Gu Chen glanced at it in disgust, and said with disdain, "Izumi!" Then

he concentrated on driving, originally Gu Chen planned to fly back directly, but Gu's mother did not agree, so he could only work hard to become a driver.

The richest man in the future has fallen to such a point, it is really sad for those who hear it and cry!

"Dad, how are you doing at the construction site?"

Bored on the road, Gu Chen found a topic, for Tiansheng Construction Company, he really didn't pay too much attention, naturally did not know the specific situation.

"It's ok! However, we are almost finished building the new area, and there is no project next, so it is a big loss, so you are still responsible for finding it? Father

Gu's eyes lit up when he heard this, and then he thought of something and said to Gu Chen.

Gu Chen was slightly surprised, was it so fast?

"Dad, now that you are the general manager, shouldn't you solve this kind of thing yourself?"

However, he said depressedly, and then changed the topic: "By the way, how many engineering teams are there in hand now?" "

Finding a project is naturally extremely simple, not to mention that he will have a big move next year!

"At present, the company has a total of five engineering teams, each with a number of people ranging from one hundred to one hundred and fifteen, otherwise why do you think we built so fast!"

Father Gu thought about it and said with disdain.

"Five!" Gu Chen muttered, calculating that it was far from meeting his requirements.

"By the way, Dad, you can recruit next! How many workers are looking for how much, but a little, absolutely cannot be indiscriminately charged!

Gu Chen looked at Gu's father through the rearview mirror and said seriously.

"What else do you want so many people for?" Father Gu asked puzzled.

In his opinion, the number of Tiansheng workers is very large.

"Dad, I will make a big move next, your number is completely insufficient, if you can, you can recruit people now, or buy other construction companies of small engineering teams!" Gu Chen explained.

"Okay! Then I will recruit people vigorously! When

Father Gu heard Gu Chen say this, he immediately agreed.

So he called his assistant directly and asked him to take charge of the matter.

Looking at Gu's father's actions, Gu Chen couldn't laugh or cry, but he didn't expect that his father directly pushed these things to his assistant.

The Spring Festival is the largest period of population movement in the country, so there is no doubt that Gu Chen is stuck in traffic, looking at the car like the Great Wall in front of him.

"Look, I said that driving will definitely be stuck in traffic, and I don't know when it will be blocked yet?"

Gu Chen looked at the motionless traffic and shouted, causing Gu's mother to stare and not dare to speak.

One morning passed, Gu Chen only moved hundreds of kilometers when he just got on the highway, and the rest passed in walking and stopping.

Finally walked to a service area, Gu Chen drove directly in.

"According to this progress, I don't expect to be home at night!"

Gu Chen looked at the blocked road before and after, and said with a frown.

"Okay, I can't retreat now anyway, let's go slowly!" Safety first! So

after solving personal hygiene, several people bought a large bag of things in the convenience store to avoid starvation on the road.

Start again, still stop-and-go.

"There should be a traffic accident ahead!" Gu Chen judged.

Sure enough, before he could say anything, they saw the scrapped car in the next lane.

After here, the next traffic was faster, and Gu Chen was relieved.

In the intersection just off the highway, perhaps many car owners are very impatient, so they have accelerated their speed and rushed towards the exit gate.

Directly bang happened a serial car accident, watching Gu Chen was terrified, fortunately he was not the same as them, otherwise....

However, with such a serious car accident, Gu Chen couldn't leave.

"Whew, little dust! You can't drive so fast in the future!

Gu's mother was also taken aback, and quickly instructed.

"Don't worry! Mother! Gu Chen nodded.

Seeing that stopping here is not a thing, so Gu Chen called, his hair little Gu Xiao.

"Hey, where?"

"At home, you're back?"

Hearing the voice in the mobile phone, Gu Chen's heart was at ease, and they would naturally contact on the mobile phone these days.

"yes! However, it is blocked at the high-speed intersection, it is estimated that it will take a long time to come out, hurry up! Gu Chen didn't talk nonsense either, and shouted loudly.

"Haha, okay, come right away!"

Gu Xiao gloated when he heard this, and then hung up the phone.

"Is it Xiaoxiao?" At this time, Gu Mu suddenly asked.

"Yes!" Gu Chen nodded with a smile.

Nearly half an hour later, Gu Chen knew that the other party was coming, so he moved all the things to his car, and Gu's father and mother and Shishi also left first.

At this time, only Gu Chen was left in the car, and he waited for nearly three hours to deal with the accident, and the car started slowly, looking at the situation in front of him to record the tragedy of the accident.

"Why bother! What a joy to become!

Gu Chen shook his head and said.

