As a former rich second generation, he knew what was shown above, and his family could not afford it in its heyday.

He thought his phone was stuck, so he quickly exited.

Log in again, and then the interface jumps, and it is the previous template again.

"Lean! Is my phone infected with a virus?

"Or is Taobao's security feature so weak now?"

He couldn't help but complain.

"But... How nice it would be if it were true!

Looking at the words on it, Gu Chen shook his head, if it was true, then he wouldn't have to work so hard.

But he still didn't dare to click in, as a college student, he knows many of these high-tech scams.

With an ad, you click on it, and the program will automatically crack the information on your smartphone, so that all the money on your card will be stolen.

Although he had little money in his card, once he stole it, he

would have to drink the northwest wind for the next month.

So he wanted to withdraw directly, but his hand suddenly slipped and directly clicked on the one-yuan second kill.

Suddenly, the interface of his mobile phone jumped, as if a red envelope was opened, and the gold coin looked like it kept spinning.

"Ugh! No way!

Gu Chen was startled and quickly wanted to quit this software, but the mobile phone interface seemed to be stuck, no matter how he operated, it was useless.

Even if it is turned off, it cannot be turned off.

Gu Chen, who was anxious, wanted to smash the mobile phone directly, but after raising it, he couldn't get his hands off, after all, the mobile phone was much more expensive than his balance.

How did he know that this software is so powerful that it can't even shut down.

So he resigned himself to his life and could only look at the mobile phone interface.

After a few seconds, the gold coin spin is complete.

"Congratulations to the user for choosing Building A, Yiyue Plaza Office Building!"

Looking at the message sent by the system, Gu Chen was stunned

, he couldn't care about the news, he opened Alipay directly, looked at the balance on his account, only one yuan less, his hanging heart finally let go.


"Deal complete! Today's event has been cancelled, please come back tomorrow!

With two messages coming from his phone in quick succession, he reacted.

"Is it true?"

"Not a virus Trojan?"

"Did something go wrong with the system?"

Gu Chen guessed;

At this moment, he clearly felt that something seemed to be something more on his chest.

He looked down and saw that it was a tool bag.

Take it out and look at it, it's a document.

At this time, he quickly looked through the previous information, it turned out to be congratulations to him on hitting an office building in one yuan.

Looking at his name written on the title deed, he was stunned.

"It's real?"

Gu Chen only found out at this time that everything was true before, not a virus in the mobile phone.

It's that his Taobao has undergone some unknown change, which is like a golden finger in a novel for him.

Looking at the words above that today's special offer has been completed, please come back tomorrow, he gently sighed with relief.

All this was like a dream bubble for him, and he slapped his face a few times before he felt that he was not dreaming.

At this time, on the other side, Yiyue Plaza manages the floor.

Several employees are at work.

Suddenly, the office door was pushed open directly, startling several people.

I saw a middle-aged man walking in quickly, breathing very quickly, obviously trotting over.

Several employees quickly got up and said respectfully; "Mr. Ma!"

The middle-aged man nodded in response, and then said with a straight face; "This time I came to inform one thing, the office building Block A in the prime area of our square has been sold above!"


Several people looked at each other when they heard this, and as employees of Yiyue Plaza, they knew very well that the office building was not for sale, and it had always been in the hands of the group.

In the past, no one offered to buy, but all of them were rejected.

"Mr. Ma? Do you know who bought it?

One of them asked boldly.

When the middle-aged centaur heard this, he shook his head and said: "I also just received a notice, I only know a name and phone number, called Gu Chen, and I want us to make a good impression on people, so I quickly came over to inform you, don't offend people at that time!" He

knew that if he could buy the group's non-sale products, this boss's background and status were by no means ordinary, and their group was not poor in money, how could it be that they could suddenly sell it now.

If you want to sell it long ago, which will wait until now, there is only one possibility, the buyer is not something that their group can offend.

Thinking of this, his heart became even more nervous.

Several employees obviously understood a truth, but they didn't know what the buyer looked like, and if they accidentally offended, they would be cold.

The middle-aged man pondered for a while, and suddenly said: "By the way, this month's rent seems to be these days, and the boss should come over by then!" Several

people's eyes lit up when they heard this.

The office building has a good location, a total of 66 floors have long been rented, most of them are paid annually, but some are paid monthly.

"So be it! Wait for the export department to send a message to the boss, telling him to come and collect the rent tomorrow! The

middle-aged man ordered; Inform the security department, cheer up these days, and be sure to ensure that there will be no accidents in the handover tomorrow! If you meet someone named Gu Chen, you must pay attention to etiquette, and you must not offend! "

Everyone knows the weight and no more nonsense.


So the news about Gu Chen all spread out, and the staff of Yiyue Plaza received the news one after another.

Not only the tenants of Block A of the office building received the news, but Gu Chen also received a text message.

"Dear Mr. Gu, hello, our side is the management department of Yiyue Plaza, the office building you purchased on our side will be the time to collect rent tomorrow, please be sure to come over and connect with us for information!" Contact number: 135****"

Gu Chen, who was still in a daze at this time, suddenly received such a text message.

He stared at the text message on his phone and was silent for a long time, if he hadn't had the title deed in his hand, he absolutely believed it was a scam text message.

"Is it true! You'll know if you go once tomorrow!

After Gu Chen lowered his head and muttered, he was no longer entangled.

It just so happened that an order also came on his phone.

"You have a delivery order, please ship it as soon as possible!"

So he put the tool bag in his hand on his electric car and continued to deliver.

Time is in Gu Chen's going to and from various shops, shuttling through the streets and alleys slowly.

Until nightfall, Gu Chen also stopped.

He gave the food delivery supervisor a day off and went back to rest.

The next day, in a luxuriously decorated boutique room

, on the bedroom bed of the master bedroom, a man and a woman lay frankly meeting each other.

It was Liu Yue, a college classmate who bumped into Gu Chen before, and his boyfriend Li Kun.

At this time, a mobile phone rang.

"Hey, Team Leader Liu? What the? How so? No, okay, I'll come right over. "

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