Professor Yan's face was a little shocked and excited, some of which he could not understand, despite the detailed explanation.

But it made him even more excited, kind of returning him to when he was doing research with his teacher.

"No wonder Gu always has to be so careful!"

For Gu Chen, he was full of admiration and curiosity at this time, where did he get such a powerful technology, it was really powerful.

At the same time, Gu Chen also said a word in the end, telling him to learn the technology as soon as possible, and later announced that he had researched it.

This made him hesitate a little, and in the end he was directly ecstatic.

On the other side, Gu Chen sent people to investigate Yan Shu's personality long ago before deciding to give this technology to him.

"In the future, the security and confidentiality of the institute will be the highest! The security guards around me found me the most reliable.

Gu Chen instructed seriously to the assistant in the car.

"Yes! Don't worry! The

assistant assured directly.

Although he didn't know what President Gu said to the other party in the end, he didn't know why President Gu treated a researcher so solemnly.

But since Gu Chen ordered, then he wouldn't ask much, just do things honestly.

This was also the reason why he was able to stay by Gu Chen's side for so long.

A new high-rise building in Yangcheng, a conference room.

"Everyone, this is the first time that we have held a high-level meeting of Shenzhou, I am very happy to work with you, and I hope we will cooperate happily in the future!" Gu Chen stood at the forefront and spoke.

Everyone below was naturally extremely curious about Gu Chen, the new boss, and hearing Gu Chen say this was naturally thunderous applause.

At the same time, everyone gradually understood Gu Chen's identity, and they were full of expectations and confidence for the future.

Later, I focused on the direction of the company's development, and let everyone reintroduce and adjourn.

There were only a few high-level and a few masters personally invited by Gu Chen.

"Liang Lao, Qian Lao, Gong Lao, I will be solely responsible for the design of the new car, and in the future, the development direction of our group may be about new energy!"

Gu Chen looked at several masters and said with a smile.

"Don't worry! With your strong support, if we can't study it, it's really shameless!

Elder Liang said with a smile.

"That's good!"

Gu Chen was relieved for these people.

Liang Lao is a very famous design master in the world, and has participated in the design of several luxury cars, which can be described as experienced.

After dealing with these things and handing them over to the assistant, Gu Chen became idle again.

After returning to Huahai, I discussed with my parents and decided to invite Chu Xinyi's parents to a meal in the evening, and discuss the affairs of the two by the way.

Chu Xinyi's parents naturally agreed to this matter, and they did not expect that the upstarts and big coffees in the business world today were their prospective sons-in-law.

Chu Xinyi's father is called Chu Yuntian, does not like to do business, is an archaeological expert, is not at home all year round, her mother is Duan Yumin, from a family of scholars, is a university teacher, teaches at Normal University.

The time came to six o'clock in the evening, and Gu Chen's family set off early.

Since several people did not know where to arrange the meeting, they discussed and discussed, and finally Gu Chen directly waved his hand and arranged it in his hotel, Huatian Hotel.

Huatian Hotel is completely okay as a famous hotel in Huahai, and several people agreed.

However, it is close to the New Year, come out to eat, participate in the wine bureau, and the party is even more crowded, if it were not for Gu Chen being the boss, he really might not have made an appointment now.

"Business is so good here?"

Looking at the people coming in and out, Father Gu was a little surprised.

For Father Gu, who has been here for half a year, he naturally knows the status of Huatian Hotel, which is not something that ordinary people can afford, and the lowest consumption can reach tens of thousands, which is not the consumption of the working class at all.

"Naturally! Huahai has a lot of money, plus there are naturally many people who come to eat when the New Year is almost over!

Gu Chen replied with a smile.

In fact, he was also a little surprised, he didn't expect the popularity to be so good.

"Welcome, how many of you have an appointment?"

Just entering the hall, a greeter asked with very polite etiquette;

"Yes! Imperial Palace!

Gu Chen directly reported his name.

Huatian Hotel is known as the ninth floor of one palace, three pavilions, five pavilions, seven gardens.

This represents absolute status, and it was touted by everyone as soon as it came out, after all, who doesn't want their identity to be a little more noble than others?

However, this palace has only been opened once, so when the one mentioned before came, it was not open at other times, except for the boss's own use.

The welcome was stunned when he heard this, and then reacted, isn't this person in front of him his boss?

"Gu... Mr. Gu, I'm sorry. "

Quickly apologize, very scared in my heart.

"It's okay! Let's take my parents first!

Gu Chen was very gentle and said to the welcome with a smile;

"Okay, Mr. Gu, Mrs. Gu, please over here!"

Only then did Yingbin see the middle-aged couple next to Gu Chen, but he didn't expect it to be the boss's parents, and he suddenly became more respectful.

