"Are you two going to eat or..." At

this time, a little girl wearing a waiter's costume with a younger face came and asked a little nervously.


Gu Chen and Gu Xiao naturally heard each other's words at once.

"Isn't this a restaurant? What else can you do without eating? Gu Xiao looked at the girl speechlessly and asked.

The girl's face instantly turned red, and she stood in place very helplessly.

"Okay! Hello, is there still a place for me?

At this time, Gu Chen also found that the girl's face was so thin, and she really didn't know why she became a waiter.

"Yes! Some! The girl's voice was as small as a mosquito when she heard this, and if it weren't for Gu Chen's five senses being strengthened, she wouldn't be able to hear it clearly.

Then the girl took Gu Chen and the two to a window position on the second floor.

"Thank you!" Gu Chen thanked with a smile.

"No thanks!" The girl suddenly rushed out like a frightened rabbit, and Gu Chen looked at Gu Xiao and looked at each other.

"Haha! I didn't expect that one day you would also scare people! Then Gu Xiao burst out laughing.

After that, a middle-aged man came, followed by the girl who had blushed before.

"Two gentlemen, I'm sorry, before the little girl didn't understand things, what do you two eat?"

The middle-aged man apologized, and then took out the menu.

"Is it your daughter?"

Gu Chen asked while ordering.

Is it any wonder that a restaurant isn't very idle to hire a red-faced and shy waiter?

"Good! The little girl is eighteen now, and she is still so thin-skinned, so I want her to come here as a waiter to have more contact with people to see if I can change this. The

middle-aged uncle explained with a smile.

The girl in the back turned even redder when she heard this, and her head was almost lowered to her chest like an ostrich.

Fortunately, Gu Chen ordered quickly, and the girl quickly fled.

Gu Chen and the two were amused, and thought this girl was very interesting.

As a result, the girl never came again when the food was served.

Isn't a hot meal a treat on a cold day?

Halfway through eating, suddenly there was a quarrel at the entrance of the stairs.

The two looked like two groups of young children pushing, shouting, cursing.

This quiet restaurant is very eye-catching.

But at this time, Gu Xiao suddenly got up and walked over, causing Gu Chen to be stunned.

"Ma Tao! I'm telling you! Don't think that knowing a few gangsters is awesome!

"What's wrong! I know the gangsters! Do you have an opinion?

Gu Chen faintly heard this conversation.

"Xu Yang! What are you doing here?

At this time, seeing the signs of the two groups of people making a move, Gu Xiao couldn't stand it, and walked out directly and shouted the name of one person.

As a result, a tall boy who called Ma Tao before instantly looked over, and his face suddenly changed.

"Gu... Teacher Gu, why are you here?

Ma Tao suddenly stammered and asked;

"I also want to ask why are you here? What's going on?

Gu Xiao glared and then asked the reason for the matter.

"Huh? Teacher? Xu Yang, you are really powerful! I even called the teacher over. Before Xu Yang could speak, Ma Tao began to taunt.

"Ma Tao, you fart! You think I'm just like you! Xu Yang suddenly cursed.

"Okay! What do you do? Gu Xiao directly calmed the two little fart children with a throat.

"What class are you from?" Gu Xiao saw that Xu Yang did not speak, so he asked another person.

"What's the matter with you? This teacher, this is not a school! Ma Tao said in a strange manner.

Then he walked down the stairs directly without giving Gu Xiao face at all.

Gu Xiao's face also sank.

Turning his head to look at Xu Yang staring at him fiercely, it was a little pale to him, in the end, it was too well protected by the ivory tower of the school, even the rich second generation was also startled.

"Come with me! Hurry up and go home!

Gu Xiao directly called Xu Yang over and asked his attendant to go home.

Looking at the hesitant Xu Yang, after he just glanced at it, Xu Yang was frightened, and quickly pulled the young people behind him to look at each other, and then he was amnestied and trotted out of here.

Gu Chen looked at Gu Xiao, who went and returned, and also brought a spirit guy, indicating what was going on with his eyes.

"Oh, your kind!"

Gu Xiao said something that Xu Yang didn't understand.

When Gu Chen heard this, he was curious about Xu Yang, and he knew that this was the rich second generation in Gu Xiao's class.

"Sit down! What are you still standing here for? Gu Xiao said after glancing at it.

Xu Yang quickly pulled up a chair and sat down, but he looked a little worried, and secretly looked at Gu Chen, very curious.

"This is your senior plus senior, and he was also the second generation of the first middle school and rich before! But your things are far worse than his! Gu Xiao said lightly.

Xu Yang suddenly looked at Gu Chen even more curiously.

"Hello, little student, my name is Gu Chen! You can call me senior!

