Gu Chen on the side naturally didn't know that his little Gu Xiao had already thought far away.

After that, several people chatted a few more words, and Xu Yang was no longer afraid of Gu Xiao before, but instead shouted one by one.

In the end, the age difference between several people is only a few years, as long as it is said, it is easy to play together.

"Okay! Relax during the winter break, the next semester will definitely be very hard! At the intersection, Gu Xiao said to Xu Yang.

"Don't worry! Brother Xiao, with my brain, I will definitely be admitted to university!

Xu Yang waved his hand, then said hello to Gu Chen and went back.

In this little hour, he had already turned into Gu Chen's little fan brother, and Gu Chen also appreciated him, so he exchanged contact information.

He didn't know how lucky he went, since he met Gu Chen, he didn't know it now, but after that, it had a profound impact on his life, and finally became one of Gu Chen's henchmen.

"This kid is also strange, a batch of good grades, but skipping class and not handing in homework is even more daily, compared with what your kid had back then!"

Looking at the other party's back, Gu Xiao said with emotion.

For this kind of person he has nothing to say, people usually don't work hard at all, but they can test better than you, you are not angry!

Gu Chen smiled and did not speak.

At this time, his mobile phone rang, and when he opened it, it was Yu Xiangui, who helped him last night.


"Hello? Good afternoon Mr. Gu!

Yu Xiangui asked with an old and breathy voice.

"Haha, hello to you!"

"I wonder if Mr. Gu is free tonight?"

Yu Xiangui was more happy to hear Gu Chen's voice, and his heart was overjoyed, and then asked nervously.

"Yes!" Gu Chen nodded.

"The old man invited Mr. Gu to dinner tonight, I don't know Mr. Gu..."

Gu Chen agreed with a smile.

"Good, good, good! Then I will respectfully ask Mr. Gu to drive at night! Yu

Xiangui was overjoyed when he heard this, and although Gu Chen verbally agreed last night, he was still a little worried.

"But old sir, I have a friend with me, maybe I will bring an extra mouth at night!" I hope I won't eat poor old gentlemen!

Gu Chen then joked and mentioned that he would bring someone over.

"No problem! Mr. Gu's friend is my friend, naturally welcome! Yu Xiangui directly agreed.


Finally, Gu Chen chatted a few more words and hung up the phone.

"Who is it?" Gu Xiao on the side asked curiously.

"Yu Xiangui! Have you heard?

Gu Chen raised his eyebrows.

"Shh~ it's him!"

Obviously, Gu Xiao had also heard it, and his heart was shocked, but he quickly reacted, and now Gu Chen's identity is much more powerful than him.

"Dust! I didn't expect that even Old Mr. Yu would invite you to dinner! Looking at Gu Chen said with emotion.

"That is! I'm not the same now! What do you think? Does Xiaozi want to go to Huahai with me?

Gu Chen was very proud and said proudly.

He naturally wanted to go to Huahai with him to develop.

"Forget it! Dust, now I kind of like being a teacher! Thank you for your kindness! Gu Xiao directly refused, and then said positively.

"Alright!" Gu Chen was also disappointed, he knew that this was the result, and he did not force it.

"But eat with me in the evening! Let's also see what this person who once crisscrossed the black and white worlds of Yongyong City is like!

Gu Xiao was also bright, for this old man, they grew up listening to his legends, and now they are naturally quite interested in seeing this legendary figure with their own eyes.

"Good! Then I'll borrow your light!

Gu Xiao thought about it and directly agreed.

So the two who had nothing to do in the afternoon visited all the attractions in Yong City, and then went to a hot spring to soak.

Gu Chen has not relaxed for a long time, it is really comfortable.

At six o'clock in the evening, the winter day is extremely short, and it is almost dark after five o'clock, and six o'clock basically enters the evening.

Gu Chen and the two directly took a taxi according to Yu Xianguifa's location to this private hall.

The two had never been here, and they were more curious for a while.

"I didn't expect there to be such a place in Yong City!" Gu Xiao sighed with emotion.

Although his family has a little money, it is not worth mentioning at all to the upper class of Yong City, that is, the Gu family that was not bankrupt at the beginning is a little worse, naturally I have not heard of here.

This hall is a status symbol.

"Let's go!" Gu Chen walked forward without waves, after all, in Huahai, he had seen better than here, and he was just a little curious before.

Gu Xiao can only follow Gu Chen, if he is lost, it is estimated that he will be thrown out by the people here, it will be too embarrassing.

Walk into a secluded hall where the orange lights look warm on your face.

"Do you have an appointment for the two gentlemen?" At this time, a waiter came over and asked.

In his opinion, since he knows this, it means that his identity is definitely not ordinary.

"Yu Xiangui!"

Gu Chen nodded and reported his name directly.

"You are Mr. Gu? Excuse me! Old Mr. Yu ordered, you come with me!" Hearing

Gu Chen's name, the waiter's face suddenly changed, and his smile was like a flower, very respectful.

