When Gu Chen heard this, he smiled lightly, buddy, it's not that I despise you, you really can't afford it.

Of course, he naturally wouldn't say it.

"It's not expensive, it's just more than two million!"

The atmosphere in the car instantly quieted down, and the taxi master glanced at Gu Chen several times in succession.

Only then slowly said: "Buddy, this is not interesting, I also know a lot of millions of watches, I really haven't seen you this yet!" Gu

Chen didn't bother to explain, and said with a slight smile; Just kidding, don't mind, I'll imitate it! Hearing

Gu Chen's words, the taxi master showed a long-lost smile when he heard this, an expression that I knew.

"Sure enough! Dude, it's not me blowing, and there really isn't a watch I don't recognize. The

corner of Gu Chen's mouth twitched when he heard this, and he didn't want to break: "Oh? The master is so powerful? The

taxi driver had a proud smile on his entire face.

"Of course, to be honest, buddy I have three major hobbies in my life, women's watches and famous cars. Don't look at me for rent, but usually pay attention to the information of many watches, there is no watch that I can't recognize at a glance, whether it is a high imitation or a real one, hand to hand!

Gu Chen could see that this taxi driver really liked to brag, in front of his eyes, he was a younger brother, a younger brother.

"Can you guys help me see it? This was given by a friend of mine, and I don't know much about watches, I don't know which brand it is!

After Gu Chen finished speaking, he forced a smile and stretched out his wrist.

The taxi master glanced at it, then stunned, and then raised his eyebrows.

"What about this? It's a high-imitation seagull! Yes, there is no one who knows the watch who does not know this, one or two thousand cheaper, and tens of thousands more expensive.

"Oh~ it turned out to be a seagull, no wonder I haven't seen it, brother, you are really well-informed, admire and admire!"

"It's okay, you just need to know more, here I recommend you a anchor, he specializes in explaining the watch, your watch is too good-looking, it should be a high imitation!" The price should be five or six hundred! That's pretty much the price! "

Gu Chen suddenly realized when he heard this, it turns out that your watch viewing technique was learned from the anchor, no wonder!

And the taxi master thought that Gu Chen was persuaded by him, and his vanity was greatly satisfied.

Sure enough, he guessed correctly, he had observed Gu Chen's clothes before, they were all mass brands, so the economy should be average, and his friends would not be better there, so he guessed

five or six hundred.

Then his whole body was fluttering, and then he stretched out his left hand, revealing the watch on his wrist.

As soon as Gu Chen brushed it off, he knew what the master meant.

"Come on buddy, it's rare to meet someone who likes watches! Look at my, Longines, how's it going? Not bad!

When Gu Chen heard this, he cooperated with the master and said, "Wow! Longines! I heard that any one can cost tens of thousands!

"Haha good!"

The taxi master was satisfied with Gu Chen's reaction.

"Fifteen thousand yuan to be exact!"

Gu Chen said enviously: "Buddy is quite rich!" Hearing

this, the taxi driver was very proud, and he liked the feeling of being touted.

"Fortunately, I'm a person, I don't have any hobbies, I can't afford super cars, I can only live on famous watches." So, it took me three years to finally save enough money to buy it.

When Gu Chen heard this, he was very impressed, and directly gave a thumbs up.

It's really good that a person can have such perseverance.

"Nothing, nothing, as long as you have a dream, you will definitely buy it in the future."

Gu Chen nodded very seriously when he heard this: "Hmm! However, this dream is difficult to achieve! "

Longines brand he naturally also pays a little attention to, a brand at the top of the mid-range level.

"No, no! As long as you have a dream, you can too! The

taxi master misunderstood Gu Chen's words.

"Well, thanks!"

In fact, what Gu Chen wants to say is that he carries two million watches, and it will be better in the future, why should he bring a watch of tens of thousands?

It's just that he rotted in his stomach and didn't say it, otherwise the other party would think that he was pretending to be forced again.

Subsequently, along the way, it was basically the taxi master who said, Gu Chen listened, but it was also interesting.

Gu Chen thought it was very interesting, he had experienced this there before.

When there is no accident at home, they usually drive by themselves, or they hire a driver, and after an accident at home, they are reluctant to take a taxi.

Soon, we arrived at Binjiang Road.

"Dude, where to park for you?"

"Tomson Yipin there!"

Gu Chen looked at the taxi master's puzzled eyes, and he explained: "That's right, buddy, you just drive there!" Then

the taxi driver said nothing more and drove to his destination.

To be honest, he really hasn't been here yet.

Have you seen any resident of Tomson Yipin who came by taxi? No wonder the taxi driver was suspicious.

The taxi drove all the way to the gate of Tomson Yipin and stopped.

