Huahai City, North District.

It is close to schools and industrial parks, and the large number of students and office workers makes snack takeout very prosperous.

The crowded streets are lined with small shops.

A restaurant with a small façade.

Gu Chen sat on the chair and looked at the familiar and unfamiliar mobile phone interface, and an advertisement occupied the entire interface.

"Today's special offer, all goods one yuan second sale!"

"One luxury villa in the center of Youlan Community

", "100% ownership of Bandai Plaza (annual rental income of 300 million yuan)", "

One building of Yiyue Plaza office building, Block A!"

"Pagani Fengshen Eyes Global Limited Edition"

Gu Chen was directly stunned.

"What the hell?"

"One dollar? Are you kidding me? "

It started an hour ago.

As a delivery rider, he took a takeaway delivery order, stopped at a traffic light and waited for the red light, when suddenly his customer left a message asking him to help bring a bottle of happy water.

He happened to see a small supermarket opposite, so he walked across the street towards the supermarket.

Just a few steps away, a white BMW suddenly burst out of the alley next to the supermarket.

With a bang, he knocked him to the ground with a car, and directly knocked him out.

Fortunately, the BMW car is not very fast, otherwise he would not be just scratched.

Even more coincidentally, the BMW owner is his college classmate Liu Yue, and the two have a good relationship, but they slowly became estranged because of something.

At that time, as a popular figure in the school, when organizing an event, Liu Yue, as the class leader, helped him a lot, and the two became familiar with each other.

Later, he saw that Liu Yue seemed to have that meaning for him, making him a little embarrassed to get along, so he slowly distanced himself.

I didn't expect to see you again after a year, but things are different.

Seeing that he was knocked to the ground, obviously the owner was also startled, and quickly got out of the car and came to Gu Chen.

"Are you all right... Gu Chen? I

saw a long-haired woman apologizing with a pale face, and then exclaimed.

Gu Chen slowed down for a while before slowing down.

When I heard someone call my name, I looked up and saw a familiar fragrance coming to my nose.

"Squad leader?"

Tried to bark.

"Is it really you?"

The woman sighed softly when she heard this, and then helped Gu Chen up.

"By the way, how are you? You okay? Looking at Gu Chen's body and the takeaway scattered on the ground, he asked with a complicated face.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Gu Chen waved his hand and moved his hands and feet, basically no big deal!

At this time, when the woman still wanted to say something, a middle-aged man's voice came from the car.

"Is Baby all right?"

A middle-aged man with a rich appearance walked down from the co-pilot.

The woman's body froze when she heard this, and she glanced at Gu Chen without showing a trace and said with a smile; "Well, it's okay!"

Gu Chen looked at the intimate movements of the two, where did he not know that the relationship between the two was extraordinary.

No wonder his freshly graduated college classmates drove a BMW a year later, not that he looked down on his classmates, but that he clearly knew the details of the other party's family, ordinary people.

But what does all this have to do with him.

"This is?" Then looked at Liu Yue and asked.

"Baby? Do you know each other? The middle-aged man was also stunned when he heard Gu Chen's words.

Immediately looked at Gu Chen, and saw Gu Chen's handsome face, Rao was also jealous as a man.

However, when he saw the takeaway uniform on Gu Chen's body, he relaxed and held Liu Yue's thin waist;

"This is my college classmate, Gu Chen." Liu Yue knew the meaning of the middle-aged man, and introduced it with a little embarrassment; "Gu Chen, this is... It's my boyfriend, Li Kun.

"It turned out to be your classmate, that's also my classmate, hello hello!" When Li Kun heard this, he was very enthusiastic.

After determining that Gu Chen did not pose any threat to him, he had no hostility.

"Hello!" Gu Chen responded lightly.

Liu Yue quickly interrupted; "Okay, Gu Chen, you better go to the hospital and take a look!"

Li Kun followed Liu Yue's words; "Yes, yes, classmate Gu should go to the hospital first."

"No thanks! No big deal! Gu Chen refused.

"So how does that work? How to say that it is also Yue'er's classmate, so let's do it, I paid all the medical expenses. At this time, Li Kun took out a stack of 100-yuan bills from his wallet.

He can be described as having a natural sense of superiority in Gu Chen.

Gu Chen shook his head after taking a look, saying that he still had work to be busy, and said hello to Liu Yue and left first.

Liu Yue looked at Gu Chen's back and was silent for a long time.

"Okay, let's go, I can tell you, if you dare to find him privately, don't blame me..." Li

Kun's words were not finished, but the meaning expressed in his eyes was very obvious.

Liu Yue was silent for a few seconds, and then with a smiling face: "Don't worry!" Since following you, none of my former classmates have been in touch.

"That's good!" Li Kun was very satisfied when he heard this.

At this time, Gu Chen's mobile phone rang, interrupting his memories.

Looking at the remark "Mom! ", directly picked up.

"Hey! Mother?

"Son! Have you had lunch? A

kind voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Eat! You and Dad are okay!

Gu Chenqiang held back his tears and quickly asked;

"You don't have to worry about it at home! Your dad and I will figure it out! But you are outside, pay more attention to your body! When

Gu Chen heard this, his heart couldn't help but sour.

Gu Chen's family has been rich since he was a child, and his father is also a figure in his hometown, until the year he graduated from college, his father's company went bankrupt, everything in the family was confiscated to pay off debts, fortunately there was an ancestral home, otherwise he would really be displaced.

But he also owes millions in debt, otherwise how could he go to deliver food, without him, make money!

This year, he did not take a day off, sleeping later than the dog and waking up earlier than the chicken every day, just to run a few more orders.

"Uh-huh! I know, Mom! This month, the company saw that my performance was very good, and sent me another bonus, I will transfer it to you later!

Gu Chen said a few more words, then hung up the phone and looked at the passing vehicles outside.

Shaking his head, he opened his mobile phone Alipay, looked at the four-digit balance, and smiled bitterly.

After leaving himself a thousand dollars, he transferred the salary he paid yesterday to his mother.


Shows that the transfer was successful.

Looking at the news on the interface for a while, millions of debts, I really don't know when to pay it back.

Life is really up and down, a year ago, he was the rich second generation envied by everyone, and now... Forget it, don't mention it! Gu Chen shook his head and shook off the thoughts in his mind!

And at this moment, the Taobao software on the interface of his mobile phone suddenly started....

Gu Chen was stunned....

Looking at the familiar and unfamiliar mobile phone interface, an advertisement occupies the entire interface.

"Today's special offer, all goods one yuan second sale!"

"Pagani Fengshen Eyes Limited Edition Worldwide"

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