"You guys go up first! I'll wait for them. Seeing

his parents' puzzled eyes, Gu Chen explained with a smile.

After hearing this, Gu's father and mother went up first.

However, Father Gu was looking around, not caring about the image at all.

Originally, Gu's father was the son of a rich family, but this little half a year at the construction site made him like a little old man.

The welcome is naturally desperate for this, so that he can get along with the boss's parents for a while, and maybe he will be developed as soon as he is happy.

At this time, he naturally did everything in his power to make the second elder happy.

Gu Chen didn't wait long below, and saw the stunning Chu Xinyi in the crowd, she was particularly beautiful today, so Gu Chen couldn't help but take a few more looks.

Chu Xinyi was naturally very happy to see Gu Chen at the door, and quickly ran to Gu Chen, and the two hugged each other directly, which made many people around full of envy.

The two get together less and leave more, work needs, Gu Chen often runs on both sides during this time.


At this time, a tight coughing sound sounded in his ears, and Chu Xinyi quickly pushed Gu Chen away, his face was as red as a monkey's butt.

Gu Chen was also flustered, he forgot that Chu Xinyi came with his parents this time, so he must have been seen by them.

For a while, my heart was apprehensive, after all, this was the first time I saw my father-in-law and mother-in-law.

If someone else Gu Chen looks at it, it is estimated that it will be embarrassing for others, but unfortunately it is not.

"This is Xiao Chen, right?"

At this time, one of the middle-aged ladies who was full of the smell of books looked at Gu Chen with a smile on his face and asked.

She was very satisfied with Gu Chen at this time, nodding repeatedly, and naturally knew that Gu Chen was very good with her eyes that had been teaching for many years, and she was also sincere to her daughter.

What is it? The mother-in-law looked at her son-in-law, and the more she looked at it, the more pleasing it became.

"Hello Auntie! I'm Gu Chen, I didn't expect my aunt to be so young.

At this time, Gu Chen also almost reacted, looking at the lady in front of him who was five points similar to Chu Xinyi, and saw that it was Chu Xinyi's mother, and immediately said with a smile.

"Xiao Chen can really talk."

Chu's mother suddenly laughed, no woman doesn't like others to praise her for being young, not to mention that this person is still her son-in-law.

Chu Xinyi glanced at Gu Chen, and then took his arm and introduced: "Gu Chen, let me introduce you, this is my father!"

"Hello Uncle Chu! I'm Gu Chen, you can just call me Xiaochen!

"Hello! Nice lad! Chu

Yuntian looked at Gu Chen and was naturally very satisfied, and said something that Gu Chen was confused about.

"Uncles and aunts, let's go first! My parents are waiting for you inside! Gu Chen then began to lead the way.

"This way! Go, don't make people wait for a long time! Hearing Gu Chen say this, Chu Mu hurriedly said.

Father Chu also had an expression of approval.

So Gu Chen took a few people and walked upstairs.

After a few turns, several people finally arrived at the location, which was a luxurious room on the top floor, and the entire floor was the imperial palace.

They were all built according to the size of the imperial palace of the ancient imperial capital.

"With such luxury here, will Xiao Dust break the bank?"

Although Chu's father and mother knew Gu Chen's identity, they were still shocked by such a luxurious decoration and design.

"Dad, mom, don't think about it, this hotel is also Gu Chen's, so there is no loss for him at all!"

Chu Xinyi explained with a smile at this time.

Hearing this, Chu's father and mother were stunned, Gu Chen smiled and did not deny it, he knew a little more about Gu Chen, he was really rich!

Then a few people walked in, compared to the outside, the inside is the real luxury of poverty, otherwise how can it be called the imperial palace?

Ancient emperors are no more like this!

Father Chu was surprised by his eyes, if he didn't care about his identity and location, he couldn't help but study it.

"Uncle Chu, everything here is antique!" Gu Chen explained with a smile.

"What!" Hearing Gu Chen say this, he had no doubt at all.

"Okay! Wait until you see your in-laws, you look like this? Seeing

Father Chu's soulless appearance, Mother Chu glared directly.

"Ahem! Let's go! Don't keep people waiting! Father Chu immediately reacted, and said pityfully.

"Uncle Chu can study casually in the future!" Gu Chen smiled inwardly at this time, he didn't expect Father Chu to be so obsessed with antiques.

"Good, good, good! Or Xiao Chen, understand me! Father

Chu was overjoyed when he heard this.

Then there was a panoramic dining table near the innermost part, where Gu's father and mother were waiting.

"Dad, mom, this is Xinyi's dad, mom!"

Gu Chen introduced both sides with a smile.

Several people immediately said hello to each other, and then started chatting from the two.

Gu Chen, on the other hand, ordered the dish.

Unexpectedly, the parents of both sides naturally chatted very happily.

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