"Zhu Dafu, who did you provoke! Are you a pig? I tell you, don't burden me if you want to die! If I don't die this time, I'll kill you!"

President Zhu suddenly listened to the other party's insults with a confused expression.

He opened his mouth and didn't know what to say, Zhang said that he himself had provoked some big man?

But he hasn't caused trouble all this time?


At this time, President Zhu looked at Gu Chen in the distance, and when he saw the other party's unnervous look, he seemed to understand.

If the people who provoked him in the past were all very nervous or even overwhelmed, only Gu Chen seemed to have always had this light and breezy expression.

Could it be....

Suddenly, his fat body trembled, really afraid of what would come, and then his mobile phone rang again.

Trembling raised his hand to see that it was Brother Leopard's phone.

There is no choice but to connect.

"Hello? Zhu Dafu, did you mess with anyone? Hearing

the questioning voice from the mobile phone, the pot-bellied man was stunned and asked cautiously: "Brother Leopard, what happened?" Brother

Leopard was silent for a long time: "Zhu Dafu! You, you, this time it's over! For the sake of our previous friendship, I tell you, tonight you provoked a big man, and you made me miserable! Is Arwen also following you? When

the pot-bellied man heard this, his heart was hammered at the moment, and he looked at Gu Chen in a complicated way and sat directly on the ground.

"Brother Leopard, save me! Is there a way? Help me! "

When I remembered something, I immediately pleaded on the phone.

"Zhu Dafu, you asked the wrong person, I can't protect myself now! I'm telling you!

Then he hung up.

Zhu Dafu was stunned, and then remembered and climbed directly in front of Gu Chen's eyes.

"This gentleman, I was wrong! I'm not a thing! I dog eyes look down on people! Please, spare me?

Gu Chen was stunned when he saw this person, and then took a few steps back expressionlessly.

He guessed that Yu Xiangui should have made a move, but he didn't have any sympathy for this kind of person.

At this time, when several gangsters returned from the crowd at this time, they were immediately stunned on the spot, and several people saw shock and disbelief on their faces.

"Zhu... Mr. Zhu?

Brother Wen stammered and looked at the pot-bellied man.

"Sir, I have old and young, you just let me go like a fart!" In this way, I will compensate for all losses caused to you, no! I triple compensation! The

pot-bellied man ignored the other party, still pleading bitterly.

At this time, an alarm bell sounded, and the pot-bellied man trembled.

Brother Wen and several gangsters were at a loss at this time, standing in place and not daring to move.

He already regretted it very much in his heart, why did he wade into troubled waters this time!

And that young boy, what kind of identity can actually make Zhu Dafu scared like this, and for a while he was also full of bitterness.

Several police officers came out of the police car, led by a middle-aged man full of majesty.

"Who is Zhu Dafu, Mo Wen?"

Immediately looked at the scene and asked in a deep voice.

Zhu Dafu suddenly trembled when he heard his name, and could only stand up and nodded.

"After receiving a report that you are suspected of fraud and disturbing social order, take it away!"

The middle-aged police officer nodded and waved his hand, and suddenly several of them handcuffed the two.

The two also did not have any resistance and were directly taken to the police car.

"This is Mr. Gu, right?" Coming to Gu Chen, he asked with a smile.

Gu Chen nodded.

"Please rest assured Mr. Gu, regarding the losses caused to Mr. Gu, we will definitely call the parties to compensate in accordance with the law!"

The middle-aged police officer glanced at Gu Chen curiously, and then assured.

He was extremely curious about Gu Chen, and he was able to make the above pay great attention.

"There is work!" Gu Chen only thanked him out loud at this time.

Then several police officers began to deal with the scene, and Gu Chen also received a call from Yu Xiangui again at this time.

"Mr. Gu, how is it? It should be done now, right?

Yu Xiangui's respectful voice came from the phone.

"Thank you Mr. Yu!" Gu Chen thanked with a smile.

"It's okay, it's okay! Even if there is no old man, I believe Mr. Gu will be fine!

Yu Xiangui said quickly.

Gu Chen didn't say anything when he heard this, after all, what he said was the truth, he just didn't want to call the other party so troublesome, after all, the ground head snake is sometimes the most convenient and simple.

"By the way, Mr. Gu, I don't know if you are free, I want to treat you to a meal?"

Then Yu Xiangui cautiously invited.

Gu Chen's brows frowned, he thought about it, he had troubled people twice, and it was not easy to refuse: "Okay, you can arrange the specific time!"

"Thank you, Mr. Gu!"

Yu Xiangui was overjoyed when he heard Gu Chen's agreement.

It seems that some royal family member has been invited.

Then a few people chatted a few words and hung up the phone.

Gu Chen shrugged, feeling that he was really a murderer today, and it was estimated that he had to go to the temple to worship.

Took a taxi straight home.

Gu Chen, who returned home, was naturally questioned again, but Gu Chen did not say anything about the aftermath, only said that he came back after eating.

After all, these chores don't want them to worry.

