After Gu Chen and Chu Xinyi glanced at each other, the two were naturally extremely happy.

"That's right! Xiao Chen, what are your plans for the future? At this time, Chu Mu looked at Gu Chen and asked.

"I see, it's better to let them get married directly! I want to hold my grandson as soon as possible!

Gu's mother said first.

Chu Mu also nodded repeatedly.

The corner of Gu Chen's mouth twitched, Chu Xinyi lowered his head and shyly did not speak, while Gu's father and father Chu drank small wine and did not speak.

"Mom, aunt, Xinyi and I are still young and don't plan to get married so early, first focus on career!"

Gu Chen explained awkwardly at this time.

I didn't expect my mother to be so anxious, even my grandson said it.

"What a career, your career is so big! Still career-oriented? Before

Chu's mother could speak, Gu's mother glared at Gu Chen directly: "Anyway, you guys got married first!"

"That's right!"

At this moment, Chu's mother Gu's mother directly became an ally in the same camp.

Mother Chu is very satisfied with Gu Chen, plus what she understood just now, Mother Gu is obviously also a good mother-in-law, and she is very good for Xinyi, so she wants to hold Gu Chen in her hands!

Gu Chen looked at Father Gu as if asking for help, even if he knew that Father Gu didn't look at Gu Chen, Father Chu was the same.

"Okay! Choose your own day!

Gu Chen had no choice but to agree.

However, he was also looking forward to it in his heart, looking at the scent of the lovely body around him, which made him feel a pang of ape.


Hearing Gu Chen's agreement, several people were naturally overjoyed.

After discussing it several times, they were not satisfied, and decided to find a master to count the days, and the topic was closed.

"Little dust! You this hotel, I see that the business is very good!

At this time, Father Chu said with a smile: "There were really many people when I came!" If you open one all over the country, wouldn't it be..." When

Father Gu heard Father Chu say this, he immediately said with a smile; "Haha, but five-star hotels are not easy to open a national chain!"

You must know that five-star hotels cannot be opened with money.

Gu Chen was stunned when he heard this, yes, he can directly open a five-star hotel in major cities, and he will definitely be very famous with Huahai's headquarters.

And this is just a little trouble for himself, but that Taobao is going to be the richest man himself, which is just an opportunity, after all, putting money in the bank is the most failed investment.

As for connections, their own back to the official is naturally a green light all the way!

Thinking of this, he had some ideas in his mind, he could prepare and investigate first, and then he could start the plan after the year.

However, this general manager candidate stumped him.

The current general manager of Huahai Hotel is definitely not good, not because he is not loyal enough, or because he is not capable enough, more than enough, and insufficient development.

Suddenly a name came into his sight, Liu Ying, the original general manager, he transferred her because she was too wasteful here, isn't it just right now? In addition, she has also experienced so long in Taiyu, and her ability is even more worry-free.

Thinking of this, he had an idea, and he didn't think about anything else, and started chatting with his family.

After that, the first meeting between the two sides was a successful conclusion, and both sides were very satisfied.

January 31st, sunny.

Gu Chen went to Taiyu Group early in the morning and first held a high-level meeting to summarize everyone's work and things in the past year, and looked forward to the future prospects.

Finally, he said the most anticipated bonuses and holiday dates.

After announcing the holiday of the entire No. 2, the conference room was filled with joy.

"As for the bonus, I will give it to you based on your attendance and contribution plus the group's profit for the year! Please rest assured, I am here to get a thorough understanding and give you a number of high-level officials no less than this!

Gu Chen said with a smile, and then stretched out a palm.

There was an exclamation.

Looking at everyone's smiles, Gu Chen was also very happy, after all, he was the one who gained the greatest benefit.

During the year, he looked at the financial statements.

Taewoo was in a state of breakeven in the first half of the year, and it was not until the second half of the year, that is, after he took over, that he showed a straight rise.

The group's net profit reached three billion, not including the settlement after the group's expansion.

If this number is spread, it is estimated how many people will be scared!

Gu Chen was very satisfied.

After that, Gu Chen called the general manager Liu Ying to the office.

"President Gu, I don't know if it's..."

Liu Ying asked as soon as she came in.

"Ahem, how is Manager Liu working? Still adapting?

Gu Chen asked with a smile after making her a cup of tea.

"Mr. Gu, please rest assured! Everything was ok! Liu Ying didn't know what Gu Chen meant, her eyes rolled around, and she replied without leakage.

"That's good! I wonder if Manager Liu has thought about changing jobs?

Gu Chen nodded, looking at the other party's proud figure, and his eyes quickly glanced away.

Liu Ying naturally also saw Gu Chen's small movements, and her heart was slightly proud, but her face was still puzzled: "Huh?" I don't know what Gu always has to order?

