking a taxi or looking for a substitute driver, they were all in danger. They were still a group of big people.

“Hahaha, brother-in-law is called this good, brother-in-law, let’s come out to drink next time!”

Nan’an was drunk too dizzy, laughed loudly there, and waved to Chen Yi.

Because Chen Yi was not drunk, and a few equally sober second-generations sent these confused people away safely, they left each other.

The driver, Xiao Zhang, was called out by Chen Yi to drive him in the middle of the night. Naturally, Xiao Zhang had no complaints about it. This was the job of the driver.

Looking at Nan Jiyue who was already asleep in his arms, Chen Yi shook his head. It seems that nothing will happen tonight. Chen Yi has no interest in ‘j corpse’.

The result of Chen Yi’s participation in the e-sports competition was fermented in the following days.

This news was published on Weibo, major self-media, and even some mainstream newspapers.

After all, this is an age of entertainment to death. Even mainstream newspapers need traffic, otherwise it would be difficult to survive in the media of this age.

As for Chen Yi’s participation in the competition, he doesn’t know how many up owners and self-media he has supported.(Read more @

Various videos were made and posted on the website by the ups, and the ups who professionally analyzed the situation of the game wanted to analyze Chen Yi’s operations in the game frame by frame.

Hupu, Kangianba and other places are also full of discussions about Chen Yi.

What percentage of win rate mid laner and adc, career zero death grand slam mvp, legendary players and other messy titles, were all ridiculed by netizens and thrown on Chen Yi.

There are even many netizens discussing the fact that it would be a pity not to play e-sports with Chen Yi’s technology. If he joins his own OMG team, it will be a real galaxy.

And rng’s mid-single account cancellation also won the title of 2200 two years in advance, and the power of a tiger has become the new unit of measurement for League of Legends.

Every now and then, someone ridiculed a team battle that so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so and so.

However, although there is a lot of ridicule, it must be said that this kind of things related to Chen Yi can easily bring traffic.

Although the cancellation of this competition may be a little self-closing, but it has received a lot of attention.

Even those who don’t know the game circle also know the person who cancels the account. Well, he is known as the green leaf foil of Chen Yi.

This made Chen Yi think that as long as the person who cancels the account is smarter, it is best to treat the 2200 as self-deprecating. This is the star player. If nothing else, even if he retires, he can do a live broadcast with this title. .

The Internet is so raging, Chen Yi has almost occupied the rankings of station b in almost a week.

Anyway, in the top 100 videos this week, there are always various videos related to him.

The league officials are also very clever, almost leaving all the voices of Chen Yi during the game, and editing a paragraph from time to time to keep the traffic unstoppable.

Every time these videos are posted, those who are concerned about the game circle themselves, not to mention, just those girls who are fans of star fans can easily forward them to thousands of people.

And don’t think about reposting, it’s all unnutritious things like ‘Brother is handsome’, ‘Brother’s technique is awesome’, and ‘Brother is so hard.’

But the league official is still happy. LPL has been held for so long. When did you encounter such a lot of attention and forwarding by posting a video? The league was nearly awarded an award to Chen Yi.

The legend will eventually come to an end.

During this time, Chen Yi’s life was also very peaceful.

When I have free time, I will come back to school to attend classes, somehow give the teachers a little face, and when I am busy, I will run around outside to manage the company.

The goose factory has accepted Chen Yi’s financing proposal, and the four billion yuan will soon be transferred to Chen Yi’s account, allowing Chen Yi’s company to accelerate its development.

In this case, even Chen Yi can’t be the shopkeeper. He has to be busy almost every day. Making plans and meeting with various partners is completely busy.

Even so, Chen Yi still spends a few hours in the evening to practice horse riding at the racecourse.

Under Shan Zengping’s supervision and his own efforts, Chen Yi’s equestrian skills have almost risen.

This kind of speed of progress visible to the naked eye made Shan Zengpingpu shocked.

This made Chen Yi think that maybe it won’t take long for him to train equestrian to the full level, and then complete the system task.

He doesn’t care much about the money given when the system task is completed now, and what he lacks most now is money.

Although the company burns money, the benefits it will bring in the future are almost visible to the naked eye.

What he wants more now is the mysterious reward in the system.

I don’t know if this time the system is upgraded, the system will reward him with any novelty.

Life passed through April in such a busy schedule, and came to May.

The weather in Shanghai has already started to heat up, and the earth is covered with greenery, and it is thriving.

The girls all put on skirts, revealing a pair of white or beautiful legs in stockings, which makes people dizzying.

Chen Yi’s birthday is coming soon. If it is his own, Chen Yi is actually not interested in having a birthday party.

He even hoped that he would buy a cake and eat it with his family, and then his parents would make a big meal as a birthday celebration.

But with Chen Yi’s current status, his birthday must not be so simple. Even if he wants to be simple, there will be countless people who make it complicated.

However, since Cai Mao said that Chen Yi’s birthday banquet should be fully contracted, Chen Yi is happy to take it easy.

Walking on the campus of Shen Yu, Chen Yi looked at Yu Zixi, who was wearing a floral skirt, and said hello to her. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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