The next day, Gu Chen's little Gu Xiao came to Gu Chen's house early to find Gu Chen.

At this time, Gu Chen had just finished aerobic exercise.

"You kid coming so early?"

Gu Chen asked with a smile after glancing at it;

"Of course! Huh~ What about your car?

Gu Xiao laughed, saw that there was no car in the yard, and suddenly asked puzzled;

"It turns out that I am fake, and driving my car is real!" Gu Chen suddenly scolded with a smile.

"Last night was unlucky, after you left, I blocked for more than three hours, so I went to eat after that, but I didn't expect to encounter a stupid fork, I stopped in the parking lot and hit me!"

Speaking of this, Gu Chen was also quite speechless.

"Huh?" Gu Xiao's eyes widened, he didn't expect that Gu Chen had encountered this last night.

"Okay, let me keep this a secret! I didn't tell my mom! You boy, don't tell me it's leaked!

Then Gu Chen picked up his clothes and went in to wash, after all, the sweat was really uncomfortable.

After taking a bath, the two walked directly out of the house.

"Then don't you have a means of transportation now?"

The two were side by side on the city avenue, looking at the streets that were already plastered with Spring Festival things, Gu Xiao looked at the cars that flickered by from time to time, and suddenly asked.

"Nonsense!" Gu Chen glanced white, he naturally knew this.

"Then won't Aunt Gu know by then?"

"I said I was driven by your boy, and it broke me."

Gu Chen looked at Gu Xiao with a smile and said.

"What!" Gu Xiao was suddenly startled when he heard this, and looked at Gu Chen's expression that didn't look like a joke and suddenly became angry: "I'm going to tell my aunt now!" "

The two of them have been tearing each other apart since they were kids.

"Do you still want to drive my car?" Gu Chen said lightly, directly discouraged Gu Xiao.

Along the way, the two talked about some of their own experiences, and also walked in their footprints since childhood.

Sincere feelings are what Gu Chen has always maintained, but fortunately Gu Xiao has not become different because of Gu Chen's identity.

He breathed a sigh of relief, when he had dinner with several college classmates before, he was all under pressure on himself, and he was a little careful when he spoke, deeply afraid that he would be angry, which made Gu Chen very bored, so he hadn't been there after asking him to go.

"That's right! There is a high school party on the seventh, are you going? Are those old classmates curious about you?

Gu Xiao suddenly punched Gu Chen's shoulder and quipped.

He also did not expect that the chairman of Longteng Group, who is now in full swing, is the one in front of him.

"This... Let's talk about it then! Gu Chen hesitated for a while when he heard this, and then gave an ambiguous answer.

Gu Xiao naturally knew Gu Chen's worries, so he also understood.

"That's right! How were you at school? What is it like to be a teacher?

At this time, Gu Chen smiled and asked Xiang Fa about Xiao.

"Alas! It was really after becoming a teacher that I realized that we didn't understand the teacher at all!

Gu Xiao sighed after hearing this, and said with a sigh.

Imagine that they were the kings of students in the school, and they regarded the teachers and school rules as nothing.

Truancy is the norm, and fights are a regular visitor.

But fortunately, in the end, the two of them changed their ways and became high-quality students.

"Oh? It seems that there is a story to hear you say?

Gu Chen was interested and asked curiously.

"Do you remember that Qin Xuanxuan teacher before? Is that the time you heroically saved the beauty?

After Gu Xiao finished speaking, he squeezed his eyes twice.

Gu Chen directly gave a bored expression, but Qin Xuanxuan's figure still appeared in his heart.

"Before, Teacher Qin was the homeroom teacher of a class, and I was just a classroom teacher, and in the end, Teacher Qin didn't seem to be simple at home, so she was directly transferred, and I took over her position and became the homeroom teacher, it's a pity that I still wanted to show you?"

Gu Xiao shrugged and began to say.

In the end, he even looked at Gu Chen with a pitying look.

He didn't know that Gu Chen not only saw her later, but also knew where she was, and the most important thing was that he and his father were still cooperative.

"Oh? Also promoted? Good, congratulations Congratulations!

Gu Chen naturally wouldn't say this to him, but joked with a smile.

"Oh, don't mention it, this high school homeroom teacher I'm really not rare, I'm really tired, plus how many more to say?" And you are the same kind. Gu Xiao waved his hand and said with a sad face.

"Rich second generation?"

"Hmm! It's better than you to learn nothing!

"Gu Xiao, what's better than me? Watch your words! Gu Chen was not happy, glared and said.

Gu Xiao smiled, and then the two of them found a place to eat.

Of course, it was the road led by Gu Xiao.

"Good! Is there still this place in Yong City? Seeing

the decoration inside, Gu Chen nodded and said with a slight surprise;

"That is! It's been two years since I shaved here, and this one was newly opened last year, and the taste grade is not to say. Gu Xiao said proudly.

Although his family is not as rich as Gu Chen before, it is definitely not bad, after all, there are few friends of the rich second generation who are not rich second generation.

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