Several people went through several strict checks before slowly walking to their destination.

It is a building with nearly ten wide floors and an irregular shape.

"Mr. Gu has arrived, this is the New Energy Research Institute!" Ruan Li quickly introduced to Gu Chen at this time.

"At present, the team led by China's famous Professor Yan Shu is involved in the research, who has been working on this project before and has a lot of experience in the field of new energy."

After that, Ruan Li explained the general situation of the institute in detail, from the researchers of the institute to the various equipment and equipment of the institute.


Gu Chen touched his chin with his right hand and replied with satisfaction.

Seeing that Gu Chen was very interested, Ruan Li couldn't help but dry her lips and walked in front enthusiastically.

"Mr. Gu, please! Regarding the progress of the research project, only Professor Yan Shu can tell you! When

Gu Chen heard this, he followed the other party, saying it a thousand times and ten thousand times, it was not as good as seeing it himself.

Several strong cold men at the door nodded at Ruan Li, and then personally opened the alloy door of the research institute.

In the eye, there is a long passage, and the incandescent lamp above the head shines on the ground, full of the sense of science fiction in the movie.

Gu Chen became more and more satisfied with this research institute, and said that this hardware facility was definitely more high-end than anything he had seen before.

"In fact, this research institute was originally to study others, and finally canceled for unknown reasons, and it was taken advantage of by new energy projects, as long as other equipment is purchased, this can become a place for other research projects!"

Ruan Li continued to talk about the situation here very brightly.

Hearing this, Gu Chen suddenly realized, no wonder how this new energy could occupy such a good research institute.

Then, through a special forged gate, seeing Ruan Li's operation technique was completely like in the movie, Gu Chen was very interested.

I saw that the thick door opened to both sides with a drop.

"Mr. Gu has arrived!"

Ruan Li did not go first, but invited Gu Chen with a smile on her face.

Gu Chen nodded and stepped directly in, not caring at all if there was any danger.

After entering, it looks like a hall, but it is surrounded by doors, which probably lead to different research rooms.

At this time, there was also an elderly uncle in a research uniform who was standing in the center and discussing problems with several assistants, and when he heard the movement of the gate, he looked over.

An imposing young man walked in, his face full of inquiry and curiosity.

Then followed up with several people they didn't know, until finally Ruan Li came in, he knew that this young man was probably the acquisition target of this research institute.

"Professor Yan! Hello! Ruan Li had already seen the elderly uncle in front of her, and immediately said hello respectfully.

"Well, Xiao Ruan is here again, this is..." The thick mask on Yan Shu's face could not hide his smile.

Ruan Li then looked at Gu Chen: "Mr. Gu, this is Professor Yan Shuyan I mentioned before!"

"Hello Professor Yan!"

Gu Chen said hello with a smile.

Then Ruan Li looked at Yan Shu again and introduced: "Professor Yan, this is Mr. Gu Chen Gu, and he is also an employer who is willing to acquire the research institute.

"Hello Mr. Gu!"

Hearing Ruan Li's introduction, Yan Shu sighed in his heart, and then smiled and said hello.

He was a little uneasy about Gu Chen's age, and he didn't know what nature Gu Chen came to acquire this research institute, which was not something he could know.

"Professor Yan, don't look at Mr. Gu so young, but Mr. Gu is a real big man! The world-famous Shenzhou chip and Shenzhou system were developed by his research institute! Not only that, Mr. Gu also has several research institutes in his hands! Ruan

Li was thoughtful and directly said Gu Chen's identity, lest Yan Shu look down on Gu Chen, which would not be good.


Yan Shu was shocked when he heard Gu Chen's identity, but he didn't expect that Gu Chen had such great strength at such a young age, and his contempt for Gu Chen disappeared for a while.

Gu Chen was naturally happy for Ruan Li to explain, and smiled and stopped speaking.

Yan Shu became enthusiastic after knowing Gu Chen's strength, for a researcher like him who has dealt with laboratories all his life, Gu Chen's identity outside is not worth his attention.

What made him care was that Gu Chen had invested in several other research institutes before, which was the reason for his enthusiasm.

He is very envious of those who are now very famous, and now that the Lord is coming to his research project, does that mean that Mr. Gu also values his research project?

So Yan Shu introduced his project from the beginning, listening to Gu Chen nodded repeatedly, this Yan Shu still has strength.

Before he smoked new energy technology, he naturally understood it.

After introducing Gu Chen in one research room, the group came to Yan Shu's upstairs office.

Upstairs is their leisure area, with gym, cinema, computer room and so on.

"I wonder what Mr. Gu thinks?"

After Ruan Li arrived, she looked at Gu Chen with a blank eye. Hearing this, Yan Shu was also very concerned.

Gu Chen did not answer, but thought about it.

"I wonder what Miss Ruan's offer is for this research institute?"

Then looked at Ruan Li and asked.

