Hang up.

Li Kun's sparse eyebrows furrowed together.

He is the owner of a renovation company and is worth tens of millions.

"What's wrong?" At this time, Liu Yue looked at Li Kun, who had a bad face, and asked puzzled.

"Just now, a sales team leader from Yiyue Plaza called me and said that the company building had changed owners and asked me to move out as soon as possible."

Li Kun is more than forty this year, came out to break into society in his early years, was favored by a local local snake with a ruthlessness, married the other party's daughter, and soon broke into a career.

It stands to reason that he is proud of his love and career, but his wife looks as strong as an orangutan, where can he be interested, so he has been raising his mistress outside, and Liu Yue met in a club a year ago.

In fact, on Liu Yue's terms, where he needed to be someone else's mistress, his father was seriously ill at home and urgently needed a large amount of money, so he was supported by Li Kun.

"Huh? If you change it, why do you want us to move away? Liu Yue was puzzled.

She knew very little about Li Kun's company.

"Hey, because with the strength of my company, I can't rent such a prime location." Li Kun smiled bitterly when he heard this.

"Do you want to say why you still rent it?"

Looking at Li Kun's gaze, Liu Yue nodded.

"Because, I bribed a team leader of Yiyue Plaza and rented it privately at a rent higher than the market."

"I didn't expect to suddenly change the boss! It's really weird!

Li Kun rubbed Liu Yue's black hair, still a little confused.

He had studied in Huahai City for so long, and naturally knew a lot of gossip.

As a representative building of Yiyue Plaza, they are all non-sale, why are they suddenly sold now? How much energy should the people who can buy this Yiyue Plaza have?

"So that's the case, but why do you have to rent there?" Liu Yue suddenly realized, and then asked questions.

"Because that place is a prime location, being able to work there best represents the strength of the company." Li Kun explained.

The reason why his decoration company's business is so good is the location of the company, and this industry is the strength and fame of the company.

Why several other decoration companies are a little worse than themselves is not because of strength, but because their company is better than them and famous, so customers naturally choose them a little more when they choose.

An ordinary customer comes to your company, sees your company's image, and indirectly has an impression of your company's strength!

"Okay, hurry up and go to Yiyue Plaza, today the mysterious buyer will go and hand over the procedures with them to see if they can continue to rent." Li Kun said to Liu Yue.

Immediately, the two quickly got up and ran to Yiyue Plaza.

At the same time, small rental houses.

Gu Chen got up and dressed casually, and after washing, he went out and took a taxi to Yiyue Plaza.

If before, where would he be willing to take a taxi for such a luxurious thing.

Since something happened at home, he has traveled far and taken the bus this year, relying on his legs.

But if what happened yesterday is true, then he doesn't need to live like this again.

Thinking of this, he looked at the real estate certificate next to him and felt a burst of anticipation.

At this time, it was past the rush hour, and Gu Chen arrived at Yiyue Plaza in half an hour.

After paying and getting out of the car, he saw the towering office building at a glance, and from today onwards, it belonged to him.

After some emotion, he walked towards the management department of the square.

But this place is big, one of the large squares in Huahai City, and he got lost.

"Hello, may I ask how the management department of your square goes?"

Gu Chen walked around, but he really couldn't find a way.

There is no choice but to ask the security guards in the square for help.

"What are you looking for the management department for?"

At this time, a security guard looked at Gu Chen a little curious, he had been working here for so long, and for the first time someone asked him how to go to the management department.

"Oh, that's right, it was your management department who sent me a message and called me over!" Gu Chen said truthfully.


At this time, the security guard brother was shocked when he heard this, "It won't be so coincidental!"

"May I ask if you are Mr. Gu Chengu?"

Then his face changed, and even his tone asked with respect;

"Good!" Gu Chen was surprised and nodded.

When the security guard heard Gu Chen admit, his eyes immediately changed when he looked at Gu Chen

, "Mr. Gu, please wait!"

After saying a word to Gu Chen, he picked up the walkie-talkie on his chest and began to speak.

"Headquarters! Headquarters! I'm 07! I met Mr. Gu! After

a rustle, a hurried voice suddenly came from the other side.

"Received it, please Mr. Gu wait a moment, I will send someone over immediately."

Gu Chen naturally heard this, and couldn't help but be curious, what is the situation? Why did the other party react so much when he heard his name?

The other party did not let Gu Chen wait for a long time, and after about a minute or two, Gu Chen saw several men in formal clothes trotting towards him.

"Hello, hello, you are Mr. Gu Chengu! I'm so sorry! You've been waiting for a long time! Before

anyone arrived, the voice came first.

At the head is a middle-aged man with an elite appearance.

Looking at the slightly stammered middle-aged man in front of him, Gu Chen nodded: "Hmm! It's me! Are you..." the

middle-aged man said quickly; "My name is Ma Fei, I am the general manager of this square, and Mr. Gu can call me Xiaoma."

"Oh, hello Manager Ma."

"I don't know if Mr. Gu has the title certificate with you, so let's get the information with you?" Ma Fei asked pleasantly.

Gu Chen smiled slightly when he heard this: "Bring it, you take a look!" Immediately

handed the tool bag from yesterday to Ma Fei, and at the same time his heart tightened slightly, for fear that it was fake.

"Yes, this is it!" Ma Fei took it and looked at it for a while, nodding and confirming; "Mr. Gu, do you think you should go to our management department first and go through the procedures first?"


Gu Chen nodded in agreement, and the last trace of uneasiness in his heart completely disappeared.

When several people were about to leave, a voice suddenly sounded next to them.

"Mr. Ma?"

When Ma Fei heard this, he turned his head to look, frowned, and suddenly realized after thinking for a moment.

"Mr. Li?"

"Yes, yes, it's me."

Hearing Ma Fei remember his name, the man named Mr. Li was overjoyed.

Because Gu Chen was surrounded by Ma Fei and the others in the center, he couldn't see the person who spoke, but he felt that this voice was a little familiar.

"I wonder what happened to Li?" Immediately afterwards, Ma Fei asked directly.

He remembered that this person was named Li Kun, and he rented their building privately, but he also received the benefit, so he never put it on the table.

"Mr. Ma, I don't see that this month's rent is coming, come and pay the rent, just in time to meet the new owner."

Li Kun knew that Ma Fei's status was very high, and he quickly said his purpose.

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