Looking at the head of the duplex on the top floor of Tomson Yipin, it was the young man who got out of the taxi in front of him.

The security guard's expression changed from surprise to shock to finally disbelief.

"New owners! It turns out that this is the most luxurious householder who bought Tomson Yipin! "

Don't look at Tomson Yipin is very famous, but in fact, the house inside has not sold a third.


One word: expensive!

Another reason is that the rich who can afford it go to buy villas, and who still buys large flat floors.

And the one in front of him, although he looks extremely handsome, but dressed, he is extremely ordinary.

Originally, the security guard thought that Gu Chen just had relatives and friends living here,

but he didn't expect that it would be 500 million?

It's really unseemly!

"Hello, hello! Mr. Gu is really embarrassed, I will collect information for you and apply for a pass! "The defense at this time is very respectful.

"Okay, thanks!"

Then the guard archived Gu Chen into storage.

And Gu Chen was a little bored while waiting, and when he turned his head to look out, he just saw that the taxi master had not left.

He couldn't help but wonder a little, doesn't this old brother have to go to work?

At this time, the old brother was also looking here.

He thought he was saying hello to himself, so he smiled at the old brother.

At this time, the security guard had already finished it.

"Mr. Gu, wait for a long time, it's already good, you can go in and out freely in the future!"

"Okay, thank you, by the way, a delivery van will come over later, send me something, trouble you to pass!"

Gu Chen remembered the clothes he bought before and said to the security guard.

"Okay, I'll inform Mr. Gu here!"

Then Gu Chen walked directly inside.

Looking at Gu Chen's back, the security uncle sighed with emotion; "I don't know which son! It's so different!

He was envious of Gu Chen in his heart, although he was a security guard here and could enter and exit freely every day, but nothing inside belonged to him.

Enter Tomson Yipin, a pleasing layout and top-notch garden surrounded by mountains and rivers.

Gu Chen is very satisfied, even the big villa that his hometown used to have, it is not comparable to here!

After walking around for a while, Gu Chen enjoyed it very much, and then entered the hall directly.

The magnificent, magnificent reception center is where every owner must pass when returning home,

and the steel-free all-glass dome is directly under the blue sky and white clouds.

In the hall, two rows of exquisite women wearing black professional suits stood in line by the door, and in front was Tomson Yipin's property manager, Xiao Yuan.

At this time, he was anxiously waiting here, and from the doorman, he knew that the mysterious head of the householder who had purchased their Tomson Yipin penthouse was about to come.

They have no news about the mysterious buyer, but it does not prevent them from making a good impression.

He looked at the door from time to time and heard that the security guard at the gate said that it was an extremely handsome young man, which made him extremely curious.

At this time, Gu Chen walked in directly and was startled when he saw this picture.

"Good fellow! What's the situation? "

Apparently unaware of the movement he caused.

And Xiao Yuan saw a handsome and strange young man at the door walk in, and his heart was shocked, "Here it is!" He

hurriedly greeted him.

"Mr. Gu, welcome to Tomson Yipin."

The beautiful women standing in two columns shouted in unison; "Welcome Mr. Gu to Tomson Yipin."

The warm service made Gu Chen react instantly, it turned out to be to receive himself!

"It feels pretty cool!"

Gu Chen's face was waveless, but his heart was extremely cool.

It seems that that mutant Taobao has long rationalized everything.

"Thank you!"

But the mouth is nodding politely;

Tomson Yipin, a total of four buildings, A and C buildings for sale, B and D buildings for rent.

Those who can live here are all characters with heads and faces outside, after all, ordinary people can't afford to live.

Celebrities, business tycoons, children of families, top rich.

It's all about networking.

Property manager Xiao Yuan said with an honored expression; "It is our honor to serve Mr. Gu!"

Then he handed over a business card with both hands.

Tomson Yipin will provide personal butler service for each owner, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Gu Chen put away his business card and was personally taken away by the property manager.

At this time, the elevator in the C building suddenly opened, and a beautiful woman stepped on the floor and walked out.

Looking at the scene in the hall, her eyes were amazed, and her seductive lips opened slightly, this was the last time she saw Tomson Yipin, the developer came here to see this scene.

"Miss Chu!"

At this time, a team leader saw the owner Chu Xinyi walk out, and immediately stepped forward to say hello;

"Sister Rong, you are..." Chu Xinyi was puzzled.

"Our Lou Wang of Tomson Yipin was sold in its entirety today, which is worth 500 million!" So Manager Xiao just left with the owner, you see! Really handsome and young, I don't know which family's young master! Sister

Rong pointed to the back of Gu Chen's departure and said enviously.

"Is that the penthouse duplex?"

Chu Xinyi's face was full of surprise.

Although her family is also very rich, it is a little difficult to come up with 500 million in cash.

You must know that there are many rich people in this year, but it is extremely rare to take out 500 million in one go.

What's more, it's still a house, if only a villa.

But buy a large flat floor?

This shows that people are strong.

It's like if a millionaire asks him to buy a car for 800,000, people will definitely not be willing to bear it.

Then Chu Xinyi looked towards Gu Chen's back, and just saw Gu Chen turn around and take the elevator, and suddenly frowned.

"Huh..." A

familiar feeling suddenly emerged in her heart.

She always felt that this person was very familiar and extremely strange.

What is strange is that the circle of Huahai City is not big.

She has generally seen the son who can take out so much cash, but it is not Gu Chen.

