Gu Chen suddenly realized, with such an expression.

He looked at Yu Xiangui's expression and knew that he had not told Yu Xiaochuan about this.

At that time, it was because he was looking for trouble with the Bandai Group, and it happened to be Yu Xiangui.

The current Bandai Group can be described as full of crises, all of which are the result of Gu Chen's secret suppression.

Last year, there were too many negative news about Bandai Group, many investors withdrew their investment, various projects were finished, and direct debts were nearly 100 billion.

Gu Chen will also increase the pressure this year! Hum! He even calculated him and bankrupted his family.

Although there are also internal treacherous members of their own father, all this is because of the other party.

"Exactly! Mr. Yu, I want this land! You can make an offer! Gu Chen suppressed the other thoughts in his heart, looked at Yu Xiaochuan and said with a smile.

But there is an undeniable attitude in the tone.

"No problem! But Mr. Gu, do you want to open a shopping mall? Yu Xiaochuan couldn't help himself, and then asked curiously.

"Yes! How big is that land? Gu Chen nodded and asked.

"More than 10,000 square meters, it is completely possible to build a large square, and there is even a lot of leeway."

Hearing this, Gu Chen was very satisfied.

"Could it be that Mr. Gu is ready to enter the mall?"

After hesitating for a moment, Yu Xiaochuan asked the doubts in his heart.

Yu Xiangui and Gu Xiao also looked at Gu Chen with the same curiosity.

To know that this Mr. Gu's hands, it is estimated that it is the big news of business, the big earthquake, they are naturally extremely curious.

Gu Chen was stunned when he heard this, and then shook his head with a smile, he forgot that his identity was only known by the top boss, and Yu Xiangui was naturally not qualified.

Seeing Gu Chen shaking his head, they were puzzled.

"Haha, I wonder if you have heard of Grandview Group?"

"Mr. Gu is talking about Grandview Group, one of the top ten shopping malls?"

Gu Chen smiled and said nothing, bowing his head slightly.

"Could it be..." Several

people didn't know why Gu Chen suddenly mentioned this, only Yu Xiangui's pupils suddenly contracted in his eyes, and he seemed to have guessed something.

Seeing that Gu Chen had no intention of opposing.


Suddenly gasped for air.

I saw my son's puzzled look.

"Grandview Group is also Mr. Gu!"

Yu Xiangui's eyes were complicated, and although his voice was trembling, it carried an affirmation.


Yu Xiaochuan and Gu Xiao also looked incredulous.

"Acquired Grandview Group before!" Gu Chen nodded directly and explained.

Then several people were silent for a long time, and Gu Chen also drank tea without speaking.

"I didn't expect Mr. Gu... It's so mysterious!

Yu Xiangui smiled bitterly and looked at Gu Chen with admiration.

"That's right! Mr. Yu should have an engineering team on his hands, right? At that time, it is estimated that I will cooperate with Mr. Yu again! Seeing

that everyone accepted, Gu Chen looked at Yu Xiaochuan and asked with a smile.

"Don't worry! Mr. Gu! Yu Xiaochuan was immediately very excited when he heard Gu Chen's words.

Later, several people chatted a few more words, which was nothing more than chatting around Gu Chen.

Several people who eat a meal are happy with the guests and hosts!

"All right! That's it for today!

Finally, Gu Chen looked at the time on his wrist and ended the meal.

"Good, good, good! That's it here today, thank you Mr. Gu for your patronage!

Yu Xiangui got up and thanked him.

"Haha! Mr. Yu is polite, then we will talk later! Then

Gu Chen and Gu Xiao left the box.

"How? I said I know Mr. Gu, right? Seeing

Gu Chen leaving, Yu Xiangui suddenly looked at his son proudly.

Yu Xiaochuan had a black line on his face: "Yes, yes!" Dad didn't see that you are really hidden, and even big people like Mr. Gu know him! I admire my son. At

this time, Gu Chen left, and Yu Xiaochuan was not nervous.

"Hmph! Who told you to question the prestige of your Lao Tzu?

Yu Xiangui snorted twice.

"But this Mr. Gu is really terrifying, even the Grandview Group belongs to Mr. Gu!"

Yu Xiaochuan was still shocked.

"yes! I didn't expect it either! Yu Xiangui also muttered.

Then he was ecstatic, after all, although he was not familiar with Gu Chen's relationship now, at least he knew, Gu Chen asked him to solve things, and he was excited to think of this.

Being able to do things for Gu Chen is a very exciting thing.


"Dust, you didn't lie just inside it? Is Grandview Group really yours?

Gu Xiao was the same, and asked again in disbelief.

"Nonsense! Why lie to you! Gu Chen said speechlessly after glancing at it;

"Is it Grandview Group with assets of more than 100 billion?"

"Is there another home?"

Gu Xiao's mouth was open at this time and he could stuff dinosaur eggs.

"Groove! Dust, aren't you the richest man now?

Gu Xiao shouted and asked excitedly.

In his opinion, with Longteng Group, Taiyu Group and Grandview Group, this is simply the god of the gods! Especially the Longteng Group, even he knows the strength of the Longteng Group.