Ruan Li's eyes suddenly flashed with joy, and Gu Chen's question meant that his heart was moved.

"Mr. Gu, I have two plans on my side about this research institute."

"The first is to cooperate with Mr. Gu, each holding half of the shares, and the future income and products will naturally be shared equally."

Hearing this, Gu Chen didn't want to refuse: "What about the second one?" "

What kind of joke, I've worked so hard for so long, and you still want to take advantage of me?

Ruan Li was stunned, she didn't expect Gu Chen to refuse so thoroughly, but she naturally believed in Mr. Gu's strength.

"The second is that Mr. Gu wholly purchased it, and all patent rights and use rights are Mr. Gu's!"

Ruan Li then described the second plan.

"I don't know how much the second one costs!"

Gu Chen nodded, this is about the same.

Ruan Li heard that there was no nonsense, took out a folder from her bag, took out a sheet about the expenses of the institute and handed it to Gu Chen.

"Mr. Gu, you can personally see that this is about the expenses of the institute and the quotation about the market."

After seeing Gu Chen take it, Ruan Li said with a smile.

Gu Chen looked at the above quotations about the institute at a glance, the price was very fair, and he nodded repeatedly.

Then seeing that several people were looking at themselves nervously, Yan Shu suddenly asked a question when he was about to speak.

"Mr. Gu, take the liberty to ask, I wonder what Mr. Gu plans to do with this research institute after the acquisition? Will the research project continue or will there be other arrangements? Hearing

this, Ruan Li also looked at Gu Chen.

Gu Chen smiled and looked at Yan Shu: "Don't worry, Professor Yan, I will not cancel the project you are currently researching, and I will strongly support it."

Yan Shu's eyes lit up when he heard this, and then he said no more.

"Miss Ruan, I think we can find a place to talk about it in detail, I wonder if Miss Ruan can handle this matter as a representative?"

Ruan Li was overjoyed when she heard this, and quickly said: "Don't worry, Mr. Gu, I can handle this matter with full responsibility!" Then

a few people left here, Gu Chen called Lawyer Lin to come over to draft the contract, Ruan Li naturally reported honestly with the above, and the above would also send a lawyer over and let her handle it all.

"Mr. Gu, it's done, can you take a look?" Lawyer Lin took out the document on the printer and handed it to Gu Chen and said;

Gu Chen carefully read it and handed it to Ruan Li.

Although Lawyer Lin is his own, Gu Chen is still very careful.

After Ruan Li handed over to the lawyer above, the other party looked at it much more carefully than Gu Chen, and several people were not in a hurry, knowing that Ruan Li's face was obviously happy after the other party nodded.

"Mr. Gu, since there is no problem, let's sign the contract, right?"

His eyes looked at Gu Chen eagerly.

"No problem!"

Gu Chen naturally had no problem, so he signed the contract under the witness of the lawyers of both sides.

All the equipment patents and technologies of the institute, plus Yan Shu and others, totaled nearly five billion.

The main thing is that the equipment is the top international equipment, which is very expensive and can not be bought with money, which makes Gu Chen very satisfied.

"Mr. Gu has a good cooperation!"

After seeing Gu Chen's operation of the transfer, Ruan Li said with a bright smile;

"Miss Ruan has a good cooperation!"

The two shook hands and let go.

After that, Ruan Li left.

"President Gu, I don't know what arrangements are next?" Only then did the assistant step forward and ask.

"Go to the research institute first!" Gu Chen smiled and left here.

Gu Chen went and returned, accompanied by the manager of this area, Gu Chen completed a series of tedious work, and then came to the institute unimpeded.

"Professor Yan, I want you to sign a new contract!"

Gu Chen didn't talk nonsense, directly took a document from Lawyer Lin's hand, and said to Yan Shu.

Yan Shu was stunned, and after reading it, he directly signed his name.

There is nothing else in this document, that is, everything here is kept secret and for ten years!

This is no different from the previous one, just more strict and harsh.

Seeing Yan Shu's performance, Gu Chen was very satisfied, and then under Yan Shu's summoning, everyone first got to know the new boss, Gu Chen, and then only a few had objections to Gu Chen's new contract, and they did not sign it, and the rest were signed.

Gu Chen, who did not sign, was also not polite and let them leave directly.

After that, Gu Chen carefully pulled Professor Yan aside, gave him a USB flash drive, and told him to see it himself, be sure to keep it secret, and that martial law will be implemented here in the future.

And then he left.

And Professor Yan was full of curiosity and puzzlement about Gu Chen's mystery, so he plugged into the computer on the LAN, opened it, and the whole person was stunned, followed by ecstasy and disbelief.

That's right, Gu Chen gave him new energy battery research technology!

Although he didn't know where Gu Chen got this cross-era technology, he was directly addicted and fell into it.

It wasn't until the evening that he came to his senses.

"What a genius idea, perfect technique!"

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