"Dude, when I arrive, I can't get in inside."

Although I don't know why Gu Chen has to come here, he still drove here according to his words.

The taxi master looked at the passing luxury cars, and the envy in his eyes turned into substance.

Looking at the legendary mansion inside, my heart was also infinitely yearning, and even the chattering mouth was quietly closed.

When Gu Chen heard this, the corners of his mouth grinned, and said with a smile: "Okay, thank you buddy, how much money!" Hearing

the voice, the taxi driver reacted.


Gu Chen, who had already scanned the code, paused in his hand: "So little? I remember the last time I came here, it cost more than a hundred? Hearing

this, the taxi master smiled and said: "Dude, this way, I think you are not bad, although a little bragging, but it is rare to meet a like-minded cousin." I won't charge more, collect some gas money. Hearing

this, Gu Chen cried and laughed: "How can this work?" Come and come brother, one yard to one yard! "

How did he meet the taxi master in the past two days, either giving him free of charge or only charging for gas.

He used to often hear that so-and-so drivers deliberately detoured in order to make money.

Is it all a lie?

Then the taxi master made a face: "I just say okay!" I don't go to work to pick up customers just to be able to do whatever I want, buddy, you know!

Gu Chen felt very reasonable when he heard this, since his Taobao mutated his luck seemed to have really improved.

Looking at the taxi master's attitude, Gu Chen had to turn around thirty times.

The taxi driver smiled with satisfaction after seeing it.

"That's right! Dude, if you need a taxi in the future, you can find me!

"Okay, buddy will withdraw first, thank you!"

Gu Chen smiled when he heard this, then opened the door and took out the suitcase from the trunk, nodded to the taxi master and walked towards the gate of Tomson Yipin.

The driver's brother was lying on the driver, with a satisfied face.

Today, I finally pretended to be all the forces that I had not pretended before.

The passengers I met before were either not interested or did not understand.

The watch he bought at a great cost was useless.

But it was really not easy to meet Gu Chen today.

Then he turned his head and looked at Gu Chen walking directly towards Tangchen Yipin, and was immediately stunned.

"What's the situation? Does this guy really live here? The

whole person instantly resurrected from a lazy state full of blood, his eyes were glaring, and his face was full of disbelief.

Then, as he guessed, he watched Gu Chen carrying his schoolbag and dragging the box, talking with the Tangchen Yipin Gate Guardhouse.

Looking at the guard's respectful look, he instantly understood that everything he said before Gu Chen was true, he really lived here, and... That watch in his hand... It's really worth more than two million!

Thinking of this, his face instantly turned red, and if someone touched his face at this time, it would definitely be extremely hot.

"I wiped it! Am I being slapped in the face?

"Can't pretend to be forced to be punished?"

"It's really..." The

whole person wanted to get into the hole.

He remembered that the watch he had seen before was very much like Patek Philippe.

It's just that he doesn't believe at all that Gu Chen can afford it.

Even if it is an imitation, it has to be thousands larger, so he directly extinguished this idea, but he didn't expect it....

He directly took out his mobile phone, opened the official website of Patek Philippe, started from the price, and looked directly at the two million.

One by one, he carefully searched for it, and before he saw that Gu Chen's watch was very good-looking, so the memory did not fade for a while.

Looking at the price above, his eyelids jumped wildly, very envious, he knew that he would not have a piece in his life.

Six or seven figures, just take a look.

Suddenly, when I saw more than 2.9 million, a very handsome picture came into view.

The pupils of his eyes contracted suddenly.


That's right, the picture of this watch is exactly the same as the one Gu Chen wore before.

More than two million and nine million, people not only did not brag, but also were modest.

"I lean!"

Then he instantly looked at Gu Chen.

And at this time, Gu Chen also happened to turn his head and look in his direction.

The corners of his mouth smiled and he nodded slightly.

Seeing this expression, he thought of the scene of Gu Chen in the car before.

The taxi master didn't understand it at this time, and people quietly watched their performance, without poking.

His eyes flickered, and he lowered his head to stare at the series of numbers on his phone.

"More than two million and nine million... And Tomson Yipin's house! Damn, are the current local tycoons so good at playing? The

screen jumped to Gu Chen's side.

Gu Chen went straight to the Tangchen Yipin guard and stopped.

The security guard politely stopped Gu Chen, and did not look down on people in the face state in the novel.

In real life, there are so many people who look down on people, and even if there are, they will definitely not appear here.

After all, the head of the household who lives inside, who does not have several poor relatives.

Gu Chen directly said his name and ID card, and the guard politely told him to wait for a while.

Through the inquiry of the computer householder, the security guard was stunned.

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