Familiarly, she always felt that she had seen Gu Chen, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

"By the way, Sister Rong, do you know what this one is called?" Then he asked Sister Rong on the side.

"The surname is Gu, the name is Gu Chen!" Sister Rong didn't say much, and it was not a secret.

"Gu Chen-"

Chu Xinyi's eyes lit up, she finally knew why she was so familiar.

Gu Chen, a student of economics and management at Huahai University, and she were alumni, and he reached the finals during a business negotiation event.

And she, since she was a child, showed business talent, during the freshman year, she entered her own company to experience, known for her decisiveness, non-routine, and imagination, and was invited by the school to be elected as a judge of the event.

It's ridiculous to say that at that time, she also heard some things about Gu Chen, the school's popular figure.

When he saw himself again, he was shocked, very bold in expressing himself, wanting to attract his attention, and his performance at that time was also refreshing.

At that time, I also admired him quite a lot, not the kind of men and women.

After all, he has jumped out of the ivory tower of school and entered society.

It's just that I was busy with affairs at the time and gradually forgot about him.

Later, she remembered that when she wanted him to recruit as a subordinate, the other party had graduated and lost contact, which she regretted for a while.

I didn't expect to meet here.

"How? Miss Chu, know that Mr. Gu? "

Hmm!" Chu Xinyi nodded.

"No wonder!"

Sister Rong showed a clear expression.

She knows the identity of Chu Xinyi, the eldest lady of the Chu Group, the people she knows are definitely not ordinary people, no wonder she can buy a mansion of 500 million.

"By the way, Miss Chu went out..."

"There is a dinner party in the evening!"

When Chu Xinyi said this, a wry smile suddenly appeared on her face, but in a flash, Sister Rong did not find it.

"This way! Then don't bother Miss Chu! Sister Rong looked at Chu Xinyi and said enviously.

In her opinion, Chu Xinyi is simply a template life for all women.


Chu Xinyi shook her head without explaining anything, and walked outside.


The elevator reaches the top floor.

"Mr. Gu, it's here!" The property manager introduced.


Immediately, Gu Chen directly set up three palm-print eye mask access controls under Xiao Yuan's operation, and Gu Chen finally saw his mansion.

The bulletproof door made of precious wood inlaid with intricate and exquisite handmade hanging ornament, and the dragon and phoenix pattern carved by the master, are brilliant and atmospheric.

There are many ways to unlock the gate, so you don't need the help of a property manager.

When Gu Chen owned this mansion, the automatic artificial intelligence inside recorded Gu Chen's iris and fingerprint, of course, for the safety of the owner, the key password can be unlocked.

Immediately, Gu Chen opened the door.

The twenty-square-meter super-large entrance is enviable, and the property manager behind him is also coming in for the first time, his eyes are intent, and he is envious.

"Okay, Mr. Gu, if there is anything you can call, I will go out first."

Although he was extremely envious and wanted to stay a little longer, reason told him that he had to go.

"Hmm!" Gu Chen nodded.

Watching Xiao Yuan get on the elevator and leave, Gu Chen walked forward again.

Upon entering the suite, the oversized living room is greeted by the oversized living room.

The décor is simple and luxurious, with a strong modern style.

The classic black and white sofa, with a variety of top-quality custom furniture, perfectly integrated into the decoration style.

"It's beautiful!"

Rao is Gu Chen, who has seen the world, and he is also slightly surprised in his heart at this moment.

He then inspected all the rooms.

At the moment, there is only one word left in his mind, big!

Tomson Yipin penthouse is a large flat floor, divided into two floors, the lower floor is 600 square meters, the upper floor is 400 square meters, and the total area is more than 1000 square meters.

Large bedroom, study, meeting room, private pool, private cinema, gym, wine cellar, guest rooms, you name it.

The main thing is the location, the center of Huahai City, and here is the tallest building in the neighborhood.

Gu Chen can view the Huahai Sea here at 360 degrees without dead ends.

Enjoy all the sights of the bustling metropolis, and it is said that the night view is the best place to see.

Then he went to the master bedroom and put all the two title deeds and another watch in his backpack into the safe.

After a short rest, he received a call from Armani delivery man.

He remembered that he had bought a lot of clothes in the morning, so he quickly went down and called them to help him deliver them, otherwise he would really have to go back and forth several times.

Looking at the restrained figure of the delivery man, Gu Chenguan smiled,

"Thank you two brothers!" You can watch it casually! The

two Armani delivery men were stunned when they heard this, and then looked at Gu Chen very gratefully.

It is not that they have not seen the world, and they have also delivered many rich people's homes in the past.

But I have never seen such a luxuriously decorated house, even those villas are not comparable.

After getting Gu Chen's permission, the two were even more addicted, and half an hour later they left with Gu Chen satisfied.

This time they have a lot of material to pretend and brag, and they are even more fluttering in the envious eyes of other colleagues.

Gu Chen, on the other hand, went to the community supermarket and bought some daily necessities and the like.

It was busy until the evening that Gu Chen finally sat on the sofa on the balcony and enjoyed the night view of the entire Huahai.

The lights are bright, and the tall buildings are like a steel behemoth.

Looking at the Huangpu River flowing with wealth under his feet, the neon lights flashed in various colors, facing the evening breeze, Gu Chen's mind was completely empty at this time, and all the bitterness of the year disappeared, and he turned to pride.

At this moment, the whole Huahai was at my feet.

After watching for about ten minutes, Gu Chen's mobile phone suddenly rang.

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