Gu Chen followed the waiter to a certain box.

As a private guild hall, it is touted by everyone, and the secrecy work is very strict.

Along the way, through a long passage, through the garden, directly into an ancient room in the depths.

Gu Chen calculated that this place is still quite big.

"It's arrived! Mr. Gu, I won't bother! The waiter stopped in front of a door, immediately said hello and planned to leave.

"Thank you!" Gu Chen nodded his thanks, and directly pushed open the door.

Inside, a gray-haired old man and a middle-aged man were sitting on the side and closing their eyes, when they suddenly heard the movement and looked over, and immediately stood up directly with excitement.

"Hello Mr. Gu!" Yu Xiangui walked over unhurriedly, with a look of surprise.

"Hello! Mr. Yu! Gu Chen also showed a smile and stretched out his hand to shake it.

"Hello, this little friend!"

"Hello, Mr. Yu! It's really famous, it's better to meet! I grew up listening to your legends!

Gu Xiao was a little excited in his heart and greeted with a smile.

"Haha! That's what outsiders know!

Yu Xiangui laughed when he heard this, his mouth was very modest, but his heart had already blossomed.

At this time, the middle-aged man naturally recognized Gu Chen at a glance, really the chairman of Longteng Group, a real big man, for a while he was a little cramped and uneasy, and his heart was both nervous and excited.

Although he didn't believe that his father knew Gu Chen before, he believed it a little when he knew that Yu Xiangui brought him over.

But now after meeting, he is at a loss, although he has also met many big people over the years, but Gu Chen's level is very rare, let alone eat together!

"Gu... Hello Mr. Gu! I'm Yu Xiaochuan! Nice to see you!

However, everyone's eyes had already seen it, and he couldn't go on like this, so he introduced with a nervous face.

He had forgotten how long it had been since he had been so nervous.

"Hello! Mr. Yu! I heard that you have a good time working with Taiyu Group Branch! Even the manager of my Yong City branch praised you.

Gu Chen's appearance guessed that it was Yu Xiangui's junior, although he didn't know why he was so nervous, he still smiled and said hello.

"Really... It's true? Yu Xiaochuan was pleasantly surprised when he heard this.

"Naturally!" Gu Chen still replied with a smile.

Yu Xiangui was very clear about Gu Chen's words, but he was still very grateful.

"Mr. Gu, this is my immature son, and he is a little nervous sometimes!"

Yu Xiangui suddenly smiled at Gu Chen and said.

Gu Chen guessed in his heart.

"Please, Mr. Gu, please take a seat! This little friend also sits!

Then looking at Gu Chen standing, Yu Xiangui secretly scolded himself for being confused, and then warmly invited Gu Chen to take a seat.

After Gu Chen and the others were polite, they sat down separately, and there was no doubt that Gu Chen was naturally the master.

Yu Xiaochuan had been secretly observing Gu Chen while Gu Chen was talking to his father, and his heart had not been calm at this time!

This is the hottest big man in China! To be eating with himself at the moment was like a dream to him.

"That's right! Mr. Yu, I wonder if you have any other industries besides cooperating with Taiyu now? Through

the chat, I learned that Yu Xiangui had long been left alone, and all of Yu's business was handed over to his only son Yu Xiaochuan to manage.

"Huh?" Hearing Gu Chen ask himself, Yu Xiaochuan was stunned for a moment and then replied: "Yes!" Mr. Gu, currently Yu's industries include supermarkets, furniture, electrical appliances, etc.

Gu Chen's heart moved, "I wonder if there is land under General Yu?" Prime location? Hearing

Gu Chen's question, Yu Xiangui's heart moved, what does this mean? He believed that this Mr. Gu would never ask for no reason, and there would be some action, saying that people are old and refined, and they are worthy of this.

But compared with his old son, Yu Xiaochuan is not a star and a half worse!

Yu Xiaochuan thought about it when he heard this, their Yu family has operated in Yong City for three generations, and their heritage is not comparable to ordinary people.

"Mr. Gu, I wonder how old you are?" Suddenly, his eyes lit up, but he still asked cautiously.

He suddenly remembered a piece of land he bought more than ten years ago, and all these years he had been saying that development was not developed, and last year he originally wanted to sell it to Bandai Square! In the end, the old man spoke to cancel the cooperation with the other party and did not sell.

"Build a square the size of a square!" Gu Chen said with a smile.

When he heard the other party's words, he knew that the other party might have a piece of land in his hand.

"Mr. Gu, just right! I really have a piece of land in my hands, although it is not the center, but it is also more prosperous!

Yu Xiaochuan suddenly said with a smile.


Gu Chen's eyes lit up.

"Mr. Gu is really lucky! This land was originally purchased by the Bandai Group, but last year they suddenly withdrew from the Yongshi and finally abandoned it.

Yu Xiaochuan looked at Gu Chen's expression and explained.

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