Gu Chen greeted with a smile.

"Learn... Hello senior! My name is Xu Yang! Xu Yang hurriedly replied.

"Okay, tell me what's going on?" Gu Xiao finally asked.

Xu Yang fell silent when he heard this.

Gu Xiao didn't say anything, directly took out his mobile phone and started calling.

This action made Xu Yang's face change greatly.

"Teacher Gu, I said I said, don't fight!"

Quickly stopped Gu Xiao, who was about to call his father.

Gu Chen watched all this with interest.

"That person's name is Ma Tao, he is from the ninth class, and he and I were not good at school before, often against each other, and we even fought a few times outside the school! However, he knows a few gangsters outside the school, so I often suffer!

Xu Yang then told the general story of the matter, and Gu Chen shook his head again and again as he listened.

For Xu Yang, the rich second generation, he is also speechless, and your rich second generation is too wasteful.

"You can tell me! Why do you have to fight? Gu Xiao criticized when he heard this.

Xu Yang didn't speak when he heard this.

"He'll look for you later, you tell me!" Gu Xiao then said helplessly.

Xu Yang was still silent.

For what he had in mind, Gu Chen and the two were very clear.

It's nothing more than telling the teacher that it's very faceless, who hasn't come over like this, but when you enter the society, you know how ignorant you were at that time.


At this time, Gu Chen pretended to cough to attract the attention of the two and saw them look over.

"Little student! Is that Ma Tao the same in his family as you?

Gu Chen felt that as the rich second generation, it was necessary to mention each other.

Xu Yang nodded when he heard this.

Although he didn't know what Gu Chen meant.

"That's right, why can he know gangsters and still call gangsters thugs?"

Gu Chen snapped his fingers.

Xu Yang looked puzzled, and he also wanted to know this question.

"Alas! You really don't know anything about the rich second generation! Seeing

the other party's expression, Gu Chen sighed.

"Gu Chen, what do you want to do?"

At this time, Gu Xiao guessed what Gu Chen was going to say, and immediately reminded.

Gu Chen gave a reassuring look, and then looked at Xu Yang: "As a rich second generation, you naturally have to learn to use your advantages."

"What are your strengths?"

Xu Yang thought about it and shook his head.

"Money! You, as a rich second generation, don't even know your own advantages! Alas! It's really a shame for my generation, naturally it's money! Among my generation, the most important thing is money! But the most important thing in this world is also money!

"So why wouldn't you use that money!" I believe that Ma Tao, he must not have known the gangsters before, but people have money, as long as they give money to the gangsters, then they will naturally help Ma Tao!

As Gu Chen finished speaking, Xu Yang's face became more and more excited.

However, Gu Xiao looked at Gu Chen with an angry face, and he felt that this was teaching Xu Yang badly.

"Senior! You are amazing! I said how Ma Tao suddenly met the gangster, yes, he must have given money to others! Xu Yang said excitedly.

"Hmph! What a crooked reasoning! At this time, Gu Xiao suddenly said in an angry cold voice.

Xu Yang was suddenly taken aback, but the excitement on his face did not fade, and his eyes were even brighter.

"Gu Xiao, don't think that I did this to harm him, you have to know that although he doesn't know now, he will naturally know after experiencing the social dyeing vat, and having money is his advantage, not the reason why he became bad."

"As for the result, naturally you teachers need to guide you!" Gu Chen said positively.

Xu Yang seemed to understand whether he understood or not, while Gu Xiao was thoughtful.

"Everyone is an adult, this truth is understood, believe it or not, I will not say it or not, soon he himself will know, it was then that he was harmed, and now you can supervise and even guide him."

Gu Chen continued.

Xu Yang also frowned and understood, he was not stupid, and he could understand Gu Chen's words.

Gu Xiao had nothing to say, and he admitted that what Gu Chen said was right.

Then Gu Chen said a lot to several people, and Xu Yang and Gu Xiao benefited a lot.

Xu Yang looked at Gu Chen with great admiration in his eyes.

"Brother Gu, don't worry! I definitely won't be that kind of kid in the future!

Xu Yang even patted his chest and assured.

"Good! Xu Yang! In half a year, you will go to the university, see a wider sky, what you touch, know, understand, will make you change your personality, I hope you can remember what you said today!

Gu Chen patted the other party's shoulder and sighed.

Gu Xiao didn't expect Gu Chen's words to make the most rebellious student in his class who disobeyed orders become so obedient.

For a while, he became suspicious of his previous teaching methods.

In my heart, I thought that maybe I should change my teaching method, after all, the current students are very different from the previous ones.

The accelerated development of society has brought not only convenient life, but also many other problems, and the previous teaching method may have been successful at the time, but it may need to change now.

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