As soon as Li Kun's words fell, Ma Fei and the others looked at Gu Chen in the middle.

At this time, Gu Chen also remembered the owner of this voice, Li Kun.

So the two met their eyes and looked at each other for a few seconds.

"Gu Chen? It's you..." Li Kun's face changed drastically, shocked.

Gu Chen nodded, feeling that the world was so small.

"Mr. Li? Do you know each other? At this time, Ma Fei also reacted, looked at Li Kun's expression, and questioned.

When Li Kun heard this, his face changed and complicated, and he didn't know what to say for a while, while Liu Yue next to him quickly reacted and nodded: "Gu Chen, you are the new boss of the office building of Yiyue Plaza?" Compared

with Li Kun, Liu Yue is much easier to accept, she knew that Gu Chen's family was very rich when she was in college, but she didn't expect to be so rich.

"Hmm." Gu Chen nodded.

Hearing Gu Chen's admission, Li Kun and Liu Yue fell silent for a while.

Especially Li Kun, thinking of his proud sense of superiority yesterday, he suddenly wanted to find a seam to drill into.

No wonder yesterday people looked indifferent,

"You came to renew the lease?" Hearing Li Kun's words before, Gu Chen asked.

"Yes, Mr. Gu, this Mr. Li was previously one of the tenants." Ma Fei saw that the two did not speak for a while, and quickly explained.

"This way! Since the squad leader renews the lease, let's pay ten percent below the market price! Gu Chen thought about it and looked at Liu Yue and smiled.

He did not know that Li Kun was rented privately and above the market price.

Ma Fei smiled at this decision, he glanced at Li Kun unexpectedly, but he didn't expect his luck to be so good and just happened to meet the new boss.

And Li Kun was incredulous at first, and then his eyes were complicated, and he understood that Gu Chen said this, not for his face, but on Liu Yue next to him.

Liu Yue's heart trembled when she heard this, she knew that Gu Chen was returning favors, and for the sake of her classmates' faces, at the same time, the last trace of affection in Gu Chen's heart disappeared.

"Manager Ma, can I entrust these things to you?" Gu Chen turned his head to look at Ma Feidao.

"Yes, of course, these little things are happy for our square management department."

Ma Fei was very happy when he heard this, and Gu Chen said this, obviously believing them.

"Well, squad leader, I still have some things, so I will leave first, if you want to renew the lease, you can discuss with Manager Ma and them!" Gu Chen nodded at Liu Yue and said.

"Yes, thank you Mr. Gu, Yue'er and I won't bother you first, I don't know if Mr. Gu has time in the evening, Yue'er and I want to treat you to a meal, you see?"

Liu Yue did not speak, but Li Kun next to him instantly smiled and said eagerly.

As the owner of a company worth tens of millions, he is naturally very thick-skinned.

He can mix up to today's position, his brain is not stupid at all, and he will admit it when he should admit it.

No matter what happened before, but the current Gu Chen is definitely not something he can offend, fortunately, he didn't pretend to punch Gu Chen in the face before.

At the same time, he was overjoyed by the identity of Liu Yue and Gu Chen's classmates, which was a bridge that brought the relationship between the two closer.

I didn't see Ma Fei, who even he couldn't afford to offend, and his figure was so low in front of Gu Chen.

"No need, I still have things to do at night." Gu Chen knew what Li Kun was thinking, but he still refused.

"It's okay, it's okay, since Mr. Gu is very busy, Yue'er and I won't bother." Seeing that Li Kun was rejected, he was not dissatisfied at all, and quickly laughed.

Liu Yue on the side didn't say a word.

"Okay, then I'll go first!"

Gu Chen nodded at Liu Yue, and then flew with the horse into the distance.

Looking at the backs of several people, Li Kun smiled and put it away until everyone couldn't see it.

He didn't expect that people with such a high status would actually deliver takeaways, and the thoughts of rich people are really difficult to fathom!

"Yue'er, what is the identity of this classmate of yours? Why didn't I listen to you yesterday? Turning

to Liu Yue and asking, now he didn't dare to threaten Liu Yue, it was really today's events that shocked him too much!

"I don't know, I just know that his family is rich." Liu Yue shook his head when he heard this, and said calmly.


Hearing Liu Yue say this, Li Kun did not doubt it, but it was not something that money could do if he could buy this office building and let Ma Fei treat him like this.

"Let's go! Baby, thanks to you this time! Then

he looked at Liu Yue, put his arm around the other party, and walked outside happily!

"It's okay!" Liu Yue didn't say anything.

On the other side, the general manager's office of the management department of Yiyue Plaza.

"Congratulations to Mr. Gu, now Yiyue Plaza Office Building Block A officially belongs to Mr. Gu."

As Gu Chen signed his name on the docking document, the legal effect of this document officially took effect, and Ma Fei congratulated.

"Thank you Manager Ma, I will hand over the office building to you to manage in the future, and I will only be responsible for collecting money."

Gu Chen was also smiling at the moment, and he was in a very happy mood!

"Haha, no problem! Mr. Gu rest assured! Ma

Fei was also very happy to see that Gu Chen was so good to talk, and he directly agreed to these requests from him, after all, it was also a show of hands.

Then several people said a few more polite words, seeing Gu Chenyun light and breezy, and even more affirmed that Gu Chen's identity was not ordinary.

Coming out of the management department, Gu Chen's whole person was fluttering.

Because, this month's rent has all hit his card, looking at the six-digit number, everything seems less real.

More than 580,000!

That's 580,000!

And Ma Fei also told him that this is only a small part of it, and a lot of rent is paid once a year.

When he heard this, his heart shook a few times.

From this moment on, the trajectory of his life will deviate from the original route, and all these changes are brought about by that mutated Taobao.

Thinking of this, he moved in his heart, took out his mobile phone, and opened Taobao.

The familiar interface jumped over, and Gu Chen smiled heartily.

The above has changed.

Yesterday's one-dollar flash sale event has ended, and today's special price group purchase is nine yuan nine.

"Today's special offer, nine out of nine!"

"Tomson Yipin penthouse set of penthouse

", "5 million quota global universal shopping card

", "Handi Moutai bottle (worth 30 million!) "

Rolls-Royce Silver Charm!"

Sure enough, it was a new batch of commodities, and after experiencing last night's events, Gu Chen's heart was no longer waveless.

Then he no longer hesitated and clicked the above button directly.

Suddenly, the mobile phone interface fell into a dead state again.

After a few seconds,


I saw a vibration from the mobile phone,

and Gu Chen opened it to take a look.

"Congratulations to the user for choosing a set of Tomson Yipin penthouse duplex mansion" and "Congratulations to the user for choosing

a 5 million global universal shopping card"

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