"I want to open a Huatian Hotel in a major city across the country!" Gu Chen went straight to the point.

"Huh?" Liu Ying was surprised by Gu Chen's idea.

"In recent years, with the official policy and development, many cities in the mainland have begun to flourish, the economy has also been vigorously recovered, and naturally many local tycoons have been born, so they definitely need a place worthy of their identity, and my hotel naturally goes without saying!"

So, I think it's totally okay to go!

Gu Chen talked, and Liu Ying, who listened, nodded repeatedly, agreeing with Gu Chen's thoughts.

"So, I wonder if Manager Liu wants to go back to the position of general manager?"

Hearing this, Liu Ying naturally nodded subconsciously, if she really opened, then her identity would be important.

"But Mr. Gu forgive me, if it really goes on, then the funds must be a terrifying number, and the local government must cooperate!"

Liu Ying thought about it, the excitement in her heart faded, and she asked the most serious question.

She knew that Gu Chen might not be short of money, but with the cooperation of local governments, this problem was too difficult.

A flash of satisfaction flashed in Gu Chen's eyes, not bad!

"Don't worry! I will solve these two points for you, I don't know if Manager Liu has the confidence to do it!

Then Gu Chen knocked on the table and asked with a fine expression.

Liu Ying nodded at this time, since Gu Chen completed the two most difficult points, then he naturally had no problem.

"Good! I will leave this matter to you! You go back and make a planner and report to me who and how much money you need! You're ready to get ready! Execute straight and fast after years! Gu Chen did not procrastinate, and directly ordered.

When Liu Ying heard this, she went down to make the form.

Near noon, Liu Ying sent over the required financial and various personnel forms.

Looking at the numbers above, Gu Chen almost didn't hold it steady.

"The first batch of plans, I plan to build a total of 45 Huatian Hotel branches in provincial capitals and developed cities, with an estimated capital of 30 billion! The personnel probably..." Seeing

the corner of Gu Chen's mouth twitching here, although he knew that it would definitely not be cheap, he did not expect it to be so expensive.

After directly calling Liu Ying over, I knew that this was still a little, otherwise I would only have to lower the standard or reduce the branches.

But Gu Chen directly waved his hand and did this, joke, my future richest man will be knocked down by this?

So he went to other groups to withdraw money.

After all, he has always invested money in so many groups and has never withdrawn money, and now at the end of the year, he naturally wants to take back the net profits of each group, and at the same time announce the holiday time and bonus.

Remote Group invested a lot of money at the beginning of this half year, and naturally needless to say, because it has been expanding its business in this half year, he took a total of nearly 500 million in cash after paying bonuses and after setting aside working capital.

Longteng Group is a gold-absorbing beast, with a total profit of nearly 40 billion!

Seeing this number, Gu Chen's mouth cracked with a smile, he really didn't expect to make so much money, and next year he decided to increase his research.

If other mobile phone bosses heard Gu Chen's words, they would probably cry.

After all, these profits of Gu Chen were torn from a few of them.

He went to the pharmaceutical group in the imperial capital, with a total profit of more than 30 billion, which is also an industry that lays golden eggs.

Due to its unfavorable development, Grandview Group only made a profit of less than 1 billion.

As for Tiansheng, Gu Chen doesn't need to look at it, after all, it is still under construction and is still in a state of debt.

So Gu Chen calculated that when the card was empty, there was an extra 80 billion, and suddenly he had sufficient confidence in next year's development plan, and he planned to start entering other industries from next year and quickly become the richest man in China.

Of course, according to the list in society, as long as he sends out this income, then the richest man must be him, but this richest man is useless to him!

Time turned to the second in an instant, Gu Chen directly waved his hand, everyone's bonus is very rich, you can go back to live a good year!

To the envy of other peers, Gu Chen's employees salary and welfare are much better than people in other companies, so many people are very envious of wanting to do things under Gu Chen, but Gu Chen's recruitment is very strict.

His employees now have more than 100,000 people, and when he saw this number, he was also shocked.

It turns out that I have already approved it so unconsciously?

Then he calculated the bonus, and a total of nearly 10 billion was issued.

It seems like a lot, but in fact, it is not much, after all, more than 100,000 people and many shareholders, executives, and an ordinary employee are only thousands of yuan, which also makes their sense of belonging to the group stronger.

After Gu Chen invited the high-level officials of various groups to dinner, he took Gu's father, Gu mother, and Shishi to embark on the journey back to his hometown.

"Brother, I have a bonus of 500,000!" On the co-pilot, Xu Shishi is still beautiful.

You've asked this nearly a hundred times! Annoyed!

Gu Chen was speechless, if she knew that she had more than seven billion, she would not be crazy.

"Am I not excited?"

Xu Shishi was very excited, looking at the string of numbers on her mobile phone like a dream.

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