"Think too much! The richest man is still close, but try to get the richest man next year!

Gu Chen scolded with a smile, and then said domineeringly;

Hearing Gu Chen's words, Gu Xiao was excited, as if the richest man was himself.

When the two walked to the door, Gu Xiao's mood was still very excited, but Gu Chen thought of something and looked at Gu Xiao helplessly.

"What's wrong?" Gu Xiao still didn't understand what was happening, and asked puzzled.

Gu Chen smiled: "We don't seem to have a car!"

"What!" Gu Xiao was stunned when he heard this, and the smile on his face froze.

They thought it was like they had come by taxi.

"Then hurry up and find a taxi?"

Gu Xiao was also very anxious at this time.

Who knew that Gu Chen looked at him speechlessly.

"What's wrong? See what I do?

"Do you look down on the boss here or can't you look down on eating here?"

Gu Chen looked at Gu Xiao like a fool.


"Do you need a taxi to eat here?"

Gu Chen asked rhetorically.

Gu Xiao suddenly realized, "Then what now?"

"I don't know! Let's go first, maybe you can meet a kind person! Then Gu Chen shook his head and walked towards the front, just in time to take a walk after dinner!

Gu Xiao quickly followed: "Do you want to find Old Master Yu?"

"There you go!"

Gu Chen waved his hand, he was embarrassed to go.

The richest man in the future still needs to borrow a car?

He was embarrassed to speak.

Then the two began to walk towards the main road.

"I said why is this guild hall owner so biased!" After walking for nearly ten minutes, Gu Xiao said with a resentful look.

When he came, he didn't feel far away by car, but now that he was walking at night, Gu Xiao felt very far away.

Fortunately, the main road here has street lights.

At this time, a strong light appeared behind him.

"Finally someone is coming! Dust! Go and stop it!

Gu Xiao said with a look of excitement;

Then he waved his hand towards the car behind him.

"Hey ~ there are people here! Stop!

Perhaps Gu Xiao's voice worked, and the car behind stopped in front of Gu Xiao with a sharp brake.

"Sorry! Can I give a ride?

Gu Xiao hurriedly came to the window of the car and asked with a smile.

At this time, the window of the back seat rolled down, and the head of a middle-aged man was exposed.

"This gentleman, do you have no car?"

"Yes, yes, this gentleman doesn't know if he can take a ride!"

Gu Xiao's excitement was that he was not so excited the first time.

"This is not an ordinary person can come, how can this gentleman run so far?"

The middle-aged man did not immediately agree, but asked the doubts in his heart.

After all, as a rich man in Yong City, it is naturally impossible for him to see a stranger and open the door.

"Yes! I came with my brother and someone invited him to dinner, so I followed, but we came by taxi, and who knew that after eating, there would be no car. Gu Xiao's face also flashed with embarrassment at this time.

The middle-aged man followed the direction Gu Xiao pointed and found Gu Chen on the side.

The other party nodded and pondered for a moment, as if he was thinking about whether to take them with him.

After all, some robbers look honest, but in fact, they don't know how cruel they are!

At this time, perhaps the cold wind in the car window blew in, causing the person who was asleep on the side to wake up instantly.

"Dad, what's wrong?" A slightly immature voice came out.

And a little confused.

"Huh! Why are you here?

Then he looked out the window and was surprised.

The middle-aged man was about to answer when he saw his son's surprised voice.

"Ma Tao?"

Gu Xiao also saw the person's face along the headlights, and he also had a surprised expression.

"What's wrong? Do you know? The

middle-aged man asked curiously.

"Dad, he's a teacher at our school!" Ma Tao said it directly.

The middle-aged man was also surprised, how could a school teacher come here to eat?

But I was relieved inside.

"Since it's a teacher at your school, it's easy to do!"

The middle-aged man said with a smile, and then looked at Gu Xiao: "If this teacher doesn't mind, come up!" "


Before Gu Xiao could answer, Ma Tao spoke up first.

"What's wrong?"

The middle-aged man turned his head and asked.

Ma Tao opened his mouth and didn't know what to say, he couldn't say that he had a fight with the other party at noon!

"Okay!" The old and refined Ma father still does not know what his son thinks, and he does not deal with this teacher at a glance.

"I'm sorry this teacher, come up!"

He looked at Gu Xiao apologetically.

"Thank you, Mr. Ma!"

Gu Xiao shook his head, and then thanked him.

Then got into the car with Gu Chen.

Gu Chen also recognized the boy in the car, and couldn't help but laugh for a while, what a coincidence.

Then several people asked each other politely and stopped talking.

"That's right! Teacher Gu, I don't know where you are going? I asked the driver to drop you off? When

he arrived in the city, Father Ma asked with a smile on his face at this time.

"No need, Mr. Ma just go here! Thank you Mr. Ma today! Gu Xiao shook his head and thanked him.

"Good!" Father Ma didn't say anything, after all, they were not familiar, and if it weren't for Gu Xiao being a teacher, he wouldn't know each other.

As for Gu Chen, he didn't say a few words the whole time.

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