At this time, the moon was already on the branches, the hazy moonlight shone down the sky, and the biting cold wind whistled on the car window.

At this time, Gu Chen was not in a hurry to drive home, now he had to eat first, he was already hungry.

Directly found a familiar and unfamiliar restaurant to solve dinner.

After a stormy meal, Gu Chen burped comfortably.

This is a restaurant that has existed for a long time, Gu Chen has existed since he can remember, good quality and low price, at this time at eight o'clock in the evening, during the peak eating period, the tables are full.

Suddenly, he heard a loud noise.

"What are you doing? We haven't finished eating yet, why call us Jean!

"Tell you to let it! Where did the nonsense come from!

"Don't let what's wrong!"

"What's wrong? You can't get out of the hotel! For

a while, the eyes of the entire hotel were all attracted to the past, and Gu Chen was no exception.

Turning his head to look, it turned out that several gangsters came to eat, but there was no place, so he used the instinct of gangsters to directly seize a position.

So it started to make a noise.

At this time, the shopkeeper also hurried over.

"Have something to say, don't do it!"

Suddenly came to the sides of the two parties, piled up smiling faces and said kindly.

"Boss, I came here to eat, just treat the guests like this? Seize a position?

At this time, a guest at the table asked directly.

As soon as these words came out, the entire hotel looked at the owner to see how he answered.

The owner was also quick to react.

"How so! This handsome guy has thought about it a lot, this matter is the responsibility of my hotel, so let's eat five folds today, how about? He quickly laughed.

He knew that if he didn't solve it well today, then the reputation of his restaurant would stink, and who would want to come to eat in the future!

"Oh? Boss, you mean to let us eat standing up?

At this time, several gangsters began to question.

Their faces began to look at the boss with malice.

"Don't worry, a few handsome guys, there is a place, or you go up for some tea first, wait?" The boss glanced at the tables all around him, and immediately discussed.

"Less nonsense! To come to eat here is to give you face! Hurry up, make room for me, otherwise your hotel won't want to open in the future!

At this time, a gangster next to him became impatient, glared at the eyes that came around, and directly threatened.

The boss hesitated when he heard this, he knew that these people were gangsters in the neighborhood and had nothing to do on weekdays, but if you offended them, then you wouldn't want to live in peace.

At this time, the guy next to the boss came up and whispered a few words, and immediately Gu Chen found that the boss glanced at him.

Then he walked over.

"This handsome guy, I don't know if you have finished eating, can you give up a position, this time the handsome guy is calculated by five, how about?"

The boss came to Gu Chen and immediately whispered.

At the same time, the boss's prayer Gu Chen could obviously feel it, he thought about it and planned to agree, anyway, he had already eaten, if there was no such thing, he might have left.

At this time, several gangsters came over.

"Less verbose, after a long day, there is an empty seat here!" Do you go by yourself, or do we carry you along?

Gu Chen's face suddenly darkened.

Looking at these people so arrogant at a glance, it is usually arrogant, in the past, it was not that no one called the police, but several people were detained for a few days at most, but after coming out, they would retaliate against the people who called the police, and no one dared to call the police after several times.

"Oh? What if I don't go? Gu

Chen originally planned to leave, but when he saw the attitude of several people, he didn't want to leave.

"Boy, you're looking for death!"

At this time, the gangster pointed at Gu Chen and planned to make a move, but the owner of the hotel quickly stopped him.

"Don't, don't! A few brothers, approaching the New Year, everyone is angry and rich!

After the boss said a word, he looked at Gu Chen: "This handsome guy is like this, today's meal money is counted as my invitation, anyway, you will finish eating, or give me face."

After speaking, he gave Gu Chen a look.

Gu Chen nodded secretly when he saw it, this boss can be a person, no wonder the business is so good.

He was about to speak when a voice came.

"Whose car is parked there next to the hotel outside, hit by someone, black!"

A waiter at the door hurried to the inside of the hotel and shouted.

Suddenly there was a car and quickly ran out to see, Gu Chen's heart moved, wouldn't it be so coincidental?

At this time, he got up and looked at a few gangsters, and went to the front desk to pay the bill.

"Boy, look at what! Be careful with you! The gangster looked at Gu Chen's appearance and said.

Later, I also went out to see the liveliness.

When I paid the bill and went out, a large number of people had gathered outside, looking at my parking position, the corners of my mouth twitched, and the bad premonition in my heart became stronger and stronger.

Quickly squeezed in, and his face changed.

Sure enough, it was my own car, I really didn't have an accident on the highway, but I stopped here and was hit, what a disaster!

"Did you hit my car?"

Walked out directly and questioned a pot-bellied man inside.

Suddenly, the scene looked over, and the Lord came.

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